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  1. Find PKMDS for Web on... the web! https://www.pkmds.app/ GitHub Repo: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor Issue tracker: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor/issues Hello all. Some of you might remember me and / or PKMDS, but most likely not. But I have returned from years of quiet meditation (work and family) to bring PKMDS back to a modern generation of gamers. Introducing: PKMDS for Web! Built as an ASP.NET Core web app using Blazor WebAssembly for UI, and leveraging PKHeX.Core as the logical foundation, PKMDS for Web is intended to be a save editor for all Pokémon games, with support for all modern browsers (including mobile). Development will probably be very slow, since this is just a fun side-project for me. Contributions and suggestions are welcome - feel free to create an issue and / or pull request on the GitHub repo. Special thanks to @Kaphotics and everyone who contributed to PKHeX over the years. I'm standing on your collective shoulders (although feel free to steal as much as you want if you ever intend to make a web-based PKHeX ). If you have any issues, you may report them here, or feel free to create an issue on the GitHub repository. EDIT: Please note, the app is under development and is super unfinished. Like, "construction zone" unfinished.
    5 points
  2. There’s always information to check and collate. No ETA. Wait patiently.
    4 points
  3. I know there are already some threads about running PKHeX on Linux (like this or this) but they are all outdated and none of them is simple and straightforward enough. I feel like there’s still a lot of confusion about PKHeX and Linux, especially for what happened recently when the program switched from .NET 7 to .NET 8, so I’m making this thread hoping for it to become the ultimate reference for this subject. I'll keep it up to date. --------------------------------------------------- Latest PKHeX version: 24.06.03 Status: WORKING Known bugs: Drag & dropping save files into the program's window isn't really stable and could lead to a crash. This usually happens when you import/export boxes in a save file, and then import another one into the program. Always make a backup or try to avoid drag & drop at all by only using the File > Open option. --------------------------------------------------- 1) Installing Wine Vanilla Wine is more than enough to run and use PKHeX, however it isn't stable enough if you use plugins (.dll files from the plugins folder), as you'll notice that some plugins prevent the program from starting. If you use plugins, the recommended version of Wine is Wine Staging, which includes more up-to-date patches that support much more plugins. Please refer to your distribution's documentation if you don’t know how to install Wine or Wine Staging. Just make sure to be at least on version 9.3 (or higher), this is very important. Using PKHeX is a matter of a couple of commands and everything will work fine without having to go through a bunch of settings in programs like Lutris and Bottles, which I don't recommend unless you know what you are doing. 2) Creating a Wine prefix It's better to create a separated Wine prefix (the “Windows environment”, for those who don’t know what a prefix is) so that it won't conflict with others (if you have any). You can do that with the following command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wineboot Replace /path/to/your/prefix/pkhex with the folder you want to create the prefix in. For example: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wineboot Let it set up everything. If it asks for the Mono installation you don’t need it, so you can click on cancel. 3) Installing .NET Desktop Runtime 8 PKHeX needs the 64 bit version of .NET Desktop Runtime 8 to work. You can download it from here. This is the global page with every download link, just in case the given link dies because of a version change (it is currently 8.0.4). Launch the following command to start the installer: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wine /path/to/the/installer/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.4-win-x64.exe As seen before replace the paths with your own ones. For example: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Downloads/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.4-win-x64.exe Go through the installation process. 3.1) CJK fonts CJK stands for Chinese, Japanese and Korean. These fonts are not shipped by default with Wine, therefore names or OTs of Pokémon in these languages won't be displayed. The "shinify" icon is also affected by this. Although this is optional, we can fix this by installing CJK fonts with Winetricks (you have to install the package first): WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex winetricks cjkfonts Again, replace the path with the one of your prefix. WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex winetricks cjkfonts This could take a while, so be patient. 4) Launching PKHeX PKHeX can now be launched with this command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wine /path/to/pkhex/executable/PKHeX.exe In my case: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe 4.1) Note on .NET If you have .NET installed on your system (it is available natively for Linux, it's the Desktop Runtime needed by PKHeX that isn't) PKHeX might not launch. If this is the case for you make sure to add the following arguments to the command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /path/to/pkhex/executable/PKHeX.exe In my case: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe 5) Making a launcher for PKHeX In case you don’t want to use the terminal every time you want to launch PKHeX you can create a launcher for it. For example you can make a simple bash script for it. Paste the following content into a text editor and save the file wherever you want and with whatever name you want: #!/bin/bash WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe As always replace the paths with yours. Of course this can also be the command seen in paragraph 4.1: #!/bin/bash WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe Now make the file executable by running: chmod +x /path/to/your/script For example: chmod +x /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/Launcher Now you can simply open PKHeX by double-clicking the launcher.
    3 points
  4. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
    3 points
  5. PKhex does not support the new patch. My question is, are the new games harder to extract data from than the older 3DS era games?
    3 points
  6. PKHeX hasn’t been updated to deal with saves from the latest SV update. We’re aware of the issue; it happens whenever the game updates and changes the save’s structure. Please wait patiently. No ETA.
    3 points
  7. Save file sizes should be twice that size (64KB -> 128KB). Brief inspection of the save data shows that save sectors 8 & 9 are duplicated; shifting the duplicate to the end allows the save to be recognized. 005 Pokemon Leaf Green.sav
    3 points
  8. Whoa whoa whoa hold your horses. Cheat single player and you're fine. You can do whatever you want when you aren't affecting others. Cheat online against unsuspecting players and you're be against our rules. Those are the rules of this place. End of discussion.
