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Showing content with the highest reputation since 05/03/23 in Posts

  1. Find PKMDS for Web on... the web! https://www.pkmds.app/ GitHub Repo: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor Issue tracker: https://github.com/codemonkey85/PKMDS-Blazor/issues Hello all. Some of you might remember me and / or PKMDS, but most likely not. But I have returned from years of quiet meditation (work and family) to bring PKMDS back to a modern generation of gamers. Introducing: PKMDS for Web! Built as an ASP.NET Core web app using Blazor WebAssembly for UI, and leveraging PKHeX.Core as the logical foundation, PKMDS for Web is intended to be a save editor for all Pokémon games, with support for all modern browsers (including mobile). Development will probably be very slow, since this is just a fun side-project for me. Contributions and suggestions are welcome - feel free to create an issue and / or pull request on the GitHub repo. Special thanks to @Kaphotics and everyone who contributed to PKHeX over the years. I'm standing on your collective shoulders (although feel free to steal as much as you want if you ever intend to make a web-based PKHeX ). EDIT: Please note, the app is under development and is super unfinished. Like, "construction zone" unfinished.
    6 points
  2. There’s always information to check and collate. No ETA. Wait patiently.
    4 points
  3. HOME will "tarnish" all Pokémon in a save file by changing the Height to match Scale. PKHeX has not yet updated to account for HOME's new behaviors.
    4 points
  4. I've played a few Soul Link's so far and every time I start my play session for the day it's always kind of an annoying process. Loading up 2 separate emulators, 2 roms, having to rekeybind the controllers every time. I was wondering if someone would be able to make a program that could make it easier. If your unfimiliar with a Soul Link Nuzlocke, heres the rules. 1- Any Pokémon that faints is considered "dead," and must be released or stored in a specified PC box for "dead" Pokémon. 2- You can only catch the first Pokémon encountered in each area, and none else. If the first Pokémon encountered faints or flees, there are no second chances. 3- You must also nickname all of your Pokémon, for the sake of forming "stronger emotional bonds." 4- In a new area, the first encounters for both players will be, "linked," together until death. 5- If one Pokémon in a linked pair is placed in the PC, it's Soul Link partner must be placed in the PC as well. 6- If one Pokémon in a linked pair dies, it's Soul Link partner is considered dead as well. 7- If one player fails to capture their first encounter in an area, the second player must forfeit their encounter in their corresponding area. 8- Across both players parties, primary typings may not be repeated. Basically what I'm looking for is a program that emulates 2 roms side by side and be able to control them individually. I've thought of a few features to make it better. Features -Emulators from all consoles built in - Ex. VBA, Desmume, and Citra -Saves both roms under 1 "project" and loads them on the same side every time -Type Chart ready -Online Remote Play - Be able to join your friends session online to see and control one of the games. -Games connected locally so you can trade and battle -Database where you can input your linked pokemon pairs and where you caught them -Built in Pokedex Database (Not necessary but would be helpful) -Program reads both your teams and displays them between the game (I'm aware that's not an easy ask but if it's possible, why not) I feel like except for a couple of them this is a completely possible thing to create. I know it probably wont happen but I just thought I'd get the idea out there. I love doing Soul Links and I'm so happy people found a way to make Pokemon Co-op. Thanks for your time.
