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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/17 in all areas

  1. I thought i'd share this with fellow Team Valor members as it's the first Legendary i've managed to catch since legendary raids we're released. My cousin messaged me on Facebook to say the raid had just spawned up the road from where I worked, lucky I was due to finish 10 mins later. I checked the local Facebook group and various people who i didn't know said they would be meeting at 5:15. So i turned up and was the 4th there, people kept arriving and in the end we had 18 people, so easily won the raid. I then managed to capture it on the 5th ball, so was pretty chuffed as the Moltres was: "Simply amazing with defence as it's strongest feature and stats the appraisal was blown away with" To give some context theirs no gyms within a 30+ min walk of my house, so its difficult for me to do raids on an evening. I'd then spent 4+ hours in my towns local park last Saturday with a friend and no legendary raids spawned what so ever, however their is a few gyms near where I work which also never seem to have legendary raids on when i've finished work. So essentially everything fell in to place for once allowing me to obtain a Moltres
    2 points
  2. You need to start it with arguments now, the method of launching has changed: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/forums/topic/40651-illegal-mode-issue/?tab=comments#comment-214613
    2 points
  3. You actually reminded me of something! One of my favorite games of all time is Serious Sam. And some of the monsters in that game are fleshy-red things who sun-bathed so long, their skin came off. I'm gonna figure out what they're called and name this thing after them. They're called Zorg Mercenaries. The hunt continues.
    2 points
  4. 1 point
  5. It worked!! Thank you, everything went smoothly after I installed keka.
    1 point
  6. Also, modify an existing save file, found here:
    1 point
  7. No, Kirzi noted that the thank you text is wrong.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Yep most likely all 3. There is a slight cosmetic error on this card. Interested in seeing if they fix it.
    1 point
  10. The save language can be changed via PKHeX -- here, have it: https://projectpokemon.org/forums/files/file/1-pkhex/ But I must have you know, unlike ORAS, setting the language to KOR is not gonna prevent the imminent crashes in XY.
    1 point
  11. Hey guys, I found some time and managed to charge up my laptop. I've uploaded the 3 wonder cards to our on-site event gallery. Thanks contributors, as always!
    1 point
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