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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Use pk3DS, there are numerous tutorials on YouTube
  2. You can run multiple "set value" instructions at the same time.
  3. It's probably fine, just a common gen3 japanese mew event gift. PKHeX doesn't have a complete internal event database (there's no serialized database put together by the community atm), so it's just hand-checking for now.
  4. Kaphotics

    bug in last update

    Thanks, fixed in latest commit https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/19a897923d9c04864b7473116a1902f7f3bcc97a
  5. Edit the ROM's "Personal" data; base stats are not stored in the save file.
  6. You'd have to do a similar process to determine what flags need to be messed with for other events; have fun digging around the disassembly 773 is used by the other "RAYQUAZA" entity, so you can try that. SkyPillar_Top_EventObjects: @ 8537170 object_event 1, EVENT_OBJ_GFX_RAYQUAZA_2, 0, 14, 7, 3, MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0x0, 773 object_event 2, EVENT_OBJ_GFX_RAYQUAZA_1, 0, 14, 6, 3, MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, 1, 1, 0, 0, SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239722, 80
  7. bruh, "80d" is shorthand for "80, in decimal notation" flag 80 is the same as flag 0x050
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal The prefix 0x is used in C and related languages, which would denote this value by 0x2AF3. 80d = 0x50, 448d = 0x1C0
  9. Refer here. checkflag / setflag / clearflag do exactly what their names imply: checkflag: is flag set (on/off) setflag: sets the flag (on) clearflag: un-sets the flag (off) The script that Rayquaza uses should be obvious based of what is highlighted: SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239722:: @ 8239722 lockall waitse playmoncry SPECIES_RAYQUAZA, 2 delay 40 waitmoncry setwildbattle SPECIES_RAYQUAZA, 70, ITEM_NONE setflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE special BattleSetup_StartLegendaryBattle waitstate clearflag FLAG_SYS_CTRL_OBJ_DELETE specialvar VAR_RESULT, sub_8138B80 compare VAR_RESULT, 1 goto_eq SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239768 compare VAR_RESULT, 4 goto_eq SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239771 compare VAR_RESULT, 5 goto_eq SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239771 setflag FLAG_0x1C0 releaseall end Flag 0x1C0 is set when you're done battling, hence preventing him from appearing further. If you search the name of the script, you can see which entity uses it.: https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/24f6484643ed3d7115fd4ebd92f254f224f1ca97/data/maps/SkyPillar_Top/events.inc#L3 SkyPillar_Top_EventObjects: @ 8537170 object_event 1, EVENT_OBJ_GFX_RAYQUAZA_2, 0, 14, 7, 3, MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0x0, 773 object_event 2, EVENT_OBJ_GFX_RAYQUAZA_1, 0, 14, 6, 3, MOVEMENT_TYPE_FACE_DOWN, 1, 1, 0, 0, SkyPillar_Top_EventScript_239722, 80 If you look at the last parameter for the entity that uses the script (as already described here), it appears its spawn flag is 80d (0x050), this flag is used to hide the entity. Again, like the linked thread, play with the event flags (0x50 & 0x1C0) until you get a result.
  10. Someone has to figure out how to do that first; then it can be added. This sub-forum is not for research requests.
  11. It's already there, for all versions.
  12. O wow another hacked team trying to play online This forum section is NOT for getting help on why you can't get a Pokemon into online battles.
  13. The common method of 'adding' megas is to overwrite the data (sprite, model/animation, learnset, cry, etc) of another species and its mega form. They're usually only done for single use battle hacks, since it effectively deletes existing content.
  14. Remove the Sinnoh Champ ribbon and you should be good to go; the ribbon names were just swapped https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/d19705f5a9c54cebbc0e4e5e837efdcab53981b0
  15. kay, added: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/91f39d74db50266d862e24c3839270aa4d765bb0
  16. You must be mis-remembering; there has never been scrolling while the box dropdown is not focused. If the Box dropdown has focus, you can use the arrow keys, or you can hover over it and use the scroll wheel. I've checked various versions up to 2 years ago and none had the 'scroll' to switch boxes without focus
  17. Can always play through that part on your own 3DS & game, then move it to Citra to play on your dumped ROM.
  18. Nothing has been changed that would impact this; be sure your mouse is currently hovered over the Box dropdown. Can only scroll when it has focus, never had otherwise.
  19. Do WiFi battles on your 3DS, then extract the battle videos from your 3DS to play them on your PC.
  20. Better to just use a save converter prior to loading the saves; from brief inspection these are compressed (0x1150E, 0xA29C) which is not one of the raw supported filetypes. Can't support every oddball emulator/etc especially if they run with their own formats. Gotta be raw save files.
  21. Kaphotics

    bug in last update

    IVs aren't valid with respect to the PID; there's no way the game can naturally generate those IVs (unless you're on an emulator which doesn't emulate the game's hardware 100%).
  22. Kaphotics

    bug in last update

    Not a bug; the extension for a VC save file is ".dat", which had the ROM patch to get Celebi on non-Japanese versions. Since you have a ".sav" file, it is not from the Virtual Console, thus it is not possible to obtain Celebi. Japanese games can not trade to international games. The stored format is different. Any japanese characters are not able to be saved to an international pkm.
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