    3 points
  9. It'll be out whenever it's out.
    3 points
  10. In this tutorial you will learn how to properly use the Batch Editor in PKHeX. The batch editor, when utilized fully and correctly, can be an extremely useful tool for fixing, and editing Pokemon. Please Note: The Batch Editor does NOT have an undo option and therefore all actions taken with the Batch Editor are FINAL unless you quit PKHeX without saving. As a result. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUPS OF YOUR SAVE BEFORE YOU EDIT IT WITH THE BATCH EDITOR. Section 1: Basic Fundamentals and operation of the Batch Editor The Batch editor works on the simple premise that all possible characteristics pertaining to a Pokemon, boil down to a set of numbers which correspond to certain values in the Pokemon games themselves. Because of this, changing, and editing Pokemon using the Batch Editor is like a mathematical statement, with if then, and true/false statements. The basic operators of the Batch Editor are: "." = Sets the desired value Equal to the value you input "=" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which have the same value as your input value "!" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which do not have the same value as your input value. As an example of how these operators are used, Once you select a variable you would like to change (OT Name, Pokemon Species, Pokemon Level, etc...) and the correct operator, click "Add". This will add your desired variable with your desired operator in the correct format. The next step is to create the formula in which the Batch Editor will run. As an example of a possible combination for use in the Batch Editor, the following formula will change the OT trainer name on Pokemon with a specific OT to a specified OT trainer name, as well as give every Pokemon with that filter, a Master Ball to hold. =OriginalTrainerName=PKHeX This line instructs the Batch Editor to narrow it's scope down to every Pokemon with the OT Trainer Name "PKHeX" .OriginalTrainerName=TEST This lines instructs the Batch Editor to set the OT Trainer Name for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to "TEST" .HeldItem=1 This line instructs the Batch Editor to set the Held Item for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to a Master Ball - which Item Index number is 1. Some Special Tricks to use in the Batch Editor, Courtesy of @Kaphotics (Creator of PKHeX) The Batch Editor window references the PKM that is currently viewed in the editing tabs. If you select a property name, the Batch Editor will indicate whether or not the tabs PKM has that property. If the tabs PKM has that property, the Batch Editor will display the property's current value as well as the data type (number, text, etc). To Randomize a PID, use ".PID=$rand". To Randomize EncryptionConstant, use ".EncryptionConstant=$rand" To Randomize a value within a range, use ".Nature=$x,y" for an inclusive range of [x,y]. To make a Pokémon Shiny: use ".PID=$shiny". To copy the Encryption Constant to the PID, use ".EncryptionConstant=PID" To delete a Pokémon, use ".Species=0" To set a date (Met / EggMet), use yyyyMMdd for the string. Example: ".MetDate=20160409" will set the Met Date to April 9th, 2016. Suggestions can be automatically applied for Moves, RelearnMoves, and Met_Location. Example: ".Moves=$suggest" will retrieve and apply suggested moves from the legality interpreter, same as if you clicked on the Moves groupbox in the tabs editor. Legality can be used as a filter. Use "=Legal=false" to only modify illegal Pokémon. A full up to date list is available by reading the Pokémon properties from the PKHeX source code Section 2: ID Numbers for Use with the Batch Editor This section will focus on the input values you can use in conjunction with the Batch Editor. The Batch Editor uses the in-game index values to set the desired properties to Pokemon. Because of this you will need to use said index numbers instead of relying on the standard text based input present in PKHeX. As an example, to set the species of a Pokemon using the Batch Editor, you must use the equation .Species=150 Not .Species=Mewtwo Below are many of the common variables you may want to use, along with the possible values to use with those variables. Please Note: Some variables (like location, items etc...) have different ID numbers for different generations. Please ensure that you are using the correct ID numbers that correspond to the generation of the game you are editing. Ability: AbilityNumber: Form: Ball: Box: CanGigantamax ConsoleRegion: Country: CurrentFriendship: CurrentLevel: DynamaxLevel: TeraTypeOriginal and TeraTypeOverride: EggLocation: EggMetDate: EV_ATK, EV_DEF, EV_HP, EV_SPA, EV_SPD, EV_SPE: FatefulEncounter: Gender: HeldItem: HPType: IsEgg: IsNicknamed: IV_ATK, IV_DEF, IV_HP, IV_SPA, IV_SPD, IV_SPE: Language: Legal: MarkCircle, MarkDiamond, MarkHeart, MarkSquare, MarkStar, MarkTriangle: MetLevel: MetLocation: MetDate: Move1, Move2, Move3, Move4: Move1_PPUps, Move2_PPUps, Move3_PPUps, Move4_PPUps: Nature: Nickname: OriginalTrainerGender: OriginalTrainerName: PID: RelearnMove1, RelearnMove2, RelearnMove3, RelearnMove4: Ribbons ShinyLeaf (Gen 4 HG/SS Only) SID16 or TrainerSID7: TID16 or TrainerTID7: Slot: Species: Stat_ATK, Stat_DEF, Stat_HP, Stat_SPA, Stat_SPD, Stat_SPE: Version: JUST IN CASE ANY OF THE VALUES ABOVE ARE NOT UPDATED: You can use Batch Editor to also view the particular values you want. Special Thanks to @theSLAYER for help with making and researching this guide with me View full tutorial
    2 points
  11. Added a flag in Settings you can toggle for the Entity Editor to show Gender in Gen1 contexts. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/b60648627a53c3dc12799f0d91d2cc7a0061aa02 Currently only in the development build, but will be available in future releases.
    2 points
  12. No losing penalty for Exclusive sounds fair, I'm gonna add it ! Thanks for the idea ! Drastic seems to be 100% compatible in the next version so there's that. Max Elixirs are Beach Cave floor 3 and have a 45% chance to spawn out of 3 to 6 items, which is enough I feel like. The resource is fairly accessible. The Porygon bug is fixed in my version. Waterfall Cave's even floors have a high density of orbs and you can use them floor 9. The Apple Woods floor however wasn't perfectly designed in the public version so I came up with a new design emphasing what I wanted people to do in the room along with a Pitfall Trap allowing to do to the previous floor in order to scout for the resource needed. The full version has additions but most likely this won't affect your immediate experience pre-Aegis Cave. That's a fairly odd bug that was fixed in my version, however it's not addressed in the public one... Sorry about that... Level Scaling directly manipulates the entity level in the spawn list. That means the movesets are altered as a result. Some entities however have hardcoded movesets, for that it's case by case. As someone mentioned there's a public version that adresses the Job Bulletin Board issue. Thanks for the kind words, however it's not just me haha! Without my testers and all the help I got from other modders, this project wouldn't exist! Teamwork makes the dream work! Finally, I'll have you know that 2.0 is proceeding nicely. I tackled one of the biggest issues of Alpha and now that I'm done with it I'm clearing some stuff in my todolist yet again, though life prevents me from working faster, development is going well so far!
