Bagon is currently level 14...
Can't be encountered outside that level range.
I'm not aware of anything definitive that Basculin-1 can't call for help, since others with a call rate of 9 can call.
Berry Fix just bumped the saved clock date forward. DLC is stored in the save file, but does not affect executed code. Bad parameters in the saved data can be replaced, code patching is not possible.
Auto update pokedex details when pkm is set to a slot, equivalent to registering in-game.
Modify info to fix common errors when pkm is set to a slot, which fixes bad memory details
> Before Generation VI, it was not possible for male or genderless Pokémon to pass down their Ability in any way.
Can't inherit a hidden ability as a genderless egg. Working as intended.
"Corrected" != fixed; you didn't fix the PIDIV correlation.
Invalid: Can't have ball for encounter type.
Valid Move 1: Learned by Level-up.
Valid Move 2: Learned by Level-up.
Valid Move 3: Learned by Move Tutor.
Valid Move 4: Egg Move.
Valid Relearn Move 1: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 2: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 3: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 4: Valid.
Valid: Able to hatch an Egg at Met Location.
Valid: Nickname does not match another species name.
Valid: Current level is not below met level.
Valid: All ribbons accounted for.
Valid: Ability matches ability number.
Valid: Form is Valid.
Valid: Gender matches PID.
Valid: Nature matches PID.
Valid: Encounter Type matches encounter.
Valid: HT Memory is valid.
Valid: History block is valid.
Valid: Geolocation: Country is in 3DS region.
Encounter Type: Egg (Torkoal)
PID Type: None
Invalid: Can't have ball for encounter type.
Valid Move 1: Learned by Level-up.
Valid Move 2: Learned by Level-up.
Valid Move 3: Learned by TM/HM.
Valid Move 4: Learned by TM/HM.
Valid Relearn Move 1: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 2: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 3: Valid.
Valid Relearn Move 4: Valid.
Fishy: Current experience matches level threshold.
Valid: Able to hatch an Egg at Met Location.
Valid: Nickname matches species name.
Valid: All ribbons accounted for.
Valid: Ability matches ability number.
Valid: Form is Valid.
Valid: Gender matches PID.
Valid: Nature matches PID.
Valid: Encounter Type matches encounter.
Valid: HT Memory is valid.
Valid: History block is valid.
Valid: Geolocation: Country is in 3DS region.
Encounter Type: Egg (Dratini)
PID Type: None
No PIDIV type => pkm must have originated from an egg. Since it must be from an egg, it must always be in a pokeball.
I'm not able to replicate the issue.
The PK1 format has byte 0x03 to indicate the Current Level when stored in the box, but I can't find any scenario where this will be set to zero.
Fixed in the latest commit
never-boxed pkm don't have this value set; PKHeX now handles the party->box setting of boxlevel
Added in latest commit:
Alternate clone searches beyond this should probably just modify the src to their liking
I updated the exe a few hours with the hotfix for STADIUM and bw moves, @ThePunish3D just needs to redownload the posted exe since it was updated stealthily after it was originally uploaded with the 'latest' version.
The advanced search allows for searching properties not shown in the regular filters area.
However, I don't think the wonder card data stores what you are seeking.
Should be fixed in the latest commit, thanks for reporting
I've reuploaded the exe zip, so redownload if you'd prefer to not ignore the error