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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/18 in all areas

  1. So I wanted to provide a general overview of how Nintendo/GF originally created the savefile that was used on these FireRed carts. It's been said in the past that they filled a completed FireRed savefile with 426 Mews, and then copied the save to hundreds of retail carts to send to Toys R Us stores across the country to use for the distribution. This is true, but what hasn't been said publicly is how the Mews themselves were generated. I decided to share this visual that I had made about a year ago, which helped me better visualize what we had learned from the data about the generation process. Basically what they had was a very similar version of the pokemon distribution software/rom that we all know from 10ANNIV, etc. This software however completely filled the party with Mews, rather than just generating one at a time. (This is likely similar to what we saw with the Shroomish/Barboach test distributions in the German Debug Ruby rom.) They started with only one pokemon remaining in the party (possibly the over-leveled Blastoise seen in the Hall of Fame), then ran the distribution software which generated their first group of 5 Mews. The "Blastoise" was then released, and the first 4 Mews were placed vertically, top to bottom on the bottom right side, in Box 14. The distribution software was ran again, then the next group of 5 Mews were moved to the PC in the same order, with the 5th Mew on top of the previous column. This process was repeated many times until every single PC box was full. working backwards from Box 14 to Box 1. When the final group of 5 were generated, the 3rd Mew from that group was move to Box Slot 1,1 to fill the last hole in the PC. The 5th Mew from the first group generated remained in the party the entire time. And while trivial, for whatever reason, the first two Mews from the third-to-last group were shifted upwards two slots in Box 1, with the 5th Mew from the second-to-last group placed in the middle of the column rather than at the top. The distribution software was ran one final time to generate a Mew to fill the last empty slot in the party. Since this last Mew was generated by itself, there's no relative data to reference, therefore impossible for us to recreate it. The other 5 party Mews were able to be recreated based off data from the Mews generated in their same group of 5. Though what wasn't possible until a few days ago was recreating them to also include their trashbytes. While trivial, trashbytes are important for legality and preservation purposes. That's why the 5 recreated party Mews weren't public until now. Thanks a bunch to @ajxpk for successfully cracking this case. Every time we think we've gotten as far as we ever will regarding Mystery Mew, somehow we get lucky and gain another step forward. Who knows if Mystery Mew #426 will ever surface... It's possible someone who attended the original distribution in 2006 still owns a cartridge with Mew #426, but it's unlikely they'll ever know they have the most important Mew from this event.
    4 points
  2. The latest commit fixes 05146 ScreenPeekaz Machamp too, right? That's the other event with a language locked tag.
    1 point
  3. It was left out on purpose. You will see how much work it is once you see those tools.
    1 point
  4. Yes, it seems to work now without throwing exceptions. I tested the Level 69 Mewtwo and Level 5 Mew sets above and both imported successfully. Thank you so much. I wonder why nobody else could reproduce it, though.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, fixed in latest commit. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/c6e4c39bc5dd94d40e07fc445e6162ff95074ce8 @theSLAYER Re: Strength, the line has an unsupported character at the end (which is invisible). Trim() won't remove the invalid character . For whatever reason, 0xFEFF snuck its way into that line?
    1 point
  6. Cool, exclusion added: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/ebae14e6ad476cef85610373a314d527edd13972 Thanks for reporting
    1 point
  7. Duh, you can't change IVs in-game. Defense and Speed are locked to 30. new EncounterStatic { Species = 132, Level = 29, Location = 072, IVs = new[] {-1,31,30,30,-1,-1}, Nature = Nature.Adamant }, // Ditto @ Konikoni City Not a bug; working as intended.
    1 point
  8. I can think of a couple of possibilities for the empty spot: 1. They never generated a sixth party Mew because it's impossible to have a completely empty party after you get your starter. 2. They released that non-Mew Pokemon then generated the last Mew before cloning the save to the carts that were sent out. Either sounds possible considering none of the carts seen in the wild have been untouched. Regardless, it's still absolutely amazing that you managed to generate these five with those pesky trash bytes intact.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
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