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Everything posted by Alpha

  1. When I get an e-mail from the forums, and go to the forums at a secure location (like a PM box), and have to perform an authorization via 2FA, I get redirected to the Home and have to either renavigate to the target location (or easier, go back to my email and reclick on the link).
  2. Anyone got any really cool Pokémon yet? So far, I got myself a couple of Dratinis while at level 7. My leaders are Pidgeot, Hypno, and Golbat which seem to be pretty common around here (not seeing so much of Golbat though).
  3. Once you get to Level 5, you get to pick a team. Whose team are you on? Team Instinct (Yellow), Team Mystic (Blue), or Team Valor (Red)?
  4. Switching to PM. Sorry about the delay
  5. This is really interesting. I haven't looked at this in a while, but BDHC has always been bothering me because of how erratic changes would cause. Which part is the effect of stepping? It has data that says that the Hero splashes (ie puddle) or makes sand footprints, and then has the appropriate sound associated with it.
  6. Sorry about the delay. VBulletin's support for HTTPS is a bit lacking. Should all be fixed now.
  7. I tried adding some fixes for this. It will take an hour or so for the changes to propagate through the internet and hopefully they work properly. Sorry for the inconvenience!
  8. @suloku has been added to the Editors group
  9. It did take a few days, but the issue was resolved eventually.
  10. You might be interested in ROM hacking. Try having a look around there for some useful tools that work with the game. Now remember, the game does not contain direct source. We have to unbuild things in order for them to be observed first.
  11. Well, this is kind of unfair. I had noticed this two days ago and I had requested a re-review immediately. We actually were only linking to an "unsafe image" if there even was such a thing. Google said that they would resolve this within 24 hours but here we are two days later. Sorry that I was not immediately able to follow up with you guys, I had some long days at work.
  12. @evandixon Done. Also, wow, this is thread #24
  13. This does not belong in the Save forums, which involves analysis of non-running games. Moving to the RAM R&D forums.
  14. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?22-Pok%E9mon-Requests And since there isn't much else relevant going on here, I'll close this thread.
  15. As much as I would love to leave this thread open for discussion, there really isn't any left to be made. Injection is not possible past 9.5.0-22. PKHeX relies on a 3DS exploit and therefore cannot and will not be simply updated. I will close this thread, but I'll leave the announcement hanging around as a heads up still.
  16. Alpha


    There are, but they involve target firmwares of no greater than 9.5.0-22. Those can be found in the RAM subforums. ROM hacking is available for firmwares no greater than 9.2.
  17. Cheats from Black 2 generally work with Blaze Black 2.
  18. Alpha

    Desmume help

    Moving this thread to Emulators subforums and providing a slightly better name
  19. Alpha

    Desmume help

    Try using PokeGen. Load up your save, and edit your Haunter into Gengar!
  20. If the legendary encounter is an in-game event, no, it will only appear once.
  21. Welcome! You might be interested in Mass Editor. I'm going to move this over to SAV editing help as this thread has nothing to do with RAM editing. Enjoy your stay!
  22. I re-uploaded some download Mirrors.
  23. Which game? I think Diamond and Pearl just use some text as well as HGSS. In Black and White, the height and weight are now found in the personal data.
  24. Alpha

