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Everything posted by Aarux

  1. By Mii art, they probably mean: my art. Pretty cool pictures.
  2. Cool... Legend and Nostalgic are neat. I'll be using Legend as the wallpaper for my team Pokemon boxes now.
  3. Whoa. Those are some awesome wallpapers. I've gotta try this. Although, some of the phrases are just weird... "Serious rival craze thick fat?" "Boy thick fat money magazine?" ... my ID has some deal with Thick Fat, I guess.
  4. I can make these Pokemon. Need any specific natures, OT, ID, etc...?
  5. Oh. I'm afraid I can't help you; I type codes in by hand since I use a Mac. Sorry. However, Shaud91 and That Pokemon Guy can do wifi trades. I'm pretty sure.
  6. Is this request for a code or a wifi trade? If it's a code, what game is it for?
  7. Alright, here's your code, InuYouki. I'm not sure on making Pokemon Eggs, so there's probably a mistake... tell me if there is and I'll try to fix it. This gives you the Egg and 995 of every berry. @ miniboosh: I can't do trades, apparently. You'll have to wait till a wifi worker comes on.
  8. An Arcanine? Sweeeet! They rock. Why didn't America get one of those tight dogs?
  9. Haha, thanks. I'm just trying to help out, heh. It's pretty fun making these Pokemon, anyway.
  10. No problem! Alright, here's the .pkm file for that tight black Rayquaza. Any problems or mistakes? Tell me. Enjoy! Rayquaza - GABE.pkm
  11. I've seriously never heard of Pokemon causing you to be blocked from the Wifi Room. From trading on the GTS, posting videos, transferring to PBR, yes... but not this. Maybe it's just your wifi connection/router that's not working right?
  12. Here are the files, temok. I'm not sure if I got the PID/IV/Algorithm stuff right. I got the natures, though. Tell me if I messed up or something. Jirachi - Impish.pkm Jirachi - Jolly.pkm Mew - MYSTRY.pkm
  13. I picked Mudkip. I was only... some where under 10, so my older bro told me to pick it. I thought it was cool, too, so I did. Turns out he got Treecko. It was a long time ago when I played Emerald... I don't recall how it affected my journey much.
  14. Hey, that's pretty cool. I like how the sprites are lined up... you can compare how many Pokemon are in each region.
  15. They're already trading some hacks? Geez... Anyway, the Pokemon being given away over wifi would be easier to get, for sure. I doubt Nintendo'll do it, though. They like people wasting gas and money to get their events. Still, I don't see why they gave the Secret Key, etc over wifi and not events. Maybe since it's just an item, but...
  16. Ohh. That helps a ton. Thanks for the answer!
  17. Hey, everybody, I have a question about IDs on Pokesav. (If this is in the wrong section, please move it to the right one.) I recently made a Pikachu with the following ID: 66714. Every time I clicked on Stats Edit, however, the ID would change to: 65535. If I change the ID to something else, sometimes it doesn't change when I click Stats Edit again, but most of the time it reverts to 65535 again. Is there any reason why it does that?
  18. It's gotta be Kyogre. It summons rain every time it enters a battle, so... yeah!
  19. Miniboosh... do you want a code or a wifi trade? I can only do codes. Also. If it's a code, you need to state what game it's for.
  20. I'm like that with some Pokemon. Like my Typhlosion. I got a nice IV/Nature guy one, but I messed with it since I wanted it to be a girl. I thought it'd be cool to have a girl one. Couldn't you do the same thing with Pichu if you really needed it to be a guy? Couldn't hurt that much.
  21. Why? Is it really that bad?
  22. I wasn't looking at the names like that... man, I feel stupid now. Okay. The guy is Gold, the girl is Soul. Got it.
  23. Yeah... wifi would help those who don't have access to those special stores. I don't live any where very close to a GameStop, Toys R Us, or some big city where tournaments are held. But I guess that's one reason we upload events?
  24. If you upload the Pokemon you're having problems with, we can check and fix them...
  25. I'll get started on that now. It'll be ready in a bit. EDIT: Whew, that took a while. Here, Shaud91... This'll replace your party. Any problems? Tell me and I'll repair them. Enjoy. @ Kage: Great. Glad to help people out.
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