    2 points
  13. The latest release works fine, the development build is not ready/tested for public consumption. We hadn't yet double checked that form for correct behavior, but I've found the missing code and re-added the loading of that checkbox.
    2 points
  14. Pokémon Rising Ruby | Pokémon Sinking Sapphire A completed 721 hack for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Current Version: v2.1.0 Last Updated: 16th October, 2016 Description Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire are modifications of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that allow you to play through the main game with all 721 Pokémon obtainable and go through the challenge of a significantly stronger Pokémon League. A huge emphasis has been placed on Pokémon availability, with most areas in the game offering 10 or 11 species that haven't been seen before that point. The mostly equal chance of encountering any of the Pokémon in an area also mean you're unlikely to get the same thing twice on the first encounter, making the game lend itself well to Nuzlocke runs (if you can handle the extra challenge from the trainer battles!). In addition to these two main changes, there are also modifications to other things where possible, including new convenient sets of level up moves, modifications to evolutions removing trading demands and overly high level requirements, and buffs and changes to Pokémon base stats, abilities and types. The name of the game is that hopefully, you can use whatever Pokémon you like. The challenge the hack brings is six Pokémon rosters on most important trainers, a much sharper level curve, evolved Pokémon appearing earlier in the game, stronger movesets, the use of held items and more. The game has been built assuming the Exp. Share has been turned off and you're carrying 6 Pokémon around with you, so be sure to turn the Exp. Share off if you're only using 6 Pokémon and want an optimal experience! There are unfortunately no edits to the events that take place within the game as script editing is currently not possible on any games in gen 6, so this hack is purely for an enhanced in-game experience. I'm hoping that part of it should be quite enjoyable though. (The hack itself has been around since November 2015, but I hadn't really popularised it as I wasn't completely happy with how it turned out. Now that I've fleshed the changes out a lot more I felt it was ready to bring it to more attention.) Features > The wild Pokémon lists in each area have been entirely renovated with appropriate mixes of the 721 Pokémon available in Gen 6. Each area contains 10 or 11 Pokémon, with each having a 10% encounter rate (or two with 5% in the case of 11 Pokémon), with some earlier routes containing further species in hordes such as the starter Pokémon and Eevee. Most basic forms of Pokémon are available early, with everything besides legendaries (and Spiritomb) being available for capture before seven badges, but with a huge majority playable before even the fourth badge. Pokémon are usually seen in areas that are somewhat appropriate to them, so if you see a Pokémon in a particular environment in another Pokémon game, there's a decent chance you might find it in a similar environment in Hoenn. It is worth noting that not every Pokémon in the wild is able to be captured using the DexNav, as the DexNav screen is only able to support so many Pokémon. In these cases, Pokémon with more sought after hidden abilities are more likely to be available. > The rosters of every trainer in the game has been edited, now also pulling from the pool of every Pokémon. You'll see the majority of species at least once through the game if you fight every trainer, and their levels scale up much higher compared to before; OR/AS's main game saw levels going from 5 to 59/62, whereas RR/SS pulls it up with levels ranging from 5 to 79/81. The extra experience your Pokémon will gain from fighting more evolved Pokémon and trainers having more Pokémon in general will offset the level gap, letting you keep up with the game. > Special trainers such as the Gym Leaders, Elite Four and the rivals have gained extra modifications in the form of the strongest AI setting (where not already applied), the use of held items, stronger movesets, higher IVs and ideal abilities. Most of these trainers also have 6 Pokémon, with every Gym Leader, Elite Four, and even the team admins and leaders sporting a full roster in their final fights. In keeping with the original game, these trainers will still generally have their signature Pokémon ready to go, with new species brought in either from previous appearances or just being new altogether. Additionally, you'll find a lot of trainers will start using Mega Evolutions against you as to get later into the game. > The personal stats of many weaker Pokémon have been tweaked to give them a fighting chance against the stronger Pokémon in the game. Previous weaklings such as Butterfree, Parasect, Farfetch'd, Magcargo, Delibird and Kricketune now have points invested into their stronger stats to give them a particular niche in your team, although they may still fall off as you proceed! With one or two exceptions, no fully evolved Pokémon should have a base stat total below 440. > Type and ability changes have also been given to some Pokémon, with familiar faces from my old hacks such as Bug/Water Masquerain, Grass/Dragon Serperior and Fighting/Flying Farfetch'd being ready to rumble. The addition of Fairy-type also allows a few new changes to the table, with Pokémon such as Misdreavus, Dunsparce, Volbeat and Illumise sporting the new typing. In many cases, Pokémon with only one ability now gain their hidden ability as a normal second ability, and in some cases have entirely new abilities available such as Gale Wings Chatot and Pixilate Dunsparce. > The level up pools for almost every Pokémon have been shuffled to make them a lot easier to use throughout the game, in the same style as how some Pokémon such as Marill and Eevee received new level up sets in Black 2 and White 2. Level up pools have also been bolstered with the addition of moves ordinarily learned from TMs, HMs, previous generations or egg moves. In some cases, Pokémon have been given completely new moves, with stars such as Megahorn Pinsir, Moonblast Togekiss and Hurricane Sigilyph able to pull their weight. > Some attacks have been buffed, notably making Cut, Strength and Rock Smash a lot more usable throughout the game. Special attention has also been given to some of the weaker Fairy-type moves and the lacking special Rock-type moves, with stronger powers (at the cost of reduced effects) making them feel much nicer to use. > Evolutions have been modified so that no Pokémon needs to be traded in order to evolve. Pokémon with ridiculously high evolution levels (including but not limited to many of those from the Unova region) have also had their evolution levels reduced to keep up with the pace of the difficulty curve in the game. > Some Poké Marts and item stalls through the Hoenn region have been changed, now allowing you to buy evolution stones and items such as Dragon Scales and Reaper Cloths (now USEable from the item menu) and evolve the many Pokémon you can capture. Mega Stones for Pokémon whose are normally unavailable