    ORAS File System

    a/0/0/0 - contest UI graphics, ribbon sprites a/0/0/1 - 3*CGFX a/0/0/2 - “pokelist” party bclims in darcs a/0/0/3 - substitute battle stuff a/0/0/4 - battle graphics bclims a/0/0/5 - more battle graphics/UI a/0/0/6 - 0x4156 byte binary (unk) a/0/0/7 - 6 bin (scripting?) a/0/0/8 - pokemon models a/0/0/9 - fade background/map a/0/1/0 - skybox a/0/1/1 - menu app UI images a/0/1/2 - menu kawaigari (orange buttons) a/0/1/3 - ZOnedata pack, table, ENcounter pack a/0/1/4 - town models a/0/1/5 - config menu? a/0/1/6 - berry minigame a/0/1/7 - amie minigame yarn a/0/1/8 - pokepuff receiving stuff a/0/1/9 - name input UI a/0/2/0 - “alphabetical/phonetic sorting logic binaries?” a/0/2/1 - overworld models a/0/2/2 - 511*24byte bin a/0/2/3 - map models (failed to convert any tex?) a/0/2/4 - menu UI a/0/2/5 - pss emote icons a/0/2/6 - amie emotes a/0/2/7 - Super training UI a/0/2/8 - More Super Training UI a/0/2/9 - 48 * various (map scripting related?) a/0/3/0 - waza oboe plate Main UI a/0/3/1 - move effects a/0/3/2 - overworld effects (ambient) a/0/3/3 - battle fade intros a/0/3/4 - 976 SESD (battle animations; similar script format) a/0/3/5 - Amie emote cgfx a/0/3/6 - Trainer Info a/0/3/7 - 280 * 16 byte files (up from 178) a/0/3/8 - Trainer Pokemon a/0/3/9 - 31 GR models (map models? down from 1030) * 0 - movement permissions (u16 width, u16 height, u32[] perm) * 1 - BCH map model * 2 - collision boundary (map terrain) rigging * 3 - 0x80 (???) * 4 - 0x80 (???) * 5 - 0x80 (???) * 6 - KAGE (???) a/0/4/0 - 20 small MM (down from 227) a/0/4/1 - 430 small MM files a/0/4/2 - Amie face ui a/0/4/3 - Amie hand ui a/0/4/4 - pss enemy/self connection a/0/4/5 - pss - needs labeling a/0/4/6 - pss - needs labeling a/0/4/7 - pss - needs labeling a/0/4/8 - pss - needs labeling a/0/4/9 - pss - needs labeling a/0/5/0 - pss select effects a/0/5/1 - pss checklist a/0/5/2 - pss object select a/0/5/3 - pss lower window anim a/0/5/4 - pss menu sprites a/0/5/5 - pss config a/0/5/6 - pss selectmenu a/0/5/7 - pss battle lower a/0/5/8 - 0x108 byte binary, bunch of n*10 decimal a/0/5/9 - 6 * Floating point binaries (2.85KB) a/0/6/0 - Weather Effect CGFX a/0/6/1 - Bag Icons / UI a/0/6/2 - 7 CGFX (camera related) a/0/6/3 - 2 SHDR CGFX (~4KB) a/0/6/4 - overworld effects (trainer/map related) a/0/6/5 - pss colosseum a/0/6/6 - 1 binary (4 byte entries?) a/0/6/7 - town map UI crap (1) a/0/6/8 - town map UI crap (2) a/0/6/9 - Title Bar a/0/7/0 - report (last on / off) a/0/7/1 - jp-kana script a/0/7/2 - jp-kanji script a/0/7/3 - english script a/0/7/4 - french script a/0/7/5 - italian script a/0/7/6 - german script a/0/7/7 - spanish script a/0/7/8 - korean script a/0/7/9 - jp-kana text a/0/8/0 - jp-kanji text a/0/8/1 - english text a/0/8/2 - french text a/0/8/3 - italian text a/0/8/4 - german text a/0/8/5 - spanish text a/0/8/6 - korean text a/0/8/7 - file is 0 bytes (lol) a/0/8/8 - Trainer customization models a/0/8/9 - 1114 binaries