    3 points
  5. SkyTemple Hack of the Year 2022 Award Winner For: - Hack of the Year - Best Narrative - Best Character (Main Character) - Best Cutscene Direction - Best Boss Fight (Final Boss Sequence) - Nominee for Best Single Cutscene (Sharpedo Bluff Scene) - Nominee for Best Single Dungeon (The Aurascape) --- What is the spirit? Explorers of the Spirit is the first ever playable full-length PMD story hack, starting development in mid-2020 and now reaching a 1.0 release a little under two years later. The team behind the hack has put a lot of love and effort into this thing, and we really hope that you'll enjoy it. Features: Starter Pokemon Adjustments: Launch Trailer: Screenshots: Special Thanks/Abbreviated Credits: Download (CURRENT VERSION: 1.01 - May 6, 2022) - Includes an XDELTA patch for the US version of Explorers of Sky, detailed instructions for patching and transferring saves between versions, a changelog, and a list of known bugs as of the current release EOTS RELEASE 1.01.zip Traducción al Español por Everson y Wolf Igmc4 https://whackahack.com/noticia/pokemon-mundo-misterioso-exploradores-del-espiritu-completo-en-espanol-nds-para-descargar/ Abbreviated dungeon/mechanic change reference guide (last updated 3/16/24): Explorers of the Spirit v1.01 Dungeon Docs.pdf We'd love to hear your thoughts on the hack! Join the discussion on the EotS Discord: https://discord.com/invite/pDxrBVryky
    3 points
  6. I know there are already some threads about running PKHeX on Linux (like this or this) but they are all outdated and none of them is simple and straightforward enough. I feel like there’s still a lot of confusion about PKHeX and Linux, especially for what happened recently when the program switched from .NET 7 to .NET 8, so I’m making this thread hoping for it to become the ultimate reference for this subject. I'll keep it up to date. --------------------------------------------------- Latest PKHeX version: 24.03.26 Status: WORKING Known bugs: Drag & dropping save files into the program's window isn't really stable and could lead to a crash. This usually happens when you import/export boxes in a save file, and then import another one into the program. Always make a backup or try to avoid drag & drop at all by only using the File > Open option. --------------------------------------------------- 1) Installing Wine Vanilla Wine is more than enough for this. It’s a matter of a couple of commands and everything will work fine without having to go through a bunch of settings in programs like Lutris and Bottles. You must have Wine version 9.3 (or higher). Please refer to your distribution's documentation if you don’t know how to install it. 2) Creating a Wine prefix It's better to create a separated Wine prefix (the “Windows environment”, for those who don’t know what a prefix is) so that it won't conflict with others (if you have any). You can do that with the following command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wineboot Replace /path/to/your/prefix/pkhex with the folder you want to create the prefix in. For example: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wineboot Let it set up everything. If it asks for the Mono installation you don’t need it, so you can click on cancel. 3) Installing .NET Desktop Runtime 8 PKHeX needs the 64 bit version of .NET Desktop Runtime 8 to work. You can download it from here. This is the global page with every download link, just in case the given link dies because of a version change (it is currently 8.0.3). Launch the following command to start the installer: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wine /path/to/the/installer/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.3-win-x64.exe As seen before replace the paths with your own ones. For example: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Downloads/windowsdesktop-runtime-8.0.3-win-x64.exe Go through the installation process. 3.1) CJK fonts CJK stands for Chinese, Japanese and Korean. These fonts are not shipped by default with Wine, therefore names or OTs of Pokémon in these languages won't be displayed. The "shinify" icon is also affected by this. Although this is optional, we can fix this by installing CJK fonts with Winetricks (you have to install the package first): WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex winetricks cjkfonts Again, replace the path with the one of your prefix. WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex winetricks cjkfonts This could take a while, so be patient. 