So, a while ago I found an archive of Gen 5 DLC stuff in raw decrypted "server format" (no WCs!) on the no-intro forums, shared by member 54634564. I did some research on who could be the original contributor but I wasn't able to find any information.
Anyway here's the package for you! It contains C-Gear/Pokedex Skins, Musicals, PWT Torunaments Gen 5 DLC
These files are not meant to be used by tools like PKHeX, you can find all the stuff in the Event Gallery if you need them.
I compared the contets of the archive with our gallery and I've seen that some C-Gear files we have there don't match.
These files are: 003 Twinkle Mincinno (as I already stated here), 005 Earful Audino ENG, 025 Guidance Cobalion KOR, 026 Trial Terrakion KOR and 027 Rumination Virizion KOR. C-Gear
There are also default/empty C-Gear/Pokedex skins in that package. These were downloaded to your save file if you removed the skin through the PGL (yes, there's actually data inside, not just zeros). Default