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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. NOK=Nintendo of Korea. Korea just recently got Diamond and Pearl released (and by recently, I mean in the last year, maybe a bit less, don't remember the exact date). They've had a number of events. But because Korean wasn't a language that was programmed into Diamond/Pearl, it makes Korean carts incompatible with other languages. They can't trade between other languages at all. There also might be limits on the GTS or Wi-Fi battling, but I'm not 100% certain on that. Pokemon Ranch varies depending on the country it's from. In Japanese it's Yukari (obviously with Japanese symbols). In the US, it's Hayley. I think France, Spain, and Germany also have unique names for their ranch owners. EDIT: NRD, thanks for backing me up.
  2. I believe that's what they did for Lucario last year.
  3. Strangely enough, there's nothing in the games calling it god, a god, divine, a deity,etc... There's some fairly vague myth stories surrounding the Sinnoh legendary Pokemon, but they usually don't even name a Pokemon. At best, Arceus and co are just like cats and the Egyptians: Animals that were worshiped because ancient people are stupid, and now people know that they're Pokemon. The anime has referred to Dialga and Palkia as "believed to be deities." The games do not, as far as I know (though I haven't extensively memorized Platinum yet, so I could be wrong). It's the second biggest franchsie Nintendo owns the rights too. How could it be drawing to a close? Gamefreak: Hey Nintendo, we made a "god" Pokemon so we're gonna stop making games. Nintendo: lolz okayz! Does anyone actually think that would happen? There's no "rule" that future Pokemon or future legendary Pokemon have to "top" the previous gen. I'd be surprised if Pokemon stopped making games 20 years from now. It's a fair bet to say it'll be around for most, if not all, of our lifetimes. This is the closest thing I could even accept to something like it. Like Mario, eventually they'll slow down the making of the "core" games and just make a bunch of spinoff and side games. While the games do have some continuity errors, that isn't so with Arceus or Mew. They're from different regions and different regions all have different myths surrounding them. As to Mew, it's only a theory that scientists came up with. It's by no means definite, especially since many Pokemon are man-made (Mewtwo) or digital (Porygon).
  4. People who went to the tournament last year, when that Lucario was distributed, ANYONE could get it even if you weren't competing. And by the looks of it on the site, the Milotic will be distributed at all of the regional dates. So if anyone lives in Pennsylvania, Washington state, Tennesee, Texas, or California, they all have tournament dates in May in their states.
  5. You do know that NOK Pokemon aren't compatible with any other versions of D/P, since the Korean language isn't programmed into them, hence making any NOK Pokemon you have on your non-korean cart/save illegal. I'm betting many of the fan mades were just swiped from the old database. Why do a trade for something anyone can get for free?
  6. Whenever my free time becomes...well, existant, I'll help. Big fan of Deadpool, by the way.
  7. The TLDR version is anyone can make it through the gym/e4. The fire starter is almost always given preference because fire types are relatively hard to come by in the games. Chimchar is at a disadvantage for the first two gyms, but Mach Punch helps out a lot, and weaknesses can be covered by other Pokes encountered on the way. Turtwig and Piplup, as they evolve, gain quite a few resistances, and a lot of bulk. Chimchar, not so much. So want to play a bit more defense? Piplup or Turtwig. all out offense with great dual STAB? Chimchar.
  8. Or you level up to 49, THEN use one rare candy. Again, I'll be checking with a judge from last year's tournament, who has shared a wealth of knowledge about the experience. The rules are pretty restrictive (including restrictions on nicknames, such as no nicknaming it another pokemon or nicknaming it after a glitch), so something like EXACTLY LEVEL 50 OR ELSE wouldn't surprise me at all. For any interested, last year's tournament rules are here. Expect this year's to be much of the same with some minor modifications.
  9. True, but if I remember correctly, official tournament rules state that a Pokemon has to be exactly level 50 with no more experience. That limits you to doing EVs via the potions, which has a limit and is somewhat restrictive on EV spreads. I'll have to PM a judge from last year's tournament and ask him to clarify. Speaking of which, coming soon, official tournament stuff (rules followed, advice, etc...)