4) Launching PKHeX PKHeX can now be launched with this command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex wine /path/to/pkhex/executable/PKHeX.exe In my case: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe 4.1) Note on .NET If you have .NET installed on your system (it is available natively for Linux, it's the Desktop Runtime needed by PKHeX that isn't) PKHeX might not launch. If this is the case for you make sure to add the following arguments to the command: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /path/to/pkhex/executable/PKHeX.exe In my case: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe 5) Making a launcher for PKHeX In case you don’t want to use the terminal every time you want to launch PKHeX you can create a launcher for it. For example you can make a simple bash script for it. Paste the following content into a text editor and save the file wherever you want and with whatever name you want: #!/bin/bash WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe As always replace the paths with yours. Of course this can also be the command seen in paragraph 4.1: #!/bin/bash WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR wine /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/PKHeX.exe Now make the file executable by running: chmod +x /path/to/your/script For example: chmod +x /home/anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX/Launcher Now you can simply open PKHeX by double-clicking the launcher. 6) PKHeX plugins As you may already know, PKHeX supports plugins loading through .dll files put in the plugins folder of the program. A lot of plugins, such as the WC3 one, will make the program crash when opening it. A possible workaround is to switch to Wine-GE instead of using the vanilla Wine. This is a modified version of Wine that includes a lot of patches for games and seems to be more stable for plugins loading. Note that we can't use it as the base for our prefix, as Wine-GE is still based on Wine 8 at the moment (it doesn't include the patches for .NET 8 and PKHeX), we are just using its binaries and libraries on top of the vanilla Wine prefix. You should do this ONLY if you need to use plugins. Download the latest Wine-GE version, which is version 8.26 at the moment of writing, and extract its contents somewhere on your system. Now launch PKHeX by replacing the wine command with the binary of Wine-GE: WINEPREFIX=/path/to/your/prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR /path/to/wine-ge/bin/wine /path/to/pkhex/executable/PKHeX.exe This is how it looks on my system: WINEPREFIX=/home/anon/Prefix/pkhex env -u DOTNET_ROOT -u DOTNET_BUNDLE_EXTRACT_BASE_DIR /home/anon/Prefix/Wine-GE/lutris-GE-Proton8-26-x86_64/bin/wine /home/Anon/Games/Pokémon/PKHeX.exe You can go back using vanilla Wine by restarting PKHeX with the wine command instead of the Wine-GE binary.
    3 points
  7. PKhex does not support the new patch. My question is, are the new games harder to extract data from than the older 3DS era games?
    3 points
  8. PKHeX hasn’t been updated to deal with saves from the latest SV update. We’re aware of the issue; it happens whenever the game updates and changes the save’s structure. Please wait patiently. No ETA.
    3 points
  9. Save file sizes should be twice that size (64KB -> 128KB). Brief inspection of the save data shows that save sectors 8 & 9 are duplicated; shifting the duplicate to the end allows the save to be recognized. 005 Pokemon Leaf Green.sav
    3 points
  10. Whoa whoa whoa hold your horses. Cheat single player and you're fine. You can do whatever you want when you aren't affecting others. Cheat online against unsuspecting players and you're be against our rules. Those are the rules of this place. End of discussion.
    3 points
  11. It'll be out whenever it's out.
    3 points
  12. UPDATE Here is the Hex for the Ultraball Canvas backpack: E90B (3049 as UInt16). Furthermore, I did some digging in my spare time and created a little script to check the minimum and maximum values of the intervals represented by the various fashion groups in the base game, and annotate in a set() the missing IDs (expressed as UInt16). Here's what I found: Now, doing the conversion in Hex, we see that all the missing bags in the base game have been mapped, since 3075 is the ID of the floral bag and the others from 3047 to 3049 are the IDs of poké/mega/ultraball backpack (all of them are present in special.txt in the previous reply). The interesting thing resides in the headwears, where , if we exclude the values 5037 and 5038, which are the League and Star sporty cap (also present in special.txt), there is still an additional value of 5039 (AF13 in Hex) which corresponds to a 'Terastal Sporty Cap': Which could be the next Portal Event. Keep in mind that injecting this hat could result in unexpected online consequences, if not ban itself, since it hasn't been released yet. Another interesting thing would be reasearching values under the minimum of some categories, given that some of them report as min value x001 (3002 for bags) instead of x000 like some others. I'll make another reply in case of other discoveries.
    3 points
  13. Added a flag in Settings you can toggle for the Entity Editor to show Gender in Gen1 contexts. https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/b60648627a53c3dc12799f0d91d2cc7a0061aa02 Currently only in the development build, but will be available in future releases.