before beating the Elite Four can also be purchased in shops after gaining six (or for some, eight) badges. The prices of some items have also been adjusted, with Poké, Great and Ultra Balls becoming significantly cheaper and heavy costs added to Master Balls and Mega Stones. > Gift Pokémon and Static Encounters have been modified to fit their levels with the new curve as well as have some bonuses if you are able to use a modified CRO file. Highlights include guaranteed 31 IVs for any starters and fossils you receive, fighting Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their Therian formes, and strong, 31 IV, hidden ability encounters when Soaring in the Sky. > Some text edits have been made in the game where needed for certain situations, such as the removal of Maxie or Archie's line about being the first aside from the player to use Mega Evolution and a heavy push towards the player to not use the Exp. Share. > Trainers in the Battle Resort now act as a "hologram system", allowing you to 'rematch' the Gym Leaders of Hoenn as well as fight trainers with teams belonging to characters from other regions such as Blue, Cynthia, and the Gym Leaders/Elite Four from the Kalos region. > Almost all changes are documented and split between five different documents, which can be consulted to find out more about anything you wish. This includes the exact changes made to any Pokémon, the wild Pokémon in an area and the details of rosters held by nearly every trainer in the game, with full information of moves, items and abilities given for important characters. Screenshots Open the spoiler below to see screenshots of Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire. Bugs > No (fixable) bugs known at present. > Some Pokémon may be seen on the very edge of the DexNav. This is a consequence of not being able to fit every wild Pokémon on there and not much can be done about it. Suggestions > Ice Punch for Blaziken. Credits > Project Pokémon: Project Pokémon was an invaluable resource when designing the hack, thanks to the pool of knowledge given by the regulars here. I have a special thanks to give to both Kaphotics and SciresM, both for their work on the amazing PK3DS and 3DS Builder applications as well as their research, and for talking to me and probably withstanding a few stupid questions I had to ask. Couldn't have done it without you guys. > Sylphate: Created the Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire logos inspired by the Omega Ruby and Sinking Sapphire versions. They look great! > Chevitile: For suggesting the Rising and Sinking prefixes for the hack, the suggestions I found I liked most. > Asia81: For the guide and precise instructions on how to perform the dumping and decryption process on 3DS games. > 3DS Hackers: The creation of exploits such as browserhax and menuhax is what allows hacks like these to be playable, and it never fails to amaze me how people manage to figure out exploits in these environments. It's hard to credit absolutely everyone who had a step in making the hacks playable, but I'd like to draw special attention to smealum and yellows8 for browserhax and menuhax, Plailect for the incredibly well written and detailed guide for A9LH installation, and AuroraWright for the hugely useful Luma3DS custom firmware. > Dio_Vento: The author of Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire, another pair of OR/AS hacks. Having this threads around provided some tiny bits of inspiration for my own hacks, as well as showing me what the standard is for distributing the files related to the hack. Download The files for Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire can be found in -linked removed, as it contained files from the rom- . Basic instructions are given as to how to play the game in the Readme file. I would suggest using arm9loaderhax and Luma3DS with a CIA installation to get the best experience. Failing that, use HANS via the Homebrew Channel. A Gateway cart can be used but I would recommend against it unless you already own one and are feeling lazy. I plan to offer modified versions of some of the files with the new illegal stuff (new moves, base stat changes etc) ripped out but the more legit stuff like held item changes and level up moves from alternate legal sources left in. These aren't available yet unfortunately, but you can pick and choose which GARC files you'd like to bring in. Contact If you need to get in touch with me about the hack, whether it's about a bug, help or just telling me how you're going about playing the game, either post in this thread or to really get my attention, you can talk to me directly through tweeting at my Twitter account @Drayano60.
    2 points
  15. SkyTemple Hack of the Year 2022 Award Winner For: - Hack of the Year - Best Narrative - Best Character (Main Character) - Best Cutscene Direction - Best Boss Fight (Final Boss Sequence) - Nominee for Best Single Cutscene (Sharpedo Bluff Scene) - Nominee for Best Single Dungeon (The Aurascape) --- What is the spirit? Explorers of the Spirit is the first ever playable full-length PMD story hack, starting development in mid-2020 and now reaching a 1.0 release a little under two years later. The team behind the hack has put a lot of love and effort into this thing, and we really hope that you'll enjoy it. Features: Starter Pokemon Adjustments: Launch Trailer: Screenshots: Special Thanks/Abbreviated Credits: Download (CURRENT VERSION: 1.01 - May 6, 2022) - Includes an XDELTA patch for the US version of Explorers of Sky, detailed instructions for patching and transferring saves between versions, a changelog, and a list of known bugs as of the current release EOTS RELEASE 1.01.zip Traducción al Español por Everson y Wolf Igmc4 https://whackahack.com/noticia/pokemon-mundo-misterioso-exploradores-del-espiritu-completo-en-espanol-nds-para-descargar/ Abbreviated dungeon/mechanic change reference guide (last updated 3/16/24): Explorers of the Spirit v1.01 Dungeon Docs.pdf We'd love to hear your thoughts on the hack! Join the discussion on the EotS Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pDxrBVryky
    2 points
  16. How to Edit EZ-Flash Save (.esv to .sav) Step 1: Download the ZIP Step 2: Install (windowsdesktop-runtime-3.1.32-win-x64 or x86)(depends on your operating system) Step 3: Follow the VideoTutorial Any questions I will be on the lookout Sorry, my English is not very good. EZ-Flash editar sav.mp4 Goomba Save Manager.zip
    2 points
  17. The E-Flash has an option to change the save type
    2 points
  18. PKHeX can read [SAV] from First to Ninth Generation
    2 points
  19. Pokémon Aurora Sappphire is now in development! This game is inspired by Emerald Kaizo, Ancestral X and Drayano Hacks all in all! I'm aiming to make this the most difficult Gen 6 ROM Hack till now. Stay tuned! I will not release a Demo Version of this Game, it will release the time it's finished! Content: Every Trainer has a fully handcrafted Team AI has been improved Every Pokémon till Generation 6 can be caught (Total of 721) Some Pokémon got buffed and every fully evolved Pokémon has a BST of 450+ Some Pokémon Types have been updated Some Moves from later Generations have been added to the Game Some Moves have been updated A bit of story has been modified and much more!
