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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. Status update: I've analyzed the FARC files in PSMD, and a lot of them have a corresponding list of files in them (usually called *_database.bin or *.lst). Unfortunately, there's no obvious relation between the filenames and the entries in the FARC, because the filename database is sorted alphabetically, and the FARC entries are sorted by what may be a hash. The newest version of FARC replaces each entry's filename pointer with what's probably a hash of the filename. I think it's a hash because the game scripts refer to backgrounds in image_2d.bin by filename (like WALLPAPER_SUB_GOLD01), and there's no obvious dictionary. I've tried various hashing algorithms like the ones on Nitrxgen's website, in addition to the C++ hash function in <functional>, but no matches. It's possible the hash is calculated with a Unicode string, which would yield different results than with an ANSI string, so my tests on Nitrxgen's page would mean nothing. The only algorithm I've tried with a Unicode string is C++'s hash function in <functional>. Also, thanks to @Andibad for making his FARC Unpacker open-source, which helped me get this far.
  2. Click the output text box, press Control+A, then Control+C. Then paste the text you just copied into code tags: [noparse] here [/noparse]
  3. Can you post the text in the output box?
  4. It's probably your virus scanner being over protective of newly released programs. "This program is not commonly downloaded..." I would say that it's perfectly safe and doesn't contain viruses (because there aren't any), but that's what everyone says, so it wouldn't mean anything.
  5. Look here for a list of all the homebrew entrypoints: http://smealum.github.io/3ds/ Hopefully you'll be able to get one of them working. Downgrading is not required to play Rutile Ruby or Star Sapphire, and could brick the console if you don't do it exactly right.
  6. Is braindump.3dsx in ~/3DS/Braindump/braindump.3dsx?
  7. You have to delete the secure value before restoring your save. What method are you using to manage saves?
  8. Which method did you use? The first one or the second one. In my experience, the second one is a little more reliable.
  9. In some cases maintainability is more important than performance. Even the original games had a data file that's read on demand. But regardless how you do it, good luck!
  10. Updated to alpha to support outputting to Hans.
  11. With a little conversion work, all you need is a 3DS that can run homebrew. You can use braindump to get the romfs of a legit game, and hans to run your game with the edits made using pk3DS. I've been working on a tool to make the whole process simpler. Right now it can unpack your romfs and exefs, open (a slightly older version) of pk3DS directing it where it needs to be, and generate a ROM patcher (that currently only works with .3ds files). Hans support is on my to-do list. If you want to try it out, you'll have to find/follow tutorials on how to repack the romfs to be hans-compatible.
  12. It might be possible. @psy_commando knows a lot about the portraits in the Explorers games. The portraits look like they're stored in monster.sbin. The format might be similar, but I don't think any research has been done on it yet.
  13. Sorry for the late reply. Unfortunately, I haven't done any research into changing the leader using save editing. All I've tried is changing the player Pokemon. You can achieve a similar effect by editing the first stored Pokemon and active Pokemon, which will change the main player.
  14. Updated to alpha This version lets you create ROM hack projects using a romfs/exefs made using braindump. Unfortunately, the ROM patcher doesn't export to hans compatible files yet. It is a planned feature, however. To update, simply start up Sky Editor, and it will automatically update.
  15. Interesting bit of what's probably concept art, with some debug lines over it.
  16. This is research about editing the ROM, so no save editing for now. Once we've solidified things some more, you'll need a Gateway, CFW, or Homebrew (with Hans) to edit the ROM. If you have access to the browser exploit, you can install cfw and homebrew.
  17. Yeah, it's going to be a while before even money is editable with saves. Maybe once Gateway releases their in game cheat maker, we'll have cheats. But that save file is not straightforward.
  18. I'd imagine that the parts of the scripts that changed are references to text items, the IDs of which are most likely generated when the scripts are compiled. I think that because the placement data looks like it's the same, and there's only so much the scripts can do alone.
  19. Sounds like your sd adapter is a little iffy. Try using another one, if you are able.
  20. It looks like some of the images in {ProjectFolder}/Mods/buneary/Pokemon/Portraits/0469_buneary aren't quite the right image format. Please make sure they're indexed pngs, with a palette of 16 colors.
  21. I'm sorry, I had a slight glitch in the archival feature. I'd like you to do one of the following: -Upload the "MD5 Report.txt" in ProjectFolder/Archive/ -Let Sky Editor update, open the project, archive it again, and upload ProjectFolder/Archive.zip
  22. Just to be sure, you're using "Export Backup Memory" in DeSmuMe, correct? Then in PokeGen, you're opening the .sav file you just exported to.
  23. Archiving the project won't fix the problem, but it will help us find out what's going wrong. Make sure you're updating the portraits in /{ProjectName}/Mods/{ModName}/Pokémon/Portraits/ If you change any files in /{ProjectName}/Archive, they'll get deleted. If you change any files in /{ProjectName}/BaseRom RawFiles/, the patching process won't work right. Right now, the only way to fix this is to create another project. Please try archiving the project again, without editing anything in the Archive folder. When it's done, please upload the Archive.zip in the project folder. It will be too big to attach to a forum post, so I'd recommend FileTrip.
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