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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. 630 downloads

    This is a Wild Area event held by Sword and Shield. This event features Pokémon that appear on the ranking of Curry made in Pokémon Camp. As a result, this event allows players to get Gigantamax Charizard and Gigantamax Copperajah. This event also has a guaranteed 2% Shiny Copperajah slot in the 5-star raids. This event also gives players a chance to acquire the ingredients that are normally version exclusive. To import these files into your save, use PKHeX's block importing function. Our tutorial should guide you through it. Our first post of this page contains some data relevant to the importing stage. There's info and some common questions regarding Wild Area Events here. To see other Wild Area Events, here.
  2. Section 1.0: Foreword There are various datapoints that may or may not get carried forward. Note: when I label a generation as gen (x), I'm referring to the games made in that gen. More information will get added as we go along. Section 2.0: The datapoints and their continuity 2.1: Species ID 2.2: Form ID 2.3 Personality ID (PID) 2.4 Shininess 2.5 Gender 2.6 Ability 2.7 Nature 2.8 Held Item 2.9 EXP and Level 2.10 Language 2.11 Region, Sub-Region and Country 2.12 Height and Weight 2.13 Origin Game 2.14 Battle Version 2.15 Met Location 2.16 Met Date 2.17 Met Level 2.18 Egg Location 2.19 Egg Date 2.20 Met Poké Ball 2.21 Fateful Encounter 2.22 HOME Tracker 2.23 IVs / DVs 2.24 EVs 2.25 Dynamax Level 2.26 Gigantamax Factor 2.27 Current Moves 2.28 Egg Moves 2.29 Technical Records 2.30 Trainer Information (OT, TID, SID, OT Gender) 2.31 Latest (NotOT) Handler Information (OT, OT Gender, OT Language) 2.32 Current Handler [The Green box] 2.33 Encryption Constant Construction notes: I have other commitments in real life. I'll continue when I want to continue.
  3. While this isn't official behaviour (since there's no official way to transfer saves from one version to another), it is known behavior for paired games. I won't go so far to call it a "glitch". Presumably, this happens because paired games were in development at the same time, so it's essentially just the one same game instead of two different games; all they did was flip a few flags to make certain mons appear differently, aka version exclusives. Since they are one same game, their save recognition system also works the same way, hence: if you were to bring a save over from another game of the same pair, it can be read. While future games (3DS titles, Switch titles) might softlock the game if you do this kind of swap and try to progress the story (because more than just encounter flags get flipped, and more complicated than just simple flipping; they actually programmed in both sets of dialogue, both sets of "version exclusive" NPC interactions, both sets of in-game triggers etc), the same phenomenon you observed still occurs with non-story related version exclusive encounters. It is also possible older games have certain elements in the story that can cause soft-locks (when save swapped), but it has to be documented. I've did it with a few games but did not notice anything untoward happening.
  4. as in what, to catch faster or transfer forward faster?
  5. Yeah in game you can't differentiate the difference, and HOME probably doesn't care. But if you look into the data, it is illegal.
  6. To be clear, when you say "mark+region", you're referring to the symbols like Pentagon, Clover, GB etc, that show where a mon came from, right? Those are all governed by referencing the origin game data. Those things are not data by itself. (Also if you're referring to the line met in johto [for example], that line is also based on the origin game) it would be? because such a mon is not legal to begin with? Like I said, origin game persists. So, for example, if Yveltal was caught in Pokemon X, that is illegal. Just because the game doesn't know it's illegal, doesn't mean it isn't.
  7. read the last post of that thread. edit: To clarify points from that thread you may not have understood or may have missed. PKHeX officially does not support Mac. That variant of PKHeX (which basically recompiles PKHeX to work for Mac) is done by someone else, and has not been maintained. If you want PKHeX to work for a Mac, you gotta either do some Virtual Machine or Dual Boot fancy setup. In other words, you needs to get "Windows" on your Mac, one way or another. Then launch PKHeX within that "Windows".