    2 points
  20. Hey- I don't really know much about all this, I just made an account after googling around for info. But I remember years ago people wanted to catalogue the original event Mews on Reddit. I knew I had one, but apparently I have two. (Also yeah, it took me years to finally go through all my stuff and find the cart.) From what I can remember they were both collected at a Toys R Us in Paramus, NJ. Both are YOSHIRB and on the same Pokemon Yellow cart. I vaguely recall the lady at the register calling someone to bring out the distribution console, and somehow I was able to convince her to give me two. (Or was there some other requirement to get them? It's all pretty foggy at this point. We're old.) Anyhow, I don't know if this is even important these days, I'd imagine it isn't. But I'll attach pictures since it's still pretty cool. From what I can tell I never actually played the game - I only have 3 Pokemon. That's it. The Pokedex only shows 2 or 3 more, which I'm assuming had to be used for the trade, since they're not on my character and the boxes are completely empty. It's just these 3 guys. My Pokemon Red cart was pretty empty too. I guess I only actually played Blue! I have 35926 and 35927 for what it's worth.
    2 points
  21. Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but there is now an answer to this! I wish I could take credit, but I just did a random search for it recently & found this - https://github.com/zaksabeast/XY-All-Friend-Safaris-Patch. This project essentially fakes out a bunch of FS entries that, if added as a patch, would give someone every possible Pokemon. This project also includes some Javascript that shows how the FS is actually determined. GF certainly went to a lot of trouble to obfuscate this, especially given how relatively insignificant the FS is. The main thing is that it doesn't actually use the 12-digit friend code, but instead uses a hidden local friend code. I actually found that this local friend code is stored in the Pokemon X & Y save file, and since I have a backup of my save file on my computer I grabbed a few friend codes to test it out. I then went into the Friend Safari in-game & confirmed that the entries matched up with the results of the code. Anyway, I realize it's a very small thing, but it's something that's been kind of bugging me off & on for years, so I'm glad I got some closure. And if someone else looks this up & stumbles upon this post, perhaps they'll find it interesting as well.
    2 points
  22. Partially untrue .NET 8 works on macOS and Linux; the issue you are having is that Windows Forms .exe does not work for those operating systems unless you use a compatibility shim like Wine, because the .exe uses Windows Forms (Windows-specific drawing GUI stuff) rather than something like Avalonia. The repo is divided into multiple projects. PKHeX.Core being just a code library, no GUI, which works on any OS, and PKHeX.WinForms that uses Windows Forms. The releases that are posted are not code-signed, and new releases are "new" in that it is new to the antimalware scanning (not a scanned definition). The release pipeline is me just clicking Publish on the WinForms csproj and zipping the exe; nothing special beyond that. If you have an extremely high DPI monitor, then yes it might look tiny. If your OS is sandboxing it, then it might be interfering with its rendering. Without seeing a screenshot, can't diagnose/advise. == There have been discussions about Linux/Mac support, and the answer is always that you're free to port whatever. The GUI code is some of the oldest & least abstract code in the repo, and most of the contributions are in the PKHeX.Core side of things as we try to keep up with mechanics on each new game content release. The GUI has been a relative afterthought, and porting >100 forms/controls to another GUI framework when the current one works well enough for most users. Using Avalonia would require each release to include the Avalonia GUI libraries (or require people to install something NOT from Microsoft), which would be a "bloated" exe rather than the ~22 MB zip it is currently. MAUI hasn't shaped up well (Linux support for Desktop lol). So the suggestion from us has always been to just use Windows/vm/wine on a desktop PC, because nobody wants to spend the time porting it to another GUI/mobile framework with full support. Running as a web app (wasm blazor) has its own pitfalls, like some crypto (md5, aes) not being supported (so can't export certain save files). == Checking the contributor graph (and knowing the content of every commit), PKHeX is mostly a solo-contributor project with others chipping in occasionally. I have other projects and interests, and duplicating the GUI (learning a new framework/language) is not something I have much of an interest in.
    2 points
  23. Here you go -- was missing the final block (0x200) of data which contains all the checksums. I truncated your save data to the correct size, then copied another OR/AS save file's last 0x200 bytes to the end of your save file, then opened & exported it with PKHeX to fix the checksums. main
    2 points
  24. New game updates change the save size/format. So PKHeX needs to be updated to handle the new format. There is no ETA. Just be patient and try to enjoy the game without PKHeX until then.
    2 points
  25. Hey when will the new updates will be out for pkhex because it is saying input file is too large every time I go to run it on my computer? let me know thank you.