a/0/9/0 - Apparel select UI a/0/9/1 - 971 box sprites a/0/9/2 - 631 item sprites a/0/9/3 - damage type sprites a/0/9/4 - messagebox UI a/0/9/5 - held item / expbar filler a/0/9/6 - pkmdata summary view sprites (pkrscure, penta, marks) a/0/9/7 - time_icon spinner a/0/9/8 - cursor (red arrow) a/0/9/9 - Pokeblock bclims a/1/0/0 - CSEQ/CWAR cries / sounds a/1/0/1 - 161*CGFX (Amie related) a/1/0/2 - 2*CGFX a/1/0/3 - Box name/wallpaper UI a/1/0/4 - Pokeball Models a/1/0/5 - Pokeball Textures a/1/0/6 - pokesel backgrounds a/1/0/7 - “shop” ui a/1/0/8 - PSS Spritebuilding a/1/0/9 - trainer case/badge images a/1/1/0 - Summary UI link interaction / searching ? gts sub-elements? a/1/1/1 - pasokon_menu_lower layout+ui a/1/1/2 - Trade ui a/1/1/3 - super training ui a/1/1/4 - more super training minigame stuff with 85 BCH, 1 CGFX a/1/1/5 - 47*0xc byte binaries a/1/1/6 - 36 * (header count @0x4, 0xC entry length) a/1/1/7 - 48 * 32 bytes a/1/1/8 - 80 * 236 bytes a/1/1/9 - 80 * 216 bytes a/1/2/0 - 500 * 36 bytes (end is unused) a/1/2/1 - 500 * 28 bytes (end is unused) a/1/2/2 - 63 * 120 “” a/1/2/3 - 50 * 120 “” a/1/2/4 - 80 * 20 a/1/2/5 - 100 * 244 a/1/2/6 - 58 * 244 a/1/2/7 - 80 * 64 a/1/2/8 - 80 * 80 a/1/2/9 - 109 CGFX (effects?) a/1/3/0 - little bit of data for each pokemon form a/1/3/1 - shinka demo / menu UI a/1/3/2 - 2 TM (national/regional dex + ???) a/1/3/3 - trainer battle models (may/orlando/steven) a/1/3/4 - pokelist menu a/1/3/5 - 2 u16 index binaries? a/1/3/6 - battle backgrounds a/1/3/7 - 7 small binaries (0/6 empty) a/1/3/8 - GTS Background & Windows a/1/3/9 - 44 * various a/1/4/0 - holo caster streetpass pokeball jpeg (with exif data!), debug camera a/1/4/1 - assist power UI related a/1/4/2 - box search UI a/1/4/3 - 4 * SESD a/1/4/4 - customize amie a/1/4/5 - amie bg 241 bclim (misc backgrounds/items) a/1/4/6 - pokepuff sprites a/1/4/7 - benri button UI a/1/4/8 - contest UI & effects a/1/4/9 - Pokeblock blending textures a/1/5/0 - finger pointing down icon a/1/5/1 - pokeride TM CGFX (riding rhydon) a/1/5/2 - title logo & while flying mini models a/1/5/3 - cursor list menu a/1/5/4 - thunder / chiri CGFX a/1/5/5 - online vs battle/wonder ui (fushigi) a/1/5/6 - 6 × CGFX a/1/5/7 - gamesync a/1/5/8 - 26 BCH a/1/5/9 - lower dialog button a/1/6/0 - trainer mugshots a/1/6/1 - battlematch UI a/1/6/2 - SESD 87 various (scripts?) (up from 66 in XY) a/1/6/3 - TM cut tree animation CGFX a/1/6/4 - TM rock smash(?) animation CGFX a/1/6/5 - TM rock strength(?) animation CGFX a/1/6/6 - TM dig animation (anahoru) CGFX a/1/6/7 - CFNT a/1/6/8 - Friend entry UI a/1/6/9 - 35 MM ~ shader related a/1/7/0 - 53 * 604 bytes Battle Video Info Markup Template a/1/7/1 - battle video save a/1/7/2 - “The the an An…” multilang text unicode? JP empty (okay) a/1/7/3 - traial UI/bg a/1/7/4 - 15 [u16 tables] a/1/7/5 - kujira cullingshader 2 BCH a/1/7/6 - 1 TM (0x54 entry file?) a/1/7/7 - communications wait a/1/7/8 - 22 TGA files (targa?) a/1/7/9 - friend