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oni link

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Everything posted by oni link

  1. This might be quite the informal post, but then again.... To be honest, Woodstock is overated. two of my best friends were born in hippie communes in northern Oregon and one was born an immature drug baby, and for all this hype about Woodstock just because hollywood wants to make a quick buck on its 40th anniversary by making a movie about it and encouraging teenagers to join the hippie stero-type? It's a bit dissapointing to me... The hippie community has so much to offer to our world and the Christian Church and all beliefs for that matter, with ideas of oneness, sharing everything that one owns, simple love and understanding, and the list goes on... pointing at the Christian church, I believe Ghandi was one of the smartest "hippies" (yess yess, you may be thinking "what are you talking about? Ghandi didn't drive a VW bus, have long hair, a leather vest, tie-dye, and a big peace sign amulet... but look past your definition of a "hippie", past their musical preferences, past their sense of fashion (or lack of clothes period) into their believes and lifestyles. Ghandi fits in pretty well.) Ghandi had the right idea when he said "I love your Christ, but I hate you Christians, you are nothing like your Christ." Jesus was probably the biggest hippie in history. He came onto the scene (either if you believe he was the Son of Man, or just a prophet) and shook things up. He challenged the government, he associated with the prostitutes, the beggars, and the other "untouchables" of his time, peacefully and through love. If today's Christians would simply love like Christ and do what the hippies do, share all their possessions, live a meager, servant life, one would find all they need and be happy. This applies for all religions and ways of life. But thats a-whole-nother can of beans for a different day or topic... After this last year of high school, I plan on road tripping from my home in North Carolina, through the Red Wood forests of CA, into the hippie commune that my two friends I mentioned earlier are from. I believe that living with them for a few months will really make me feel fresh, avoiding all the pills and acid though of course. If I'm still playing pokemon next year (of course I will be, HG+SS will be amazing!) I'll document my experience and share it here with pictures and video.. however, I seriously disapprove the stereotypical "hippie" kids... it'll be a fad like all the scene kids running around thinking they are "hard core" (no offense at all, I'm just strongly against people relying on stereotypes to make them fit in. I'm a proud sponsor of the Be Who You Are program called Life, its tough and you won't make it unless you do some soul searching and try being who you were born to be, not what's cool at the time...) Let me stress that again, Be Yourself, Not What Is Cool At The Time. Besides, the movie they're releasing isn't even going to be good in my honest opinion. I've heard from various people who can beat anyone in a friendly game of six degree of separation that the Taking Woodstock movie is just a film thrown together with the biggest stereotypes of the late 60's. ehhh big long rant, sorry. EDIT: soldjermon, i sent you a pm on ARDS my code manager program fails.
  2. I would most defiantly get tribal body art and piercings, from the tribes themselves... I plan on joining the Peace Corps. after college and I think it would be amazing to help different tribes in Africa and receive piercings and tattoos from them, although it would probably be one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. But before I think about post-college Peace Corps. stuff, I plan on getting a good deal of tattoos as soon as I get a job... I want to get "I am my love's and my love is mine, who browses among the lilies." from Song of Solomon on the inside of my right forearm in Hebrew, the outline of North Carolina on the inside of my left forearm, and the face of a lion on my thigh with the Hebrew sign for Gad because my birthday verse is 1 Chronicles 12:8 which describes the men who helped King David as men trained for war with the faces of lions and who were swift as deer. They're all influenced by my religion and thats that.
  3. Sun Giants- Fleet Foxes GAHH skyfire! k'naan is amazing!
  4. yeah for some reason i realized that i had made an "Applied Image" layer on photoshop and it somehow got scooted over to the right, which is what that repeat is on the left. I kinda like the effect that it gave but I'm a bit too tired/lazy right now to deal with it, maybe I'll slide that layer back over in the morning...
  5. ↓↓↓I made a new tag↓↓↓ however I don't know if i should replace my current signature with this? yes? no? what do you think?