    2 points
  26. Hey I'm having the same issue, I'm sure it'll be a day or two before the new PKHex comes out.
    2 points
  27. v5.6.0 Download: https://github.com/MewTracker/sv-research/releases/
    2 points
  28. Here's what I've discovered about Mystery Gifts in Pokemon Stadium 2. Similarities with GameBoy Color Infra-Red Mystery Gifts The logic is the mostly the same between Pokemon Stadium 2 and Mystery Gift between GameBoy Color using infra-red system. The game chooses a random item and decoration separately. The game first tries to give the decoration but you already have that decoration, you will get the item instead. Choosing a specific item or decoration gift to send occurs in two stages. First, the game selects a set from which the gift will come. Then, it uses a part of the player's Trainer ID number to determine which gift from that set to send. (Below, bit 0 refers to the least significant bit of the Trainer ID and bit 15 refers to the most significant bit. Given the Trainer ID 32768, which translates to 1000000000000000 in binary, bit 15 is 1 and bit 0 is 0.) The logic for determining the item given is the same as the logic for Mystery Gift between GameBoy Color using infra-red system. See https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mystery_Gift for more info. Decoration Logic The logic for determining decoration is different however. Random number. Range . Gift set . Overall rate 1st 36-255 Common 223/256 0-35 N/A (pick a 2nd number) 2nd 72-255 Uncommon 25/256 0-71 N/A (pick a 3rd number) 3rd 72-255 Rare 7/256 0-71 N/A (pick a 4th number) 4th 154-255 Very Rare 1/256 77-153 Tentacool Doll 0/256 0-76 Tentacool Doll or Pikachu Bed 0/256 Common, Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare follows a similar logic as GameBoy Color Infra-Red Mystery Gifts (using Trainer ID). The exact bit used for each item and decoration is slightly different. Check https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mystery_Gift for the detailed list. Upon reaching the 4th roll with 0-76, Tentacool Doll is given if Round 2 has not been unlocked and Pikachu Bed is given if Round 2 has been unlocked. No code exists to return Unown Doll (internal decoration ID 35). Why Tentacool Doll and Pikachu Bed are unobtainable You may have noticed that Overall rate for Tentacool Doll and Pikachu Bed is 0/256. Here's why: To obtain Tentacool Doll, the game must roll 0-35, 0-71, 0-71, 0-153 (assuming Round 2 hasn't been unlocked). To obtain Pikachu Bed, the game must roll 0-35, 0-71, 0-71, 0-76 (assuming Round 2 has been unlocked). Those sequences of numbers are not possible. The game uses a 32-bit linear congruential generator: result = (seed * 0x19660D) + 0x3C6EF35F; Mystery Gift logic only uses the last 8 bits of the generated random number. The last 8 bits of the generator follows a cyclic pattern: 0,95,50,233,52,3,134,45,168,231,26,177,92,11,238,117,80,111,2,121,132,19,86,189,248,247,234,65,172,27,190,5,160,127,210,9,212,35,38,77,72,7,186,209,252,43,142,149,240,143,162,153,36,51,246,221,152,23,138,97,76,59,94,37,64,159,114,41,116,67,198,109,232,39,90,241,156,75,46,181,144,175,66,185,196,83,150,253,56,55,42,129,236,91,254,69,224,191,18,73,20,99,102,141,136,71,250,17,60,107,206,213,48,207,226,217,100,115,54,29,216,87,202,161,140,123,158,101,128,223,178,105,180,131,6,173,40,103,154,49,220,139,110,245,208,239,130,249,4,147,214,61,120,119,106,193,44,155,62,133,32,255,82,137,84,163,166,205,200,135,58,81,124,171,14,21,112,15,34,25,164,179,118,93,24,151,10,225,204,187,222,165,192,31,242,169,244,195,70,237,104,167,218,113,28,203,174,53,16,47,194,57,68,211,22,125,184,183,170,1,108,219,126,197,96,63,146,201,148,227,230,13,8,199,122,145,188,235,78,85,176,79,98,89,228,243,182,157,88,215,74,33,12,251,30,229,0 The first random number is selected randomly in that list, then at every new roll, the next random number is the next one in the list. The issue is that there are no 4 consecutive numbers that are 0-35, 0-71, 0-71, 0-153 respectively. This means Tentacool Doll (and Pikachu Bed) can't be obtained. The sequence to obtain a Very Rare decoration (0-35, 0-71, 0-71, 154-255) appears once (15,34,25,164). In short, none of the Pokemon Stadium 2 exclusive decorations are actually obtainable. Special thanks to Lincoln for providing the initial disassembly of Mystery Gift functions of Pokemon Stadium 2. https://github.com/Lincoln-LM/stad2
    2 points
  29. There are no Hadou Regis in the save file provided. The Mew looks valid, since it's the more common Mew variant for Japanese gen 3 games most of them wouldn't really be hacked anyway. Looking through the rest of the save, other than the Eon Ticket there isn't really anything else special on it. Seems like someone's save file from when they were a kid and they don't want the game anymore.
    2 points
  30. Hi Prejie. The problem is that uniforms, unlike other clothing options, have different internal IDs according to your character's gender. Using clothing cheats in recent PkHex should add the missing uniforms for the updated gender, but wouldn't remove the wrong ones, so, according to the swap you made, you should edit the block named KFashionUnlockedClothing and remove the values for the wrong gender and add the correct ones. The following are female ids: Base uniforms: 581B, 591B, 5A1B, 5B1B Preorder uniforms: 601B, 611B, 621B, 631B Kitakami kimonos: 691B, 6B1B, 6D1B, 6F1B Unreleased tracksuit: 711B These are for males: Base uniforms: 5C1B, 5D1B, 5E1B, 5F1B Preorder uniforms: 641B, 651B, 661B, 671B Kitakami kimonos: 681B, 6A1B, 6C1B, 6E1B Unreleased tracksuit: 701B Keep in mind that, while this fix seems to be working (for what I observed), it's always dangerous in recent games to edit sensitive things like player gender, because there could still be a number of undocumented flags in the save structure depending on fundamental and manipulated data. Good luck!
