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  1. It has come to attention that the faithful Global Link will be shutting down soon. However, battle teams from QR code Pokemon will be lost with this. Other Pokemon somehow related to this feature may be lost as well. I hope these Pokemon may have a way to be extracted that we may attempt to save as many as we can of these. How can we embark on this undertaking across from not only the Global Link but QR code teams scattered everywhere? This is not my expertise, but I will endeavor to save these Pokemon however possible.
  2. @Embely So sorry for taking so long. >.< I was quite busy today and still am! Anyways,here you go! Any questions about anything or learning to hack can be answered by me through PM. Have an amazing day Embely and little Chinchou! 170 ★ - Chinchou - 2ACA1F45325B.pk6
  3. @Embely I could help but would you want one that you have edited or for me to generate one?
  4. Hello! This is my submission;I hope it's acceptable. @evandixon gave me the okay for a banner-only submission. ho-oh and lugia.psd
  5. Good on you @Deoxyz ! ;). I don't need one(sorry); I just wanted to say thanks for being one of the continuously contributing members of this amazing close-knitted community. :).
  6. Heh, perhaps I should change that to Jojo12100's (and Co.) Insanely Awesome Prototype thread contributions.
  7. 'tis true,sadly. I have been infected actually one too many times. ;-; Mostly other people using my computer when it happened but some of those happened when I downloaded DLC content whether for portable mobile games or just files. What I meant is that I have never seen links posted just outright like that in such a manner,that is.
  8. Dear @Solelh.L , I have not seen any new updates only heard of supposed 'new and improved' versions such as the following: Ohana3ds+, Ohana3dsRebirth, and Ohana 3ds "re-coded" in C#. Here is a page to frequently asked questions: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjW9JPnoOnWAhXCwVQKHQERAFwQFggxMAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwinebottler.kronenberg.org%2Fwp%2Ffaqs%2F&usg=AOvVaw0GYrYnnB4J9NW7YTBfup_j THIS seems like a pretty helpful guide: https://www.howtogeek.com/263211/how-to-run-windows-programs-on-a-mac-with-wine/ Any questions? @ me, send a PM, or post on this topic. :). I hope I helped. Have fun! :D.
  9. Has this been solved? Should the topic be closed? I technically don't have any power so I can't do minor things. @theSLAYER The favor of closing this unswanswered (except by you) thread,please? If you could. No rush.
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