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Everything posted by Okami

  1. How do you win a Master ranked contest?! (<---has never done it before) I win the three beforehand by a landslide, and then get into Master, and lose horribly in 4th. Are there any number of item combinations that can make a better visual display?
  2. I would really hope this isn't a TRU event =/ I've never attended one, personally, but that's for the simple fact that as an adult I always feel out of place. As geeked as I am about pokemon, I wish they would just have it wifi and TRU (like they did for the secret key) to make it easier. It's kind of creepy to have snot-nosed kids staring at you ; And believe me, no matter where I go, all the kids always stare. I don't know why. I may have never met the kid and they look at me as though I'm the one who provides their food--IT'S CREEPY. D:
  3. *laughs* It's okay, Zaf. The youngest child is known as a risk taker because they have to live up to the standards of the older sibling(s). Have you ever heard of a boy named Kip Kinkel? (If not, I suggest you look him up; his story intrigues me) He was the younger brother, and his parents had very high expectations of him because his sister did very well in school and was fairly athletic. He, on the other hand, was nothing compared to that, and on top of it, had a learning disability. Basically, they become risk takers when they don't live up to those standards, finding themselves a disappointment in their parents eyes, and will take any way out to get attention. That's how I understand it, at least. If I had an older sibling who was the valedictorian of their class and was good with whatever came their way and then I got like a 1.7 GPA in following their footsteps, that would be rough. I can only imagine the shame I would feel. I would do anything to prove to my mom and dad to show them that I could become better. (Of course, with my parents, they love me just as I am, nothing I do could change that in them. I have amazing parents, and am so blessed to have them on my side through everything!)
  4. LOL, you obviously don't know me very well, my friend. Yes, I've seen plenty, like you, been there, done that. Not that I'm proud.
  5. Well, when you've got the creepy cat lady living down the street that's when you know it's getting out of control. No more than 10 pets per household, I think. The fact is, if someone with over that amount loses a job and then can hardly afford to feed himself or his family, the pets become second to any sort of food, which then becomes animal abuse when they are not taken care of properly. Thumbs up for the law, because otherwise there would be too much abuse, and that I can't stand.
  6. PF wasn't saying buying a Feebas, Floot He was saying buy the poffins! I thought about doing that, but they don't have purely Dry as far as I've seen...and I just want dry D: I might try to hook up with some friends to mix with me...growing some Oran berries right now!
  7. Actually, I didn't have much say in how it was colored, only the colors used lol My tatt artist was just like "Let me handle it, it'll look awesome trust me." Jimmy was a rad guy.
  8. That's more of how I see it too, Jiggy. What I gave were examples from my Sociology notes.
  9. *laughs* I see what you did thar. That's okay, one of my close friends in HS told me on her 18th "Today, I'm going out, buying cigarettes, porn...*thinks* and, and, LOTTO TICKETS! HELLS YEAH!" She was partying like I've never seen a girl party before. ;
  10. Exactly, Kuo. The voices that say "Just one more pill would numb the pain, just take the knife and end it all and you could be away from this hurt..." people don't get it that they don't go away easily. They say to me "Oh, well a good Christian wouldn't struggle the way you do, you must be doing something wrong." And the cussing just fills my head, F*upF*upF*up, SINNER. Yeah yeah, tell me something I don't already know, Depression. It gets olds after 17 months. Yeah, when I write in conveying depression, especially its darker undertones, I don't bother in cleaning up my language. This would be a story telling it just like it is. Did you know that douche is French literally meaning shower? Our class had a field day with that one! Once the small notebook I bought today is filled, I shall start typing it. (It's funny, this navy blue notebook has a flowered skirt pattern to protect the spiral...talk about...ironic) It shouldn't take me too long, since the ideas come to me often.
  11. I'd say the third ones there, Kuo. Those ones are absolutely beautiful. Maybe get them with a hint of tribal, like the first pair? I think that would give the more 'demonic edge' tone to the wings by doing that! I love tribal tatts. *melts ~<3* My second may very well be a tribal tattoo, I want to get a wolf pup nibbling on a treble clef...still coming up with the design, though.
