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Everything posted by randomspot555

  1. There's a questions/help thread for a reason.
  2. check out the links in the second post for a Speed Boost Torchic pkm file http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11627-Competitive-Pokemon-GTS-Distribution-Thread
  3. Hay guyz I edited a Pokeymanz and now it arnt working on wifi. Huh? *closes thread* http://projectpokemon.org/forums/announcement.php?f=83
  4. Question answered.
  5. No one has any idea what you're talking about. There's a link on the forums that doesn't work? Then contact the person who posted the link. Question answered. Thread closed.
  6. Or you can just create an AR code and use the bad egg as the Pokemon that you'll be replacing with the newly hacked Pokemon.
  7. Pikachu can't naturally learn Fly or Surf.
  8. This is for posting teams. Re-post when your team is complete. Also, don't triple post. Use the edit button.
  9. Originally, the Wiki was created with the intention of it being a general interest Wiki covering all things Pokemon. Back then, accounts for the Wiki were the same as forums But everything was crap except for research. So now, basically, it's a place for researchers to collaborate and get their work together and do their math and whatever else. It's not really meant to be a public wiki that anyone can modify, like Bulbapedia or Wikipedia. And accounts are separated, or need specific permissions, to edit the Wiki. So yeah, I don't think it needs to be linked. Just my opinion though.
  10. They'll be back up when they're back up. No one is keeping anything secret from you. The administrators of this site work on the site in their spare time. Unless you have the dough to pony up so they can quit their full time jobs and dedicate it fully to running Project Pokemon, then you'll either have to be patient or do some creative searching in the forums. I know, right, use the search button. Sounds horrible.
  11. What in the world made you think this should go in Creative Discussion?
  12. I don't think the Wii U is meant as a replacement for your 360.
  13. I mean specifically the cheap, $200 or 150 version. The big difference, at least my understanding, is that it has a very small internal hard drive, compared to the standard 250 gig one.
  14. Yeah, the Wii was gimmicky, but it paid off. As for the "price drops" in the non-competing consoles, didn't the 360 only become so cheap because they took off a lot that originally came with the console? I HATE the "ran out of ideas" talking point, because it's someone trying to project THEIR opinion onto a lot of others. It comes across as "pfft, I could've done better" Back on topic, I like the looks, though I didn't read over any of the specs. I haven't used my Wii too much, but I've never been much of a home-console kind of guy in the first place.
  15. This is not a request thread. Bond697 does this GTS hosting in his spare time and he'll update whatever he wants to update as he desires. Posting continuously about pkm files this and distribution that isn't going to make him magically do it any faster, if he plans on doing it at all. If you have a specific pkm request, take it to Pokemon Requests.
  16. Please shut up because you don't know what you're talking about. You asked how to open a rar file. That is not on topic and something that can easily be answered by looking it up on Google. You also unnecessarily quoted the ENTIRE first post for no reason, further spamming up the thread. Don't post in this thread again unless your post directly concerns Bond's distribution. All of your questions can be answered by either a Google search or by reading the last two pages of this thread+the first post.
  17. REMINDER: This is not a General Help Thread for IRGTS/ShinyGTS/whatever it's called nowadays. Please take those types of posts to the Miscellaneous forum in the Game Mechanics and Research section. I think there's even a help thread there.
  18. Turn off caps lock. Pkm should only be uploaded as attachments if it's necessary. There are contribution threads in the Contributions forum and so on and so forth. Use the search function to find pkms. If there is none, put in a request at Pokemon Requests.
  19. We do not delete accounts. If you, for whatever reason, stop using the forums, then so be it. No need to delete the account. However, I wouldn't recommend setting up a second account. Admins have the ability to change usernames and set up this thread. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5787-Username-Change-Request-Thread
  20. There is no legality check for Friend Code Wi-Fi battling. It should work. End of story.
  21. Thanks to isins for all of his hard work. Even though your GTS distribution won't be posted here anymore, don't be a stranger!
  22. Yes, Korean language is fully programmed into the game so trading and battling those with Korean carts is now possible.
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