    2 points
  31. HOLY CRAP I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!! On PKSM the PID is put in backwards!! I put in the PID in reverse and now it's Legal!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
    2 points
  32. Sure, but I'm so busy at the moment I didn't even play the DLC yet This will take some time but I will add DLC support as soon as possible.
    2 points
  33. Keep your comments constructive, thanks. So, we're missing: 1. 0x4329A0 (4401568) 2. 0x4329B2 (4401586) 3. 0x432EBB (4402875) Please wait for a hotfix/update to PKHeX.
    2 points
  34. For More Details refer to this blog. What's new: 1. Main bug fixs 2. Bettter user experience At least, we can happily use the editor edit and saving pokemon stats, moves and texts for gen4 ! I reversion it as PPRE2 v0.2 Download: from github release [both linux and windows] or from attachment [only windows]ppre2.zip
    2 points
  35. I just tested Mystery Gifts on Japanese version. The RNG function and the 4 consecutives check (< 36, < 72, < 72 < 77) are the same. I confirm that the Tentacool Doll and Pikachu Bed decorations can't be obtained on Japanese Pokémon Stadium either.
    2 points
  36. By using hacks, it is possible to receive Pikachu Bed, Unown Doll, and Tentacool Doll. In Pokemon Stadium 2 USA 1.0, place a breakpoint at command 0x801454F8 and alter the register V0 to 0x22 for Pikachu Bed, 0x23 for Unown Doll, or 0x24 for Tentacool Doll. Note that the Unown Doll is displayed as "DECORATION".
    2 points
  37. That’s not really a solution I reckon. If the issue was the OT name changing when they received it via trade from sysbot, well.. they’re gonna need to use sysbot to trade to them the file that you fixed, which probably will get changed upon trade again. (assumption here is that they don’t have a CFW Switch, hence why they used Sysbot in the first place) Thus we’ll need to identify *why* it changes. While it’s not a bug on our side, it’ll be good to know why the server insists on changing it.
    2 points
  38. The only way to tell that a Pokémon is 100% hacked is to find a trait that is 100% impossible. If you do not have access to the data and can only view in-game summary screens, that will limit your ability to see impossible traits. Even with access to PKHeX, there are some traits that are highly improbable but still legal. As others have said before, knowing what is an impossible trait or an improbable trait requires knowledge about the game and encounter. That kind of information could fill textbooks. An impossible trait might be easily visible, such as an impossible Poké Ball or a shiny-locked Pokémon that is shiny. Likewise, an impossible trait may require you to have the data, such as calculating the RNG correlation for SWSH Pokemon which requires hidden values such as PID and EC. Many users use common streamer OTs as a sign that a Pokémon is very likely to be hacked, even if the Pokémon is fully legal. The chance of a random wild Pokémon in SV with no fixed IVs to be shiny and 6 IV is at best 1 in (512 x 32^6) and it's very common for people to use these kind of odds as reason to find a mon suspicious. You're looking for something like this page, but there isn't a resource with every tell possible for every game. That requires the user to do the research. I believe that page is also not completely up-to-date, so some of the information on there has since changed due to new mechanics.
    2 points
  39. Break it down into smaller questions. 1. Is the encounter the Pokémon originated from subject to any RNG correlation or pattern? 2. Did the encounter get generated with the correct pattern straight from the database? 3. Is the correlation possible to calculate in near-realtime? 4. Is the correlation calculation implemented in the program? Good luck answering all for every encounter available in the games.
    2 points
  40. The project uses .NET 7 to install, so you need the .NET 7 SDK https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/7.0 Use Visual Studio 2022 Community, as it's always going to be better than 2019. I myself use GitHub Desktop, which makes it incredibly easy to manage GitHub projects. Once you've forked the project to your own account/repo (you've already figured this out), open up GitHub Desktop and File->Clone Repository (this will clone it from GitHub's server to your local machine) Once it is loaded, you can view the files (ctrl-shift-f), which will show the root folder of the code project We want to open and edit the .sln (solution) file. With the sln open, you want to update the NuGet code libraries that Pokefilename reuses. Manage... Install the NuGet for PKHeX.Core to the latest: With NuGet updated, you can rebuild the entire project to get the outputs. Since the project is kinda outdated, the methods it uses in PKHeX.Core have been relocated. You'll see the following errors in the bottom pane: The first error indicates it was unable to build the application (csharp compiler), and the second indicates it was unable to reference a specific method in PKHeX.Core. We need to correct that. `PokeCrypto.GetCHK` was relocated to a different class & method name, namely: `Checksums.Add16`. With that fixed, we can rebuild the sln again (CTRL-SHIFT-B) and it succeeds (with some warnings)... but the output folder (PokeFilename\PokeFilename.GUI\bin\Debug\net7.0-windows) should have your *GUI.dll plugin file. Now, you don't need to do the remainder, but here's how you can contribute these fixes/updates back to the owner's repo: In the GitHub Desktop UI, it'll show you a diff of the files you changed, and the ability to "commit" them to your local repository. Go ahead and "commit" to "master". Once committed, the commit will only live in your local repository. You can "push" it to the remote host (origin) on GitHub. You can then create a "Pull Request" to request your commit be integrated into the main repo codebase. Branch -> Create Pull Request Create a new Pull Request, which will allow you to send it to the owner's repo (whoever you forked it from) and they can accept & merge the pull request.
    2 points
  41. PKHeX does not simulate HOME trackers. HOME trackers are one of the indicators of moving to different games. Lacking the indicators causes other values to be recognized as invalid.