    2 points
  14. Hi everybody. Recently I switched my reasearch on fashion blocks in Scarlet and Violet, even if it can be considered low priority (since trainer personalization in Gen 9 is kinda underwhelming compared to Gen 8-7). Anyway yesterday I dumped the full blocks with all purchasable clothing options and created a .txt file containing the ids of special Items not purchasable in base games (league-team star hats, past gen saves phone cases, all fashion items in the DLCs preorder pack and the PokePortal gifts up till now). I already made some modifications to my fork of PkHex for the data I retrieved and built the injector. When my current pull request regarding Trainer Photo visualization will be (hopefully) merged, I'll make a new one for revamped fashion injection. Up until then I share here the blocks and the .txt in case somebody wants to do further research or just inject them. legwears.bin cases.bin special.txt bags.bin eyewears.bin footwears.bin gloves.bin headwears.bin
    2 points
  15. Art by: toloveL Before I start and go anywhere further, please be aware this will be a very long text, and there's a lot to cover. Still, it was an exciting adventure, and it will be rewarding to read it to the end. This is also from my Perspective, but since there are other people involved, they might share theirs as well. Keep that in mind. This is also a very compressed version of the story, since it was a long one. I have detailed everything into a 20-page document with more details, but I still didn't have the time to proper edit it. So, I might do it later. Earlier this year I was bored, and since I always loved Pokémon and Pokémon events, I started to research and read more about Pokémon archivism. This ended up with i getting to know about the first ever Pokémon distributed via event: The Legendary Offer Mew, from April 1996. I am sure many of you know about it already, but for those who don't: In April 1996, the first ever Pokémon distribution event was hosted by the Japanese magazine, “CoroCoro”. The event was made as a prize-draw where chosen players sent their Pokémon Red or Green cartridge to GameFreak, after they correctly answered a question from the magazine prompt. 20 players from this first Pokémon distribution were selected as winners to receive the first ever Mythical Pokémon: Mew. By the end of CoroCoro’s contest, more than 78,000 players had applied to win a Mew. In the end, as promised, 20 players were chosen and have been given one Mew each. Due to its scarcity, the “Legendary Offer” Mew is considered by most Pokémon Event archivists to be one of the rarest Pokémon ever distributed. Although many sources, including Bulbapedia, state that the winners were named in the July 1996 issue of the magazine, the exact names and other details of these winners cannot be found online, as of the time of writing this report. It is said that GameFreak generated only 20 Mew to be distributed, by-hand, on a computer software that they developed just for this event. It has been speculated that the very first CoroCoro Mew event was made as a last-minute publicity stunt, due to the unexpected, massive popularity the original Gen 1 Pokémon games received after many Japanese kids discovered Mew through glitches. This specific Mew was coded by Mr. Shigeki Morimoto on his own PC, and then traded with the winner cartridges using a regular link cable. According to Bulbapedia, this specific “Legendary Offer” Mew… was level 5 only had move, “Pound” when traded over gen 2, would always hold a bitter berry had an OT (Original Trainer) of コロコロ or, “CoroCoro,” in English. had an ID number that ranged from 00001 to 00020. To common knowledge, only 20 of those were ever given away by Game Freak. which made this search exceedingly difficult. Unlike modern Pokémon cartridges, Gen 1 and 2 games had the save data that only lasted as long as the physical battery in each cartridge. Once the battery in the cartridge died, the save with all of its progress, unfortunately, was lost forever. The only speculated ways that a Mew could be found in modern times would have been one of the following: If a player had the proper technology to back up their save data, externally, and either change the battery on their cartridge or send the .sav file to a computer. -If a player traded Mew to Pokémon Stadium for safe keeping. -If a player traded Mew to other Pokémon Gen 1 and 2 games while they changed their original game’s cartridge battery. -Through cloning or other glitch exploits. -If a player’s original save file with Mew somehow lasted all these 26 years with the original battery in-tact. However, this would clearly be the most unlikely way of finding one of these 20 Mew… I then went on a journey to search for this Mew. Or at least, what happened to one of those Mew, which for me held immense