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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Those forms do not exist outside of ORAS. If Pokémon do not exist in a specific game, then they do not exist. Same as Celebi does not exist in Pokémon Red. PKHeX does not support ROM Hacks.
  2. This program was never updated for SW/SH and should not be used anymore. Just drag and drop files into PKHeX. PKHeX supports backwards conversion if you enable it in the program settings. There is no official backwards conversion logic, so the best PKHeX will do is just copy values between the formats and not bother fixing any issues that may arise.
  3. It means that the data that is loaded has some invalid/improperly filled out fields, and is preventing you from exporting the data. Not sure why you need PKHaX for this.
  4. If traded online it'll either be blocked, or will have its nickname reset & OT changed. Should probably remove/change the nickname.
  5. The program has a setting to use the editor tabs as criteria for generating the encounter. You can turn off the setting, or change the values to something you want it to be prior to generating.
  6. The closest you can get is to inject into a Gen7 game on 3DS, then transfer from Bank into HOME legitimately, then transfer into the destination game. You will need a 3DS, obviously. Or, someone else to do it for you (not this thread, or forum).
  7. For the last time, you CANNOT make legal Pokemon from GO/HOME. They must have originated from HOME, and the official server knows you injected the data. It'll never be legal, and it will never be legitimate. The messages mean what they say. You do not have a save file loaded, so the current save file Trainer Name is PKHeX. Not Samus. It is expecting the HT to be PKHeX, because the current handler of the Pokemon must be the save file. For the OT, sure, whatever. I'll repeat: use the encounter database to generate data from scratch, but you'll never get anything legal from a GO encounter because you NEED a HOME tracker to be legal
  8. They were never legal. PKHeX was updated over a year ago to make HOME Tracker checking Opt-Out rather than Opt-In. The linked file is from someone's GO account, meaning, they did not generate it.
  9. You cannot create "legit" Pokemon, only "legal". You cannot create "legal" Pokemon that originate from GO/HOME, because you cannot create a legal HOME Tracker. Read: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/56296-read-home-tracker-value/
  10. Original Trainer, Latest Handled (not OT) = HT, Current Handler = which of the two currently possesses the Pokemon. The OT would be the GO trainer, the HT would be the save file. You cannot fake a HOME Tracker. Read the stickied message in the PKHeX subforum. Again, you cannot create legal GO Pokemon because you cannot fake a HOME tracker.
  11. Ensure you're looking at the same game. Emerald has those flags, but less-researched/documented games do not have an extensive list of the event flags.
  12. Use the encounter database. You cannot create legal Pokémon from scratch from GO as they would be lacking a legitimate HOME tracker. Read the stickied thread regarding HOME trackers. The OT cannot be the handler for any GO mon because they are not the OT; they are a different trainer handling the Pokémon. Your SWSH trainer is not your GO trainer data.
  13. Re-read the reply. Different games have different editors.
  14. You don't. Use your mouse to right click.
  15. It is a Windows application, not a mobile device application. Go find a computer, not a phone.
  16. There isn't anything in PKHeX for that at this time.
  17. 1. check if the program indicates the encounter frame matching a lead, or if it just reports "X". Gen3 has vblanks which interrupt the RNG patterns, but oftentimes the lack of one will be extremely suspicious (but not provably illegal). 2. emerald saves the entire egg pid to the save file when it is generated. the other games only set 16 bits. the other random properties are generated when the egg is picked up, and technically someone could bruteforce all potential seeds to see if it was legal or not. but that isn't quick for programs to do in realtime. 3. pid%2. abilities are retained on transfer, but will change when evolved to match the ability bit (pid % 2). 4. cute charm activating just forces a range of PID values based on the gender. PKHeX calculates all possibilities while pokefinder probably doesn't handle it. 5. see #1. vblanks can interrupt, but they do not interrupt multiple times. sequential calls to the RNG are denoted A,B,C,D,E,F,G, where a vblank steals a letter and discards it. the game will resume, and won't see another vblank until 1/60th (or whatever) of a second elapses, which gives more than enough time for the pokemon to finish generating. Method 1 is just ABCD, Method 2 is AB-DE, and Method 4 is ABC-E. A vblank happening between PID calls has been observed, but it is extremely-extremely infrequent, so it's flagged as illegal just to make those cases obvious.
  18. Rolling the RNG forward with a known seed is instantaneous; determining a seed from resulting values is not. Since a shiny xoroshiro result does not have the original PID, there is a much larger space of possible seeds to brute force and check if they can result in all the values of the entity. A non shiny has 32bit EC, and a 32bit PID. A shiny only has the EC and 16bits of the original PID. So to check it, you have to try to guess (2^16) different original PIDs, which is 65535 times slower than an instant check. Such a computational requirement results in a not-instant result, which is infeasible for real-time legality checks.
  19. You're still well below regular odds. https://twitter.com/Sibuna_Switch/status/1593324825409462272?lang=en
  20. There isn't an efficient algorithm to check for the origin seed of xoroshiro shinies.
  21. Depends how a given person quantifies legality. By generating endless eggs, you're bypassing the normal restrictions of how many a ranger cartridge can generate, and how many can be received by a mainline game. If you're already cutting corners to fabricate infinite eggs, why not cut all the corners and just RNG or gen it in PKHeX? Everyone has their own idea of what they consider acceptable, so certain approaches you may be okay with may not be okay for others.
  22. This is an English speaking forum, please only post messages in English. You're wanting to "legalize" a Pokemon directly in the slot via the right click context menu; no, the plugin does not add that functionality. If you're wanting to edit a Pokemon, you load it to the editor then run whatever edits on it. As for retaining values and only fixing what is wrong -- you're misunderstanding the intent of the plugin, which is to obtain battle legal Pokemon. Originally the plugin tried to do what you're wanting, but applying "fixes" to whatever is wrong is not foolproof and has tons of considerations that need to be accounted for. It is MUCH simpler to just find an encounter that can have the moves, generate it, and set it to the requested level and stats. If you want to pick and choose properties to copy over to the original, that's on you.
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