    2 points
  42. This is how HOME behaves when there is no original SV data for it to fetch the tera data for. I can add some "rejuvenation" for the conversion logic to detect what the legal values would have originally been. edit: added https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/b212ef42b508e86ea988771d159fbb619b88d6ac
    2 points
  43. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is likely illegal. At first glance, the name looks legal: However if you go into the trash bytes of the name (trash bytes -> bytes in data after the name is terminated. After the 0x00, in this case the 0x00 is from $08 to $09): there's extra characters at the end, after the Korean name! If you convert all the hex to UTF16 string: You see te from Omanyte. It is normal for Pokemon to have trash bytes in their nickname. However, IIRC, it isn't normal for Korean unevolved Pokémon to have English trash bytes in their name, especially from the English species name. In this case, I reckon someone hatched/genned a English Omanyte, then changed the language in PKHeX, not realizing the trash bytes would remain. And to preempt the 'why PKHeX doesn't validate trash bytes?', I think it tried but what happens is that there are many many scenarios that trash bytes can exist. And they vary from game to game. And some transfers removed trash bytes. I remember PKHeX used to validate basic trash bytes for a while but no idea what happened to it. In any case I don't think Switch games check them for trades, but HOME clearly does.
    2 points
  44. Refer to the pinned thread at the top of this sub forum. https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/56296-read-home-tracker-value/
    2 points
  45. This does not sound like a problem caused by PKHeX. It's either your ROM that got corrupted or some faulty emulator settings. Things you can try: if you have cheats active, remove or disable all of them delete your emulator settings (should be desmume.ini, or something like that) delete and redownload the latest version of the emulator and all of its files redump your game try melonDS instead https://github.com/melonDS-emu/melonDS/releases/latest
    2 points
  46. No reports about that a save from Emunand causing issues in Sysnand and HOME.
    2 points
  47. If it originates from Gens 3 through 7 (SM/USUM) and Virtual Console, it's easiest to generate them in Gen 7, and then send through Bank and HOME to ensure HOME has the correct data. If it originates in GO, and is LGPE compatible, generate it in LGPE, then send to HOME. (If it isn't LGPE compatible, there's no game you can generate it in where HOME will have 100% correct data for it, and you cannot inject directly into HOME or GO, as both are server-side games that cannot be manipulated.) If it originates from SWSH, generate it in SWSH, then send to HOME. If it originates from BDSP, generate it in BDSP, then send to HOME. If it originates from Legends: Arceus, generate it in Legends: Arceus, then send to HOME. If it originates from Scarlet or Violet, generate it in Scarlet or Violet, then send to HOME. If it's a HOME gift you directly redeem in HOME, there's no way to generate these where they appear 100% legal in HOME, since HOME itself is doing the generation. TLDR, if you want HOME to have the correct data to ensure it appears 100% legal, it has to enter HOME from the "game HOME expects it to enter from for the first time".
    2 points
  48. To preface this: I think the video below is a great video, and it is pretty informative. However, people who do not know how to achieve ACE on Emerald may lose out. Anyhow, people would likely wonder/worry about how the event has not been known, or ask other questions about it. The point of this thread is to cover what is known regarding this Pichu event. (it's not about ACE) Video in question: Before I explain what this Pichu is, I need to do a brief explanation of WC3. Brief explanation of WC3 (for FRLG and E): Split WC3 sections: Wonder card data (wonder card text and checksum and other settings) and the wonder card script. [more detailed technical breakdown here] The wonder card script literally controls what the delivery person says, what flags get set, and what the delivery person gives. When the debugging versions of the games leaked, it was discovered that certain debugging wonder cards (such as Old Sea Map, Aurora Ticket, Altering Cave, a Pichu egg etc) were stored in the debugging game. It was also discovered that in the games, the wonder card script is stored separately from the wonder card header. (It was later discovered that the debugging games have a local distribution mode. The wonder cards can be found here) So what is this Pichu? 1) First angle of attack at the problem. Using the dialogue that the hipster-delivery person hybrid spoke, I was able to find the egg Pichu script. (just in case you wanna try it for yourself, be aware that Gen 3 text uses the character encoding) I compared the Pichu Egg script found in the final game, against the Pichu Egg script for debug wonder card (for Emerald). The image below is the comparison. Left data is script from the debugging wonder card, right data is the Pichu egg script taken from ENG Emerald game. Note: offset is 0x674D3D of Final game (ENG), 0x3E4 in size. Besides the offset pointers being different, the rest of the script are almost mostly the same. (If you're curious on how to identify offset pointers, it's B8 XX XX XX 08. For example, in the data of the right, it's B8 3D 4D 64 08. When you account for endianness, it points to 0x674D3D, as mentioned above) 2) Second angle of attack at the problem. The video linked to a pastebin with the relevant codes (useful if you wanna try it out). Comparing to the pastebin (https://pastebin.com/dFLaf2TB), if we ignore the 8 in that highlighted value below (could just be RAM address or something; I imagine ROM data is stored in RAM starting from 0x8000000) You can see that the highlighted value is the same value as the offset I found in (1) [this means the data I found is indeed the correct data] Conclusion/TL;DR: The Pichu Egg is merely a leftover script of a wonder card that was in the debugging versions of the game. There are other scripts that were leftover, such as changing the species in Altering Cave, getting Old Sea Map, getting Aurora Ticket, getting Mystic Ticket etc.
    2 points
  49. Hello people, I'm an occasional player that likes to have fun while not having to expend too much time training Pokemons. With that in mind, and not having access to a Windows machine, I started this little project that allows one to edit pokemon save files through a command line interface that will work in any platform (Mac OS, Linux or Windows) It heavily relies on PKHeX.Core, so all the kudos go to the maintainers of the library. In case you see a fit for usage, it's quite simple to use: Download the artifact related to your platform (Windows, Mac OS ARM or Linux) Unzip it somewhere Open the terminal where the unzipped files are Execute it with: pkhex-cli /path/save.bin If you're also a developer and wants to contribute, the repository is: https://github.com/arleypadua/PKHeX.CLI Just fork it and send me a PR. The project is in it's early stages, so the only thing possible right now is to see the information of the trainer and edit existing items in the bag, but serves the purpose for an MVP
    1 point
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