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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. evandixon


    From the download thread.
  2. Use PokeGen, not Pokesav (unless you want to edit items). http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information It can help you get all the pokemon, you'll just have to find them online and add them with this program.
  3. Try (in DeSmuMe) using File -> Impoort Backup Memory, instead of converting with the converter.
  4. I just purchased an sms4. In 10-12 buisiness days I'll be sure to tell everyone about it.
  5. Pokegen will likely fix checksums, though I don't htink it currently edits the battle box. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6424-Download-link-and-information (I just noticed that this thread has over 2 million views)
  6. evandixon

    Help me!

    What kind of "not working" are you noticing. According to Pokegen, you made it correctly (as far as I can see anyway...)
  7. I'm sorry, but there currently is no way of doing this via save editing OR by Action Replay.
  8. He'd have to completely abandon the current way of setting ribbons and start over. So, I doubt that it is at the top of his priorities.
  9. Congratulations on choosing ASP.net! Anyway, there's a slight graphic glitch on the login page in IE9: the textboxes are larger than their container. Just thought you should know
  10. Apparently.
  11. On the Extract Pokemon from ARDS code feature, sometimes someone may copy a code that has extra spaces at the end of each line (like from this forum, I copied one with extra spaces at the beginning at each line). My suggestion is to trim out all extra spaces so it does not have to be done manually. Similar to my old program that did this: http://uniquegeeks.net/index/downloads/fileinfo.aspx?fid=10 Not really that important if you're too busy. Just a suggestion.
  12. The data seemed incomplete, but here is the same code for Platinum US, Press L+R to activate:
  13. Best way I know of would to have to Pokegen windows open at once, and drag Pokemon from one window to the other.
  14. evandixon

    Target game

    I vote no, and I don't see why anyone would want to. Just open another save file. (Now that I think about it, it might come in handy when just editing one *.pkm file.)
  15. Perhaps it is something wrong with the MicroSD card (just suggesting things). When you plug it in to the computer, try doing an error check by Right-clicking -> Properties -> "Tools" tab -> Error Checking -> Check Now -> Check both checkboxes and hit start. It might be that there's a bad sector, and doing that will probably fix it. That is unless, you have a Mac or Linux. Then that won't work...
  16. When you're about to reply, click the "Go Advanced" button next to submit, then scroll down to Additional Options -> Attachments -> Manage Attachments. There you should be able to upload files. However, since the save is 0 bytes, I doubt that would be very helpful. What kernal is your friend using? The official one, or Wood R4. Try Wood R4 if you aren't, and if your cart supports it.
  17. 1. Make sure you are pressing the right buttons. 2. Make sure you are making the code for the correct region. 3. If the above suggestions don't help, then post your specific Action Replay code along with what region it is for.
  18. Does the save load properly on the R4? Because a 0 byte file has no data in it at all, so converting that to 512KB won't do anything.
  19. What kernal are you using on your R4i? Wood R4, or the official one? If you aren't using Wood R4, then I highly recommend trying that (if your particular cart supports it) because the official R4i kernals do wierd things to the save.
  20. I'm not sure why that's happening. Are you sure that the save you downloaded is for the same region as your cartridge? ---------- Moved to its own thread, because it was only halfway relevant to the other one.
  21. What isn't working? Are just the buttons disabled, or are the labels not showing anything, like the version of the device you have?
  22. I remember seeing a code for Diamond/Pearl that instantly gives you an egg at the daycare. I would imagine that it would also do this, though I haven't tried it. Edit: here it is For Diamond (Us): have two pokemon of opposite gender in the daycare, and take one step while holding R 921ed3d0 00000e00 94000130 feff0000 121ed3d2 00004280 121ed3ee 000042a5 d2000000 00000000
  23. Since MegaUpload was shut down, here is a mirror of most, if not all of the above: http://www.uniquegeeks.net/pokestockgallery.zip I'm, unsure if this is the latest version, but it beats having no live version. If anyone has a later version, then post a mirror, please.
  24. I vote no, although that doesn't mean you should give up on it. Perhaps add it later in another version.
  25. I vote item editing, but after that is done, mystery gift editing should be next.
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