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  1. I originally created a thread to check my own pokemon for legality, and although it proved sucessful, it made me realize that many members pose questions about legality of there pokemon or if someone may check the legality of them. Sadly, many members do not know where to look. This thread is intended to aid members in the legalizing of their pokemon through checking over trash bytes, running pkms through the legality checker, and answering questions not already answered in the Legality guide. Simply attached a post with the question, Error message, and/or pkm needing to be legalized. Our team of checkers/Legalizers will act as quickly as possible to solve your issue. From time to time I may post my own pkm because I may need some help as well. Legality can take a while to understand. RULES: -a maximum of 10 pkms may be posted every 2 days by a single member - always check the Legality Guide (by Greencat) first before asking a question - do not PM People contributing to this thread asking why they have not completed your question yet. They will always post here if they are not availible or have answered your question Further rules may be added in the future CONTRIBUTORS: -Metalbear- Legality and Trash Bytes/ Pkm Attributes -Aarux- Pkm Attribute's -Sabresite- Legality Results/ "Why Does ____ Result Show Up?"/ Pkm Attributes -Toffeuy- Legality and Trash Bytes *** If you wish to help in the success of this thread, PM me!*** Moderators: if there is already a similar topic, please delete this one. This was intended to make it easier to ask questions, find answers, and cut down on "Thread Spam"
  2. i tried making a Frogadier from Friend Safari in Pokemon X, with the following Ribbons; Kalos Champion, Hoenn Champion (ORAS), Alola Champion, Gorgeous, Royal, and Gorgeous Royal, and all of these are grayed out even though they can legitimately be obtained. i assume its something that has to be updated since i tried a Talonflame with same credentials into SwSh and S/V and no problems. i can post the file if need be, i was just curious if its just something that has to be updated or if i was doing something wrong.
  3. I need help in legalizing my Latios and Latios in Pokemon Ruby, the only problem I'm facing is the "Encounter Type PID mismatch" error which is super easy to fix for most Pokemon, while editing all my other Pokemon I have no issue in changing their IV's, gender and more. But the only 4 Pokemon that I can't legalize when I change IV's are Latios, Latios, Celebi and Jirachi in Ruby, and of what I've heard other people have the same problems for Suicune, Raikou and Entei. I have literally tried all methods of finding a legit PID in RNG Reporter but for these Pokemon using RNG Reporter won't solve my issue also since I'm currently playing Generation 3 games I can't hyper-train my Pokemon, I can only smoothly play the Pokemon games of Generations 1-5 on my laptop and it's too slow to run the Pokemon games of generations 6-8.The only thing I do that is apparently invalid is changing these annoying Pokemons' IV's all I want to do is input my desired IV's and give them the desired nature(My preferred nature for the Latios and Latios is 'Modest') but no matter what new PID RNG Reporter generates it always gives me the same error time and time again for these Pokemon only. I'm thinking that these Pokemon use a different unique PID generation method but I hope that's not the case, so if anyone can help me in legalizing my Pokemon I would appreciate it a hell lot. Plus I tried putting a legal Celebi PID into a Latios and I changed it's IV's to match the legal Celebi but the Latios still had the same error, so I think maybe every one of these 7 Pokemon each use a unique PID generation method. 381 - LATIOS - 4569AA064609.pk3 380 - LATIAS - D4F7F9426F72.pk3
  4. So I've been playing through ROMs of Gens 3-5 to bring over to Pokemon Bank and then Home since my copies are somewhere at my mother's house, and I have gotten back into working on my living dex. What I've done is start a game, save three identical copies, choose one starter in each, and then drag them so their in the same save file, effectively having three starters with my Trainer ID all being gotten from the same location. Out of curiosity, is this going to cause any problems with Pokemon Bank and Home? Don't know how particular they are and so thought I would ask.
  5. Trading using a bot, while having the latest (not OT) handler language as anything but ENG causes it to be seen as Hacked by Hack Check. I need a fix. Does anyone know how to change this in batch or setting?
  6. I ask this because I'm not sure if the "roamer PID/IV correlation" meant anything. Is it the same PID system as older games?
  7. So when I import Pokemon into PKHex, sometimes the Pokemon will have illegal flags. But I can just click on the illegal flag, and it will then say that the Pokemon is Legal. If I then "set" the pokemon, it will be flagged as legal. So for some reason, I have to manually click on every Pokemon with the Illegal flag, and re-set them to make them Legal. Can someone help with this, please? Thanks!
