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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. The file you attached has the mark. It's just not "affixed"/equipped by default (I will change the default behavior in a commit). The other attachment is generated from the regular Area Zero encounter, again at level 52.
  2. Creating things from scratch is a bad idea; Vivillon cannot be wild captured with a Normal tera type. Familiarize yourself with the Encounter Database, and create new things from the templates in there. Manually modifying something else into what you want requires you to make all the necessary changes, which you didn't do.
  3. The 7 star raid isn't found at level 52. You likely generated from a different encounter template.
  4. None of that savedata is anything savedata like; many files are either nonsense / junk, and some have pieces of RAM/ROM data from the games instead of save data.
  5. Thanks for reporting, fixed on latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/9897630b08674fca077073c11232231e2f18b994
  6. Thanks for reporting; should be fixed on the latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/50209c4f0d5799af042d2979459341de8877552f
  7. Unable to replicate Archaludon. Ensure it has a HOME Tracker to indicate it has actually traversed from Galar to S/V. The VC gender thing has been broken for the past two years; thanks for bringing it to my attention. Will be fixed in the next commit.
  8. Here you go -- was missing the final block (0x200) of data which contains all the checksums. I truncated your save data to the correct size, then copied another OR/AS save file's last 0x200 bytes to the end of your save file, then opened & exported it with PKHeX to fix the checksums. main
  9. Duplicate: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/64401-misc-bug/#comment-287168
  10. Wrong; use a save manager like Checkpoint or JKSV to export your save file data that works instead of manually copying files off the SD. The console stores sensitive data like save files encrypted with a per-device key, hence why programs cannot magically decrypt them. Your attached file is unusable without it being properly exported.
  11. Raids have an RNG correlation that can be calculated in realtime for nonshinies, but shinies require more calculation. Since the amount of calculation needed to validate shiny raids is not feasible for realtime display, PKHeX does not check them.
  12. Generation 3 games do not store any Date values, so no; your Hall of Fame entry will not have the information you seek.
  13. Thanks, should be fixed on the latest commits now! https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/6d0b4f77e4e231e8fa1d83386f326fc4ca872981
  14. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Have you completed the entirety of the Indigo Disk DLC?
  15. In 3D games, the X and Z coordinates are used for the horizontal plane and Y is for the height above that plane. The issue with the labels is that Spanish is too long for its label, and it's not tall enough to word wrap to display a second line.
  16. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    In the hours following the release, I had uploaded new zip files with patched versions. If you downloaded immediately after it was first released, you probably have a release that was behaving incorrectly (where the button press did not execute anything). When I uploaded the final "hotfix" for 23.12.18, I changed the file name of the zip that is downloaded. Sending me a photo of the changelog screen does not confirm if you have downloaded the "PKHeX (23.12.18)a.zip".
  17. If you're using wine/mono/crossover to run the application, refer to the other discussion threads. You need a patch and the latest wine as it doesn't have perfect .NET 8 compatibility yet.
  18. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Again, this was hot fixed and a new exe was uploaded. Double check you have the zip with the file name `PKHeX (23.12.18)a.zip`.
  19. control-click the textbox to bring up the trash bytes / extra character text entry.
  20. If you open your save file in a hex editor (like HxD) you can visualize the 0x1000-sized save blocks for your data. As you can see, the second slot has all block IDs present, while your other one has D,1,0,4 with duplicates containing different checksums. The games store box data in block chunks [3,D], and player data (progress, etc) in blocks [0,2]. Unfortunately, your backup there does not contain a block for #2. I would try "transplanting" blocks (chunks of 0x1000 bytes) from the corrupt save into a donor save, to see what information you can recover. Maybe just overwriting the second save to see what data pops out in PKHeX.
  21. Kaphotics

    Misc Bug

    Was hotfixed shortly after release; ensure you're using the latest zip from the downloads page.
  22. Did you save in-game after installing the latest DLC 3.0.0 patch? If not, your save file is still an old Teal Mask save file. PKHeX indicates the currently loaded savefile type in the program title bar. Double check that it is `-ID`, not `-TM`.
  23. Thanks, fixed on latest commit: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/2fe0f24301d5f43a98020dc65e29f1af45694b54
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