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Everything posted by epicNeo

  1. I can't, for my life, get this to work. I've been trying the WiFi tool found here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?t=2 It's being very stubborn, and none of the settings in the ini file will change, thus I can't set the proper setup to backup. That, or my router is being retarded and won't let it through. Is there anything like the GBA backup tool, that lets you copy it straight onto the flashcart microSD without the FTP WiFi stuff? Thanks, epicNeo. And if you can't help me or there is no way to fix this, I'll just go ahead and buy the NDS USB Backup Tool, as that might work faster, easier, with less stress for me. EDIT: Crap. Got it to work. I didn't put it in the ROOT ; But now whenever I try to back it up, I get this message, and can't see anything wrong with the setup: "Data transfer failed. Please do over again. (A): Confirm" I've retried over and over, but to no avail. It also seems to be connecting to my computer. What could be wrong? Are there not enough privledges? (Vista UAC maybe?)
  2. What are you talking about, hm? A restore file? Why don't you just use your restore file...?
  3. Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here
  4. I also bought an R4i and recieved it two days ago for my birthday. If you bought an R4i, not an R4RTS, go to the R4i site, R4iDS.com. Only the shell found there is compatible with the R4i.
  5. Kanto = Happy! But why wouldn't it have been there in the first place?
  6. Ohh hell yeah! Now I can get Darkrai without cheating or hacking!
  7. epicNeo

    Hello all.

    Welcome, QFC. I'm pretty new here, but I have the same background as you. I hope you enjoy your time here! :biggrin:
  8. Ummm... Chuck my dagger through its heart! Silver bullets! I don't know...
  9. Me too! Go Togepi! I had a Pikachu one too, but the battery was sort of dying, so it sounded super slow and stuff, and it would go off for no reason. Imagine in the middle of the night: "Piiiiikaaaaachhuuuuuuuuu..."
  10. No, they would be the ancestors of Eevee, since Eevee was the original of the Eeveelutions (duh ) and that doesn't make any sense. Besides, they were resureccted taking the forms of the different elements, so it makes even less sense.
  11. <p><p><p><p><p>Ok. Thanks. I would have them to you sooner, but a BSOD crashed my computer when I tried opening AOL. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png" alt="xD" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  12. <p><p><p><p><p>Thank you very much. I will be requesting more soon, if you don't mind. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png" alt=":D" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

  13. Thanks. Waiting for you to get online. PM ME when you are online. Also, I'll be requesting more soon, if you don't mind. I don't want to wait for this guy, though. What is your timezone? EDIT: Email me at epiclyawesom@textfree.us to text my iPod when you are ready. i will hopefully recieve it sooner with notiication. keep in mind I'm on Hawaii time, -10 hours, and it's precisely midnight as I edit this. EDIT: Email may not work. Text that email or Textfree it if you have an ipod touch or iphone. Otherwise, just PM.
  14. WHITE SMOKE BABY SATISFIED LIGHTNINGROD Whoa... I think there's something wrong with my game.
  15. I want an a green Espeon. :biggrin: I can't provide voice chat, so I'll need you to be completely on task. I also need you to check the secret ID of the Pokemon I trade you and PM me with the result. I'm trying to breed a shiny but I heard you need to know your secret ID. Help please! :smile:
  16. Other than that Red Gyrados, which I saw in Gold, Silver, and my special Japanese Silver (which I don't have anymore :frown:), I saw shiny Espeon in FireRed, my most favourite Pokemon ever! But it was in the Battle Tower :eek:
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