  10. Actually, the level 50 cap eliminates the use of many legendary Pokemon since EVs can't really be applied to them. Any legend found at level 50 or above isn't all that useful.
  11. My problem with the movies is the quality is so much worse than the anime. For the earlier movies, the production just sucked, and the voice actors didn't know what to do. Now, the production is fine and all, but the story lines still are bad. Which confuses me. They can make a pretty decent 4 part story (Summer School) in the anime, but try making a 90 minute movie and it just sucks the fun out of the room.
  12. See the link in the OP.
  13. But have you actually WATCHED Kanto recently? I have. It doesn't hold up. I'm betting most people who praise Kanto and Orange and Johto haven't watched them recently, and are letting nostalgia cloud their memories. And Johto is largely considered the worst journey because of the huge amount of filler, and Ash's Johto team getting treated like crap. Yes, the omgzers ash hatez is overdone and frankly isn't warranted. He's a Pokemon trainer. He's made some mistakes. He's made many more good decisions. Just like anyone would in his place.
  14. Your friend probably used a code to make Cress re-appear. Most of the one-off legends have codes to force a re-appearance. There's no secret in the mansion. There's nothing beyond the doors that the maids are guarding. As to the statue, if you go late at night, you can touch it.
  15. Standard rules are standard anywhere. Evasion/OHKO/Species/Sleep. I added a couple more, but they are more clarifications than actual rules.
  16. Feel free to link them to this thread then. They're using the Internet, so it's a good assumption that they can read. And to all, feel free to contribute to the thread. Or to any newcomers, ask questions if any rules/clauses/tiers confuse you.
  17. Google. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_DS_homebrew
  18. You'd need a flashcart to do that. Your other option, if you can't trade with Guested due to the time difference, is trade with someone closer to your timezone to upload them to the site, and Guested can then grab them at his leisure.
  19. Nah, I made the name when I registered for Something Awful's forums. I used randomspot555 for Pokemon forums, but I decided to take my original "name" back. It was really cool back when Internet meme's were trendy and all. Glad to see a lot of familiar faces. Hope many new ones will join us.
  20. Your best bet is to consult with whoever is running the tournament.
  21. So I don't know what your experience is, but I was around when Pokemon first came to the US. I was actually growing up. The anime was even my first exposure to Pokemon, because I never owned a Pokemon game until Fire Red (about a month or so before D/P came out in the US), and had only rented Red from blockbuster years back. So about a year ago, I waxed nostalgic on the anime and viewed the older episodes. Wow, what a load of crap. Like many other shows I've re-visited, it didn't hold up. Shoddy animation, pretty poor voice acting, extremely repetitive. I know Pokemon, the franchise as a whole, has a certian amoung of formulaic crap, but man...Kanto and Orange and Johto are BAD. But then I tuned into Diamond and Pearl, and what is currently Battle Dimension. Instead of a bunch of characters that show up and are never heard from again, they keep coming back. Sometimes for just 1-3 episodes in the near future. Or other times they show up throughout the whole saga. The voice acting is greatly improved (many will disagree). The animation too. Stuff actually happens. Pokemon have personalities, and it's like I care about the characters. It's still a kids' show. But for a kids' show, it's doing a pretty good job with the hand it's been dealt with. What's your experience with the anime? I'd talk about the movies, but to me, they've universally all sucked.
  22. Cool. I'll keep my eyes pealed and will just think of what I'm doing as preparation. Hopefully I'll have at least a couple Pokes ready to go once your next project(s) are up.
  23. Formally randomspot555. Now switching over to my main handle, which I use on many other sites. I like the new design on everything and hope to find some spare time so I can truly enjoy the new site.
  24. Guested, do you need help with Diamond/Pearl starters and in-game trades? Nothing could make me play through the horror that is Colo or , but I'm doing an OCD playthrough of Diamond in an attempt to obtain all the starters and in-game trades with good natures/IVs. And hopefully will do the same with Platinum, but that won't be on the docks for a while and I'm sure someone else has already done so.
  25. And hey, if you post and say "I want a no rules battle", cool. But anyone who wants to use one/two/all/a few clauses, this way they don't have to deal with people going "omgzers wut iz slep clauze??"
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