  8. When you collect the mon from the delivery person, be it pokemon center or pokemon mart. (the delivery person waits at different places, depending on which generation you play)
  9. According to Rochi (source), the movie is scheduled for August 2021, and the gifts appear to be given away in movie theatres. Given that there has only been one local event so far, and it was done at the controlled environment of a Pokémon Center, it is unlikely that this will be a local event. And thus, it is possible that the cinemas will distribute serial codes to viewers that show up to the movie viewing. Official page: https://pokemonkorea.co.kr/2021_m23/menu128 Kakao page: https://story.kakao.com/ch/pokemonkorea/kPUJ14VCYXA
  10. Origin game =/= Game it is presently in. You can trade mons, transfers mons. And doing that doesn't change the origin game. Just make sure the origin game is correct. For most cases just rely on PKHeX's legality checks. It doesn't sound like you're trying to make anything that can be considered an edge case.
  11. Am I correct to interpret this as you're wondering if there's a Pokedex entry for Palkia? Not in Gen 8: there isn't.
  12. Country and 3DS region has been removed from Gen 8. So when a mon is transferred into Gen 8 format (example, Bank -> HOME), that data is wiped. Check against the OT. The OT is usually languaged locked. And certain languages can only be obtained by certain regions. If it's not on the mon, it's not on the mon. You'll have to use the power of inference to figure that out. In the first part of this reply, I've already said what happens :3
  13. Did you mean you want them legal? If you want them legit, you would not be save editing. edit: I see you have been educated the difference between legit and legal in the PKHeX dev discord. You've also been told how to do it in a legal way. Ze question: https://discord.com/channels/401014193211441153/679178558597496872/861511131683880991 Answer pointing you to legit vs legal definition: https://discord.com/channels/401014193211441153/679178558597496872/861513913249562644 Answer on how to do it legal: https://discord.com/channels/401014193211441153/679178558597496872/861513596490874880
  14. Could you give examples of such cases? [asking because you may think they are properly Dmaxed, including moves and HP. I want examples to prove/disprove your point] Also, besides those examples, let me say this: there's a byte that would allow a mon to appear Dynamaxed, but that doesn't make a mon Gmaxed. The appearance is strictly Dmax only (even on mons with the Gmax factor). Also, since it's only in appearance, the moves don't transform, and the HP isn't doubled. Do note that Pokemon that undergo this change won't appear as Dmaxed in their summary screens, only in battles. The sprites also look regular, and not affected in any way. Actually Eternamax Eternatus is a separate form, so you can have it in your Box. The problem is, the game is programmed to revert it to regular Eternatus upon game bootup, so one can't feasibly inject it via SAV editing. Read more about it here:
  15. Without going into the issue of how legit and legal are not one and the same, what I can tell you is this: Since they're generated by the game, they are legal.
  16. Specifically: Give that a try :3
  17. it is indeed 1 byte too small. (I saw it when trying to paste over the box mons.) How did you transfer the save from your 3DS to your PC?
  18. is this before you gotten the starter, or before you interacted with a PC?
  19. If your goal is you make a sysbot via RAM editing to inject the mons for trade, that likely won't work. I've heard RAM editing is iffy with LGPE because the RAM addresses keep changing.. Hence why sysbots are using SWSH.. First off, your blank save is a SWSH save. If your purposes is for LGPE editing, this mon would not be able to be back converted. Next, use your mouse and click on the Latest (not OT) Handler area, so that the green box shifts down. (My arrow illustrates how the green box should be below). Lastly, the reason why you get this legality error is because: The "current handler" (green box) for this mon is supposedly the OT, and based on information in another tab, it is a Caterpie caught in LGP. But this Caterpie is in a SWSH save. So logically, the LGP OT cannot be current handler.
  20. As mentioned prior, the copy you originally uploaded is empty. So the copy you tried to import probably isn't empty..
  21. no prob :3 edit: For the record, Arceus doesn't exist in SWSH at all (presently), so it still won't show the correct sprite and model. You could check online to see which mons are in SWSH :3
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