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Is Pokemon Platinum worth getting for owners of Diamond/Pearl?  

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  1. 1. Is Pokemon Platinum worth getting for owners of Diamond/Pearl?

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20% boost.

Max Special Attack IVs and EVs, 20% boost for the plate, Judgement has 100 power, as well as STAB. Scary. lol (Regardless if you were asking for Arceus or not, I felt the need to say it. =P)


Trying to catch the trio of legendary birds roaming around. I've got them down low in health but it hasn't made much of a difference. Is there a sleep inducer I can get without having to train it up to level 60 or so (even if it takes a heart scale)?

I know about the haunter and bronzong in turnback cave but I've only been able to get deep enough for level 35 or so before I unintentionally complete the puzzle

Alternatively where can I get a quick claw to try my luck at going first with a low level guy?


  DefiantHawk said:
Alternatively where can I get a quick claw to try my luck at going first with a low level guy?

House in Jubilife City or held by wild Sneasel, Meowth, Sandshrew, Sandslash and Zangoose.


Thanks. I went and caught a wild Roselia and taught it grasswhistle in pastoria, but it's speed was dreadfully low which makes it a no no for catching the birds.

I haven't had any trouble running into them when I want to so the Quick Claw should work for me as long as I have patience. :)

  DefiantHawk said:
Thanks. I went and caught a wild Roselia and taught it grasswhistle in pastoria, but it's speed was dreadfully low which makes it a no no for catching the birds.

I haven't had any trouble running into them when I want to so the Quick Claw should work for me as long as I have patience. :)

Since those birds are in low health already, and you just need to put them to sleep, a Choice Scarf is much effective. you can purchase a Choice Scarf from the Battle Frontier using your Battle Points. ;)


I have a question that has to do with smeargle. I want my smeargle to learn the move substitute however, whenever I have it sketch my ninjask when it uses substitute nothing happens, sketch fails. I dont understand how it fails to work. Here's what I do.

1. Have ninjask use the move substitute

2. Have smeargle use sketch on ninjask

3. Then sketch fails

4. and then two other pokemon in battle use their moves

??? What am I doing wrong? Does smeargle have issues with sketching substitute?

Also, where can I get a life orb in pokemon platinum?

  pokemonfan said:
I have a question that has to do with smeargle. I want my smeargle to learn the move substitute however, whenever I have it sketch my ninjask when it uses substitute nothing happens, sketch fails. I dont understand how it fails to work. Here's what I do.

1. Have ninjask use the move substitute

2. Have smeargle use sketch on ninjask

3. Then sketch fails

4. and then two other pokemon in battle use their moves

??? What am I doing wrong? Does smeargle have issues with sketching substitute?

Also, where can I get a life orb in pokemon platinum?

I'm pretty sure that sketch is failing because of the substitute. Substitute is probably blocking the effects of sketch. So I don't think its possible :\

As for the life orb, its on a ledge near the entrance of the inside of Stark Mountain. You need to use Rock Climb to get it.

  Naru-Chu said:
I'm pretty sure that sketch is failing because of the substitute. Substitute is probably blocking the effects of sketch. So I don't think its possible :\

As for the life orb, its on a ledge near the entrance of the inside of Stark Mountain. You need to use Rock Climb to get it.

I tried that and have the same problem. I guess it really because of Substitute.


If you can put your Ninjask to sleep, and then make it use Substitute while asleep, as long as the Ninjask doesn't wake up to actually use the move you should be able to copy it even though the move "fails".

This is the same method to Sketch Metronome and moves like it.


do yo know if it's legal to have a darkrai in platinum? if it is legal can you post what darkrai is legal for example (a japanese darkraior the one that is legal) thanks

  DanteKoriyu said:
If you can put your Ninjask to sleep, and then make it use Substitute while asleep, as long as the Ninjask doesn't wake up to actually use the move you should be able to copy it even though the move "fails".

This is the same method to Sketch Metronome and moves like it.

Thanks a bunch! My smeargle does know the move spore so it should be a piece of cake.

  enix08 said:
do yo know if it's legal to have a darkrai in platinum? if it is legal can you post what darkrai is legal for example (a japanese darkraior the one that is legal) thanks

The only Darkrai currently available, outside of the various events, is the Japanse Platinum Darkrai. No other countries have gotten the Member's Card, as of now.

We can all hope that eventually Europe, US, and Australia will get them. But right now, there's no word on it.


All I know about "metronome hold item" is that it boosts a move used consecutively. Its effect is reset if another move is used.

Now, my question is, how much is it's power boost for every consecutive usage?


10% for each time you select the move. It maxes at 100% (ten turns) for double the moves original power.

It doesn't boost moves each turn if they take multiple turns to complete though. ie. Outrage isn't boosted every turn, just every time YOU choose to use the attack on the screen.

  DanteKoriyu said:
10% for each time you select the move. It maxes at 100% (ten turns) for double the moves original power.

It doesn't boost moves each turn if they take multiple turns to complete though. ie. Outrage isn't boosted every turn, just every time YOU choose to use the attack on the screen.

thanks :)

no wonder why my agility-modest-empoleon (lvl 74) @ metronome swept Cynthia's pokemon with a torrent-STAB surf (even her Milotic did not survive!) :)

Once again, thanks ;)


mom of a 6 year old needs detailed help. My son is in Eterna City trying to get the egg from ? in order to get the bike. When he goes to the bicycle store to go in to get the bike, Cynthia pushes him away and says he needs the egg. The guy who has the egg is in the store. It says Bag is full. Can someone give me instructions on how he is to get the egg if the bag is full and what he needs to do from here?

If it has to do with an ar code, please tell me how to do this. Thanks.


Your Pokemon party is full, not the bag.

You simply need to go to a Pokemon Center (place where you heal) and head to the PC to the right of the counter. Once you are at the computer, you should click on Someone's PC, and then Deposit. Once you put a Pokemon in the PC and clear a space in your party, Cynthia should hand you the egg with no problem.

Hope that helps.


if you have maxed out your EVs, all the way to 510 it doesn't matter who you train against anymore EV wise right because they wont gain anymore. I've maxed out my jolteon's EVs but its only at a level 40 so I was going to go train in a different place that gave higher experience but I wanted to know if it mattered anymore.


You assume correctly pokemonfan, once a Pokémon has had it's EVs fully maxed out then that Pokémon will no longer gain EVs, unless you remove some by using a certain type of berry.

These Berries: Pomeg(HP), Kelpsy(Atk), Qualot(Def), Hondew(SpA), Grepa(SpD), and Tamato(Spe).

To put it simply, it no longer matters against who you battle with your Jolteon after it is fully trained.


I don't know why we need a journal in Pokemon but has been troublesome for me. I let to change the time on my ds so I can do/redo certain events or catch certain pokemon. I know this temporary messes up the journal and will fix it self out eventually. But I was wondering is there anything where I can edit/change my Journal to my choosing.


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