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play as guest

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About play as guest

  • Birthday December 12


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  1. Who will win now i just had a pokemon battle like this on my 3ds and Zeraora won with the first move fire punch and surprisingly lucario survied it used close combat and lucario was mega evolved. so my zeraora ended with 47hp then i had ended the Battle with plasma fist and i won. but if you guys battle then there battle techniques will be different who knows what will happen,
  2. If you want to talk about your favorite Pokemon, mega, shiny, legendary, mythical, or ultra beast/ or other if i forgot something than you are at the right place here you can talk about anything that is about Pokemon. hope you enjoy.
  3. If any 1 likes Pokemon and wants to talk about there favorite Pokemon then your with the right person.


    1. play as guest

      play as guest

      Lucario for life. i trust mega battles with the mega beedrill, lucario, or/and charizard y

    2. play as guest

      play as guest

      its  been awhile since i have been on here but i wanted to say hello to all the Pokemon lovers out there!

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