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PLAFiles last won the day on October 17 2023

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  1. Wait, what? Anytime I've done edits, I do, for example: =Box=1 .OriginalTrainerName= .TID= .SID= And then I quickly backspace the "1," make it a "2," then press Tab or whatever to submit it and do that for every box. What I posted above does all Pokémon in one box, but I want all boxes.
  2. I tried using that tool the other day, but no idea how to get an initial seed and all that. I saw a guide but couldn't figure it out in the limited time I had.
  3. Ohhhh. So a Pokémon could be edited how you want, but then if you put it in Home and were to take it back out, you can't edit it anymore without making it illegal/illegitimate?
  4. Referencing this post, since yet again, I cannot reply directly there. @theSLAYER Regarding footnote 3: So, how would this work with Eggs? Like, if I had a starter Pokémon as an Egg, modified its stats and all that to be perfect, then hatched it in-game, would it still be 100% legal/legitimate? Since at that point, the Egg is legitimately hatching and getting values from the game itself when hatched.
  5. So, how would this work with Eggs? Like, if I had a starter Pokémon as an Egg, modified its stats and all that to be perfect, then hatched it in-game, would it still be 100% legal/legitimate? Since at that point, the Egg is legitimately hatching and getting values from the game itself when hatched.
  6. Oh wow; so basically, still do everything actually legitimately and not use PKHeX to change anything, based on that link you shared (3rd footnote).
  7. I've been to a few VGC events since 2014. Since at least then, Pokémon that were genned/made or edited in PKHeX have passed legality checks at these events. However, then I see really interesting posts like these by @Kaphotics (see the .gif in the tweet): Or, more-so even, ones that do not show illegal in PKHeX but were genned/modified. Are there game bytes/blocks that show the more non-obvious things or what?
  8. Hmm. Do you happen to know the chances/odds of getting an all-31 IV starter Pokémon in OR/AS? Like, if I simply made all 6 IVs to 31 and someone else inspected that exact Pokémon on their own PKHeX to check it, would it be obvious it was manually changed or any bytes/blocks of the Pokémon/game to give that away?
  9. Interesting, ok. Any ETA or a guess on when that'd all be done? I assume it'd take at least a couple hours, but could get knocked out in an afternoon/night if the fix would be as easy as just using the encounter database and replacing illegal entries?
  10. I noticed PokeFinder skips Gen 6. What is the best way to set all of a Pokémon's IV's to 31 in OR/AS? Or, how can I find the most legitimate PID/nature/whatever to go with that IV spread in Gen 6?
  11. The file page itself is locked, so I couldn't comment this there, but.... As of July 7, 2024, looks like the following Pokémon are illegal in the non-shiny living Dex (for Gen 6 at least): Beedrill, Gible, Hippopotas, Carnivine. They each give a similar error to the one below. Were these never legitimate Pokémon or why the error for a select few?
  12. Hmm. Would these actually be illegal as PKHeX shows, or is it a false error type of deal?
  13. PLAFiles

    PKHeX Error

    Even though I am using hardware (actual GBA + legit copy of the game)?
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