  12. I'm about to start hand-writing a story through the eyes of the voice of MDD (Major depressive disorder) Basically, Depression is a wolf, hungry and agressive, prowling for anyone to stake a claim on. The weak and wounded. He acts as a shadow, always looming over your shoulder. I think I'm going to try this in the second-person POV as well, something I have not yet done. As a person struggling with MDD, I thought it might be interesting to try to get some of those emotions of raw anger and rage out in the form of a story, to show how it really is. To feel that hate breathing down your neck, screaming obscenities. Because I truly believe that this is something people just don't understand. We CAN'T just 'get over it' like they so wish of us. I want to give them a taste of what it's like. What it feels like to be trapped, with anxiety making your heart pound a million beats a minute. I'm thinking of calling it "Le Loup d'Ombre" like what my user title is, literally "The Shadow Wolf" or more accurately, "The Wolf of Shade." What do you guys think, would you read it if I were to translate it to the computer? It's just an idea I've been playing with recently.
  13. Got a Remoraid in a battle...working on Octillary now. Yay Sunyshore! EDIT: Got 209 as of right now...and if Tentacool is the Ratata of the water, then why the HECK is he the last one I need to get?!
  14. I have a very high pain tolerance, so for me, it didn't hurt much at all. I only winced in pain once, and that was when it got close to the top of the flame and the middle cross, close to the vein in my wrist. It only lasted an hour to get mine. Basically all we did was sit there and listen to crap music and talk about school and stuff. (My tattoo artist went to my highschool and had some of my same teachers :] ) Plus, after a while all you feel is the vibration. It's not horrible at all!
  15. All I can give are numbers of pokemon not encountered yet: 46 (Burmy's F. evolution, I just have to evolve it) 115 (Riolu, on my way to the isle now to grab my egg) 117 133 134 135 136 (Tentacool) 148 170 (Um...Glaceon, I think?) 192 (Porygon?) And that's it.
  16. Ah yes, the John Locke theory of personality development, that every human being is born with a clean slate. Tabula rasa. And we also, then, by looking at the theories of personality development (John Locke: tabula rasa, George Herbert Mead: the looking-glass self, Charles Horton Cooley:learning to see self as others see) also look at the personality of birth order and how that affects a child. First born - authoritarian Middle born - balanced Youngest born - risk-taker To sum them into one word, there. Also, what gives rise to our personality? We also studied this in Sociology: Nature vs. Nurture. Nature: our environment + social learning Nurture: the generic characteristics given by parents The answer is, both. We studied this through the example of the Arapesh and the Mundugumors. Family is the principal socializer of young children, teaching children how to act in socially acceptable ways, develop close emotional ties, and internalize the values and norms of society. Other socializing factors include the peer group, school, mass media, religion, and total institutions. Also we must remember the problems that many adolescents today deal with - suicide, runaways, dating, drugs, crime. It's a messed up world,. and they have to learn the hard way with how to deal with it.
  17. Now here's a question, now that I've actually got Feebas' to work with. What level do the dry poffins need to be at to successfully get the beauty level enough to become a Milotic? Like, what's the lowest?
  18. Hey, they aren't all 31s lol But that's probably the only thing, since they are all 30/31s iirc
  19. Any fishing rod works in Plat, Wraith They actually say old is your best bet
  20. The offer still stands if you want one, Mikel :] I've got more than enough now. Otherwise, these babies are going towards me trying to finish my last 10 needed pokemon in SinnohDex. (I still don't have Riolu? I guess I need to visit Iron Island again...never did get that blasted egg!) And congrats to Floot as well! <3 Anyways, for those who haven't had the pleasure of catching one, in Platinum all I did was take my Good Rod and place it in my selected item and surf and fish 2x each tile. Set about two to three hours or so to fish, going left to right (initially I was going up and down, it's smarter to do it the other way ) And you should get lucky that way. And if that doesnt work, breed like crazy lol
  21. Yes, Lucifer. I've also got Aphrodite, Eros, Psyche, Judas, Rahab, some characters from the movie, Sybil (like Mike and Sid, they're adorable! <3)... and a lot of others. I was in an odd Biblical/Greek Mythology/Movie mood this morning. Merci, mon ami mes amis :]
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