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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Do NOT store game backups on OneDrive, as it doesn't store files on your local machine by default. The program expects the data to exist locally, not on the cloud. Move your data to a folder that is not a cloud folder/drive.
  2. Fixed; related issue details on GitHub for reference -- https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/issues/3513
  3. Use the encounter database when creating things from scratch. Alpha moves and the initial moves are all marked as mastered if they're in the purchase able list. The game randomly picks a move to be alpha mastered when creating a Pokemon.
  4. Working as intended; it's flagging the illegal move pp counts that HOME has applied. Official logic can have bugs, and PKHeX flags them for you.
  5. The favorite marking was previously not retained when transferred, but the new HOME 2.0.0 update now retains this data across formats. The next PKHeX update will account for this new possibility.
  6. If you're going to cheat to obtain the ribbon, then why not cheat the ribbon entirely and just edit it on via a save editor? Or, just set them to be a lower level so that they can compete.
  7. Referring to the status codes the game can have (for gen3 in particular): https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/c9c754be061c6400a0eaf60a01ccd0dcafb01b91/include/constants/battle.h#L97-L108 #define STATUS1_NONE 0 #define STATUS1_SLEEP (1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2) // First 3 bits (Number of turns to sleep) #define STATUS1_SLEEP_TURN(num) ((num) << 0) // Just for readability (or if rearranging statuses) #define STATUS1_POISON (1 << 3) #define STATUS1_BURN (1 << 4) #define STATUS1_FREEZE (1 << 5) #define STATUS1_PARALYSIS (1 << 6) #define STATUS1_TOXIC_POISON (1 << 7) #define STATUS1_TOXIC_COUNTER (1 << 8 | 1 << 9 | 1 << 10 | 1 << 11) #define STATUS1_TOXIC_TURN(num) ((num) << 8) Assuming you want to set a Burn status, the value would be (1 << 4), aka 16. So, in the batch editor, you select the Party button and run the following instructions to edit your party slot (zero indexed, so your first party member is 'slot 0'): =Slot=0 .Status_Condition=16
  8. It's a custom fork that added the ability to set status conditions. You can just use the batch editor to write a specific Status Condition value to a specific slot. Having a GUI for it is a bit wasteful as it's only useful for niche situations like applying status for Guts mons in nuzlockes. Someone could probably write a plugin to add a drop-down to do exactly that.
  9. PKHeX has not updated for HOME.
  10. PKHeX does not support ROM hacks. Don't bother asking here for help with other people's outdated forks. Ask the fork author.
  11. File count needs to be correct, has to be a merged romfs with three base content and all the patch content, per the readme.
  12. If you're trying to load BDSP files in other games, transfers to other games are not yet implemented. HOME update came out just yesterday.
  13. The starters are shiny and gender locked; refer to PKHeX's encounters or other wikis. The game just tries generating PIDs until it obtains one that satisfies the requirements.
  14. The program is not being able to create a temporary file to simulate the drag drop effect. I suspect the issue is with your Crossover / Wine setup. It works fine on Windows, and doesn't do anything special besides write to %TEMP%.
  15. Working as intended. PKHeX uses the 3DS' word filter for all formats, and it's a little more aggressive than the ones used by future games. It's still a profane name, so PKHeX is well within its right to flag it. Don't like it? Then reverse engineer all the word filters used by all the games, then I'll implement format specific ones. Else, we use the 3DS one everywhere.
  16. Likely just out-of-bounds Species in your entree forest (corrupt data). I've pushed a fix that will resolve your issue: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/d839437037eb50940cd4977a5318cd58f59994c7 Download the Development Build (when it completes) and give it a try. https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/2445-pkhex-development-build/
  17. Open it in a hex editor; you'll see strings like "P�o�k�é�m�o�n� �U�l�t�r�a� �S�u�n" which imply it is not a valid dump.
  18. Working as intended. They are clones in the sense that the EC and PID are the same, because they originated from the same raid seed. One is from the raid host with the original met location, and the other is from someone who joined a shared raid, getting the generic den location.
  19. If you have a SD card plugged into your computer with save backups stored on it that were exported by Checkpoint, then the button would be enabled. The program just shows buttons to open up various extra paths that are detected.
  20. Right click slots until the main editor dragging within in resolved in the next release.
  21. As previously answered numerous times, you need to uninstall any game patches in order for the modified content to be loaded. If the game patch overwrites content, then the patch data is used rather than the ROM/mod content.
  22. pcdata.bin comes from PKHeX, and PKHeX has a report window that shows everything and can export to csv. Is that not sufficient?
  23. Note the TID/SID of the save file, and note the TID/SID of the pokemon. If they are from different games, they should not be the same.
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