  8. I know that it'a legal to change the ball type of any pokemon (excluding events and special mons). Just wondering if the game and more importantly, Home and Bank would know if the ball type has been changed. For example, if there's a data/code that says the ball type was modified. I'm planning to catch a lot of legendaries with master balls to make catching super easy. And eventually changing them to the ball types of my liking.
  9. I have a Tyranitar in which was caught at Mt. Silver Cave as a lvl 45 Pupitar in HG. When I transferred it to Gen 5, it is marked illegal even though it was counted legal on HG and Platinum when I traded to it there. Please help me, it is twisting by brain
  10. What problems can clone a pokemon and keep the TID / SID the same? It is advisable to change these values to mark it as "legal" or it does not affect. If it is advisable, how can I change them without affecting their "legality". Example: Clone my Lunala from my Pokemon Moon game, 3 times. It can give problems (In Pokemon Moon and in other generations (USUM, SWSH) since it is the same pokemon with the same PID / SID ?. Thanks.
  11. So I’ve been playing several older games and accumulated quite a lot of legitimate shiny/high IV stuff by rng abuse, all now stored on a platinum rom. I want to move everything to black 2 version via PKHex without actually modifying anything to keep everything as legit as possible. My issue is that having Pokemon in gen v with all caps names really irritates me, so using PKHex I transferred them and then checked, unchecked and checked the nickname box for each one to so they’re all registered as having nicknames and in the correct case (the idea was that they would look as though I’d used the gen 4 name rater although at this point it wouldn’t be practical since they had come from many different save files and so obviously I couldn’t rename them all in the same game). Afterwards I was told that altering the nicknames as I did can alter your trashbytes, thus making your Pokemon illegal. To rectify this I used PKHex to wipe all the trash bytes as I heard the name rater is able to do this anyway by renaming each one to a 10 character name and then back to the desired name. My question is are my Pokemon now completely legal down to the last byte of data? Also how does the name rater remove trash bytes? Can he be used to remove every single one in all Pokemon or is it just the trash bytes that are associated with the nickname? Any advice appreciated. Thanks in advance. Apologies for the wall of text.
  12. Hello everyone, I wanted to catch all pokemon in there receptive region so I could all transfer them in home and have the special Magearna, so far I caught all of them up to the 5 generation expect for the totemic forms from RADAR (Tornadus,Thundurus and Landorus), zekrom and black kyurem and that's when I decided too generate them with pkhex so it'll be easier and that I wouldn't have to re do the same game again, but apparently doing this isn't legit even if pkhex says that they are legal so I wanted to know if this is the same thing for pokemon caught on emulator (if you are wondering why I did this on emulator it's because it'll be way easier for me since I can't buy all games and their console but also for the transfer of pokemon)
  13. Hello there, I was needing help with the legality of a shiny Manaphy. I have everything edited the way I want and only have one error: Encounter type PID mismatch. I've included the file below, and any help would be incredibly appreciated. Thank you in advance. Update: it does Link Trade over WiFi. 490 ★ - FOX Manaphy - D2F7D0F77477.pk7
  14. I put my togekiss in pkhex and I saw that he was illegal because of his contest ribbons, I search a solution to that and the only thing I could find was to change the affection of the OT to max but I assume affection is not on pokemon SS anymore because it always goes to 0 when I edit it.. I really don't know what to do know, I don't want to lose my pokemon but I can't find a solution to that, any help please ? thanks in advance
  15. I have some legal Pokemon in my UM, but i want to change the OT and the Gender of the OT for some personal reason. Since i am getting Pokemon Shield soon, i plan to deposit my Pokemon in the Bank so i can transfer it to home. I recently discover this project, and it can edit the OT name (and gender). My main concern is that my Pokemon cannot be transferred through, will changing my OT and gender affect the legality of the Pokemon? Thanks! Just the OT not the Handler :)
  16. Hello everyone, basically as the title states- I'm able to trade these pokemon but having issues when I try to battle online-- I'm greeted with the "there's a problem with the pokemon you selected..." and can't do any online battles. Hoping someone can take a look and find where I'm making my mistake(s) Thanks in advance! 248 ★ - Tyranitar - 4E0B53AE57A6.pk8 423 ★ - Gastrodon - 6A3C942EAFC7.pk8 468 ★ - Togekiss - 966B17F65699.pk8 530 ★ - Excadrill - C614BFF0B30B.pk8 598 ★ - Ferrothorn - 000EF6156D35.pk8 887 ★ - Dragapult - B29A44502901.pk8
  17. I have an issue trying to get the original hat Pikachu event. I downloaded a file for all of the hat pikachus, but this one in particular seems to show the following fail message (I tried about 12 of them that I had in the MG database and they all showed the same error). Does anybody know a fix for this, or if the error is even valid in the first place?