safari UI a/1/8/0 - BCH CGFX shader matrix a/1/8/1 - 473 KB of zeroes. lol a/1/8/2 - Normal Maison pkm a/1/8/3 - Normal Maison choices a/1/8/4 - Super Maison pkm a/1/8/5 - Super Maison choices a/1/8/6 - Inverse(?) Maison pkm a/1/8/7 - Inverse(?) Maison choices a/1/8/8 - homenix (home button blocker) a/1/8/9 - move stats a/1/9/0 - egg moves a/1/9/1 - level-up moves a/1/9/2 - evolution data a/1/9/3 - mega "evolution" map a/1/9/4 - 8 * 404 bytes (101 entries) a/1/9/5 - pokemon stats (personal) a/1/9/6 - baby pokemon a/1/9/7 - item stats a/1/9/8 - 776 byte file a/2/0/1 - language selection plusle minun pikachu a/2/0/2 - number / text? input UI a/2/0/7 - battle vs UI time/containers a/2/1/0 - 9 TM models? a/2/1/2 - move summary sprites (contest/type sprites) a/2/1/3 - battle UI a/2/1/4 - elite four descriptor UI a/2/1/8 - SESD single 254 byte a/2/2/7 - Game Icon SMDH a/2/3/1 - stereo frame (useless) a/2/3/2 - game over a/2/3/3 - battle fade-outs a/2/3/5 - language icons a/2/3/6 - the end a/2/3/7 - ETC type backgrounds a/2/3/8 - fatal error a/2/3/9 - mode 1/2/4 a/2/4/0 - Hall of Fame Congratulations a/2/4/1 - str_fade_text_anime_on a/2/4/2 - 11 binary files a/2/4/3 - nav / pss UI a/2/4/4 - link UI a/2/4/5 - map news a/2/4/6 - casters and other sprites a/2/4/7 - Pokemon Multi Navi (pokenavi) header UI (minor) a/2/4/8 - pokenavi location screens & UI a/2/4/9 - pss UI buttons a/2/5/0 - contest UI a/2/5/1 - SCOL (sky collisions) skytrip BCH models (overworld) a/2/5/2 - SLAN skytrip landing coordinates? a/2/5/3 - skytrip CGFX / UV effects a/2/5/4 - skytrip models (lati@s + player) a/2/5/5 - skytrip map a/2/5/6 - ZG lz11 compressed pokedex UI a/2/5/7 - 173 TM files (Secret Base Decoration Models) a/2/5/8 - secret base UI a/2/5/9 - QR code UI a/2/6/0 - switch / denki_br BCH a/2/6/1 - c107gym_light c06gym_gc_li1 esper_gym_float a/2/6/2 - Binary File**** a/2/6/3 - 120x120 pokedex sprites a/2/6/4 - common heart emitter CGFX a/2/6/5 - contest photo taking a/2/6/6 - TM gym flight a/2/6/7 - wild grass a/2/6/8 - TM rigging a/2/6/9 - intro navi sprites (birch) and code cpp enum a/2/7/0 - TM Beautifly / Wingull BCH a/2/7/1 - TM Building interior related BCH a/2/7/2 - TM Hot springs a/2/7/3 - TM Ice Gym a/2/7/4 - TM Gost house / pure a/2/7/5 - TM Plrden Light a/2/7/6 - map navi buttons a/2/7/7 - Ruby Sapphire Sprites a/2/8/2 - extm glow effect BCH a/2/8/7 - TM wingull model a/2/8/8 - TM Luvdisc Corsola a/2/9/0 - TM Relicanth Chinchou Corsola DARK a/2/9/1 - flying a/2/9/2 - TM Bridge wooden BCH a/2/9/3 - TM c109_dai_07 meh a/2/9/4 - QR UI a/2/9/5 - TM sibuki kinagi misc BCH a/2/9/6 - TM fargake / sky BCH a/2/9/7 - TM extm UV BCH/CGFX a/2/9/8 - blend dummy Demo Only a/2/9/9 - ‘more adventures in the full game!’ demo only a/3/0/0 - ending Original link: http://pastebin.com/4bg3q6FL
  25. Unless ROM edits are involved, then no, it does not belong here. Moving to the Flash carts section.
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