  6. I prefer Lugia, simply because I could never get into the strange feathers on Ho-oh's head, or his bright colors. Lugia looks sleek and has a very easy-to-look-at, simple color scheme and doesn't have all the crazy wing/tail feathers that Ho-oh has. And besides his name just seems more reasonable than Ho-oh which makes me want to go get a Hostess Ho-ho and stuff my face full of little pastry sweets! Although the whole Lugia-Lugie comparison is kind of gorss.. ha.
  7. I bought Platinum the day it came out, however i've yet to buy diamond or pearl... i'll probably end up getting Diamond, Dialga is one of my favorite looking legendaries actually.
  8. Oh, sorry. I thought that you possibly had alot of pokes that you've rendered but its fine, i'll just stick with planetrenders
  9. haha nah not asian, I usually get alot of "you look like "insert member of a band"" my personal favorite is, "you look alot like a young Scott Avett" i'll try to find a picture where i'm not looking down or yawning ridiculously...
  10. I've been having this problem too when using the Soul Silver skin but after i found the "remember me" button that was hidden in some obscure log on page i've only experienced the problem once or twice.
  11. Cyndaquil for sure! As much as I love my grass starters, i'll have to pick up cyndaquil for nostalgia's sake.
  12. sure why not? Me (on the right) with my best friend+female companion this is a kind of old photo though Awkward yawn that my sister apparently took a picture of when i was talking to her... I get told that i look like a lion quite often... but i'm refusing to cut my hair until I get out of my parents house so I can get dreads.
  13. Hey guys, my AR has been acting up and it doesn't add pokemon to my pokedex when i use some codes... so is there anyway someone could wi-fi trade me an Arceus? I want to have its entry in my pokedex so I can do the movie 12 event Arceus or whichever Arceus event you activate by having one.. or if you just want to show it to me somehow in wi-fi that would work too, i basically just need it's pokedex entry, however if you would like to be nice and trade me for one I would appreciate it! My friend code is 5156 1636 7541 "Phillip" I can practically trade at anytime, my timezone is EST Thanks!
  14. you're right on the animated bars, also do you have alot of pokemon renders or anything in a folder? if you have alot of them that you've rendered from the tcg like that nice render of dusknoir do you think you could send me a zip file or something?
  15. yeah I'll do that, I'll edit into this post then you can put it on the first page there you go
  16. mmmm its kind of an understood rule not to use stocks from DA unless you have permission from the original artist to use their work, copyright stuff.
  17. not much of a tag to rate but i'll give the avy a 7/10 ;]
  18. actually i put in basic colors and smudged the whole background, but eh its fine, no problem, i wasn't fond of it either, it was my first piece since.... sheesh probably last year! and sure you can use the animated userbar, i just copied the ones from the first page and the one narwhal pm'd me into a .gif file in ps.
  19. I'm on it Exolios! i'll edit this post when i'm done EDIT: well it may not be the best thing ever but here you go! Keep in mind that its 12:24AM here and I did this in 4 or 5 minutes... eh without further ado, I present my first completed request! I hope you enjoy Exolios! EDITY EDIT: its a bit darker than it seemed on photoshop, if you want me to lighten it up a bit simply let me know. EDITY EDITY EDIT: Keep in mind Exo, you've already got two requests so try to wait a while (a weekish?) before requesting another. It's just for the artists sakes, and it makes it fair for other members who are requesting signatures. Just sayin! :biggrin: EDITY EDITY EDITY EDIT: One more for good measure ;]
  20. well to be honest, if you're worried if a pokemon with those extreme stats can be traded, I would suggest not trying it. I'm 99.92% sure that you cannot trade pokemon with illegal movesets, its like a big red flag saying "Hey Nintendo! Look at me I'm an illegal poke!" if you get the drift... Just play it safe and use your best judgement and only make pokes with resonable stats, evs, and ivs. Use calculators to make sure everything matches up and you should be fine.
  21. Thanks guys! And Narwhal I subscribed to the signature thread so I'll get email updates for when anyone posts to request one. Is it first come first serve to fill out requests or...?
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