  18. Version 1.0.1


    Acerca de este archivo/ESP: Es un Mew del evento de "OLD SEA MAP" Repartido en japón para los juegos de Esmeralda. Fue capturado y trasladado desde Pokemon Esmeralda a Pokemon Shield, cuenta con todo el chequeo legal de pkhex y aceptado en el Pokemon Home. Contamos con ambos archivos uno para Pokemon Esmeralda y otro para Pokemon Sword/Shield About this file / ENG: It is a Mew of the event "OLD SEA MAP" Spread in Japan for the Emerald game. He was captured and transferred from Pokemon Emerald to Pokemon Shield, has all the legal check of pkhex and accepted in the Pokemon Home. We have both files one for Pokemon Emerald and one for Pokemon Sword / Shield If you need to edit the mew, pls download PokeFinder to edit PID correctly Credits Red/Fernando for Competitive set :3
  19. So when editing certain Pokemon in gen 1 with gen 2 tradeback movesets allowed, it still flags some of them as illegal, but not all of them, shown in the images. Does anyone know what's causing this? Thanks
  20. I've caught the Ditto 5 from the sidequest in Konikoni PD and it comes up as illegal stating "unable to match encounter from origin game" and "can't have ball for encounter type". Any of the Ditto 5 comes up as illegal. I've attached the PK7 file just in case. This happens in the latest update, too. That I remember, I do not recall editing anything but its IVs. I might have rerolled its PID/Encryption Constant. 132 - Ditto - 5CBACA6F49DB.pk7
  21. Okay, so first of all: Hi y'all Been lurking for a while but decided to create an account to see if someone could help me with this situation. You see, I found out that the only game where Celebi is not shiny-locked is in Crystal. And so, with the help of gameshark codes, I was able to unlock the GS Ball event that was originally only released in Japan. After this, I went with the classic soft reset method to get a shiny Celebi. I did. But my joy didn't last long when I came to realize there was no "legal" way to get my precious Celebi up to my Gen7 games. And so, I turned to PkHex, but to my dismay, it didn't support the first two gens That was back in june. Yesterday, however, the new update went live and it included Gen2 support. I was thriving. I immediately went on to check my Crystal save file and it recognized it and I was able to check my pokémon. My lovely Celebi was there, and IT WAS MARKED AS LEGAL! Oh! The joy! The happiness! I proceeded to save it as a .pkm file to load it onto my gen7 save file. But, when I did, it was flagged as illegal. Why most this happen to me? Is it necessary for me to suffer in order to gain something better later on in life? (TT_TT) Please, before commenting, keep in mind that LEGAL and LEGIT are not the same thing. I know for sure my Celebi isn't LEGAL, since GameFreak didn't allow compatibility between Gen1&2-Gen3 onwards and didn't launch the GS Ball event anywhere else in the world and I got it on an emulator, not the actual cartridge game. But it is LEGIT. I hunted him until I got him. I'm not the only one who has. I didn't create it on PKHex or any other editing tool. Is there any possible known way for my cherished Celebi to be marked as legal without losing it's shininess?
  22. Pokeradar exclusive pokemon that are shiny using the cute charm glitch are flagged as illegal. Just to be clear, they're not from shiny grass patches. The save file has such pokemon. They are in box 9 (mostly). Pokemon Platinum.dsv
  23. Did I do something wrong?
  24. In G/S/C it is possible to catch Dragonair at lowest level of 10 on route 45 with Super Rod. When this Dragonair was traded in Blackthorn city I recieved Rhydon that is marked as ilegal for some reason. Says "invalid: Ingame trade OT has been altered", but it was not. File attached. In crystal the trade is changed to fDragonair for Dodrio. OT trainer and DVs are the same. I modified Rhydon into Dodrio with proper movepool but it was marked as ilegal as well. I recreated some other in-game trade pkmn in PKHex and they passed the legality check. 112 - DON - 4DD6.pk2
  25. 2 things first i got pikachu with ash hat using a qr code and i got my greninja ash with PKSM using the events in that program i got a wondercard for ash greninja and both of them are "ilegal" (pkhex said that both are ilegal.. srry 4 my bad english i understand but i cant write it very well) also i didnt edit them that would be all.. thanks! (srry if is nothing just.. kinda worried i want to use them in online and i dont want to be banned.. again XD)
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