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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. I hotfixed the exe shortly after release with a fix for some channel recognition; can you confirm if it is flagged on latest release (or current dev build)? https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/bf476f4de55217b4713027677b4fc1277a3562c8
  2. Working as intended; if it does not follow the PIDIV restrictions for floating/entering then the PID can't be obtained. It's a recently added check.
  3. Yes, but nobody knows because it's easier to just start a new save file.
  4. It should be a Method 1 PIDIV type, not "none". Either the PID was changed, or the IVs were changed. It's not legal, and the program is working as intended.
  5. The error message tells you why it was unable to continue, you did not give it a full ROM dump to work with. It is looking for a "rom2" path for the exefs, but no file was found, and it cannot patch the exefs for your modified files. Current advice is to use layeredfs via custom firmware, instead of rebuilding ROM files.
  6. Transfer them legitimately through HOME. https://projectpokemon.org/home/docs/home_165/relevance-of-home-tracker-home-v200-v300-and-beyond-r154/
  7. This thread is for reporting issues with legitimate pokemon; hacked pokemon that did not travel to the requisite game are being correctly flagged as hacked.
  8. Entirely different. You can ignore the resort slot messages if you know they are not currently occupied; the data is merely a shadow/remnant of a slot after you recall it from the resort.
  9. The official HOME servers assign the value. You cannot assign the value yourself, as HOME servers are the authority on authenticity. If they don't have data for your tracker that matches the content of the data, then you get the usual error 10015. https://projectpokemon.org/home/docs/home_165/relevance-of-home-tracker-home-v200-v300-and-beyond-r154/
  10. Same. Hover for whatever, and use my first message as a guide on how to convert between the two display types.
  11. Box Binaries are for copying boxes between same-format save files. The program only performs transfers for individual files, not boxdata/pcdata.
  12. Starting in generation 3, the game stores a random 32-bit number (0 - FFFFFFFF) for every Trainer to differentiate them from others with the same name. In generations 3-6, the game takes this 32-bit number and displays the lowest 16 bits of the 32, which ranges from 0-65535, as the visible Trainer ID. The remaining 16 bits are the invisible "secret" ID, also 0-65535. For trainers originating in generation 7 and beyond, the game instead displays the 32-bit number as a decimal number, but only displays the lowest 6 digits. Since the 32-bit number ranges from 0-4294967295, we have 6 digits to display, and a value 0-4294 (or 4293 depending on the lowest 6 digits) as the invisible "secret" ID. If you want to enter a 5-digit ID, then make the Trainer data (Pokémon) originate from an earlier generation. When you change it back to Gen7+, the displayed values will be equivalent. If you hover over the text boxes, the program tells you the other representation.
  13. Dump your pk1 data and search the save file for the same sequence of bytes. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Save_data_structure_(Generation_I) Structure is not entirely sequential due to how they store strings separately from data.
  14. Cheat code programs like the one you linked are designed to work on unmodified versions of the game. Since you mentioned you are playing Fire Red Extended, this is a ROM Hack, and it isn't much of a stretch to assume that the ROM Hack has changed how the game behaves and where it places things in memory while the game runs. Seek out help in the ROM Hack's support area, as each ROM Hack is differently behaved from others, and they would point you in the direction of what supported tools (if any) are available.
  15. The program is open source and you can test everything you want with the program and referencing a hex editor and the source code. Nobody is going to write you an essay describing how everything works in excruciating detail; just refer to the program's source code and various threads on the internet. PKHeX edits the save file and models its transfer mechanisms to the best of the community's understanding of how the official transfer mechanics work.
  16. update your version of Wine; 9.0 is not the latest, and this was fixed by Wine in a later release.
  17. Probably same as: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/4036
  18. File size is not an expected save size; there are 4 bytes too many. Not sure why your dumper is including 4 extra bytes at the end. Open your save file in a hex editor (like HxD) and delete the last 4 bytes. The save file then loads as expected.
  19. Try it and see. The process is the exact same as when you restore your save file to your GBA cartridge; it can only be done in a powered off state, hence the game does a cold boot and loads the save file on startup.
  20. The game only loads the save file when it boots the game; all you're doing is importing it to the emulator, and the emulator isn't soft resetting to have it read your save file changes. PKHeX is working as intended. Save Files are what the game loads when the game starts up. If the game does not (re-)start... should be obvious
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