historical importance for the franchise. Long story short: I found a reddit post on r/lostmedia from another user, called Viskeroo. He was dead serious in finding this Mew, and i decided to help. Keep in mind this post was pretty much dead for 2 months until I found it. I posted a reply and wait. The post itself was not of much use in the start, there were a lot of people saying stuff, and even someone that claimed to have lots of Green Japanese cartridges to look for this Pokémon. I ve kept in contact with the original poster, and we made our own personal research on the matter. I ended up in a thread in Project Pokémon from ajxpk, which ended up giving more data on the entire thing. Fast forward some days, and I decided to look for the names of the winners. Most of sources said they were revealed in the July 1996 issue of the CoroCoro Magazine. And then, I dived into a CoroCoro archive of digitalized magazines with an extremely detailed use of Google Lens and help of a friend from Japan. I didn't find anything at all, that was the harsh way to find that most of the sources got it wrong, and the names of the winners were never shown in the July 1996 CoroCoro. I even look on other issues, but it also returned nothing. My friend explained that Japan is strict about sharing the identities of children, which may have been a possible explanation for the lack of information about the winners in CoroCoro. By May, I even tried to contact Dr. Lava from YouTube and Twitter. Although Dr. Lava replied, the search went cold again. The original OP from the r/lostmedia post even returned and we discussed resuming the search or trying to contact the CoroCoro publisher, but, again, it ended up not going anywhere, since the language barrier was too great. And then everything changed, on July the 14th, 2022 My comment on the original r/lostmedia thread had received a new reply from a user, called u/AkonnWalker. Akonn went on detail about how he bought a Pokémon Green cartridge in Barcelona, Spain on late 2020. In early January 2022 Akonn noticed the game had a save, and then started to mess with it. He noticed a ''weird Mew'' which his friend said it could be special, since Mew were not easy to obtain on the 90s. He also thought the sprite was very funny, and so he took a picture of it and uploaded to Imgur: About it he said: ''After some investigation and asking in forums it kind of looks like one of those mews you are looking for, i got the game copy and box from an old market here in barcelona, if you guys want more information feel free to ask!'' Akonn found the thread on r/lostmedia because he was on his own personal research on the topic of old special Mew. At this time, I could not believe my own eyes. Looking up the ID number and OT it seemed to be a perfect match! If it was correct, this could be the 16th Mew given out on that event. I immediately tried to contact Akonn, and for my surprise we got in touch pretty quickly. We talked a little about the purchase, and the history of the cartridge. He also provided pictures of the receipt of the purchase, as well from the game case. (Since it was paid for using an app, via money transfer. There was no physical receipt, but he found the purchase history) Akonn made a detailed post about its findings on PokéCommunity. And, soon enough, other users from the forum were attracted to the thread, all of them seemed to have the same idea as myself— This Mew could, indeed, be it. The forum users were also keen on the idea of making a backup of the save file and dumping it on the internet. It was for sure, very important to have a backup to preserve the save. So, the next step in this investigation was to back up the save data. Which Akonn did, by buying a cartridge reader. He bought a Jrodrigo Flasher, as indicated in the PokéCommunity forum by other users. This was a piece of equipment that could read, and back up save files from Game Boy Cartridges. Despite the excitement, I was not entirely convinced that it was a genuine Mew but was also not-so-sure that it was fake, either. I was at least sure that Akonn’s posts were older than the initial one at r/lostmedia, which seemed to help verify Akonn’s story. As they chatted, it was clear that, if the Mew was not legit, it probably was not Akonn’s fault, but from whoever previously had owned the cartridge. This was because everything Akonn said matched up; the dates matched up pretty well, the events he was describing were also too specific to be made up easily. It all seemed to match up. By Akonn’s original post on Reddit, I could reach some Pokémon archivists that were mentioned there. The first one he tried to contact was Mewisme700 on Instagram. Her work is amazing, and she kindly pointed me to talk with her friend, known in the community as toloveL. I found toloveL on twitter, and immediately fell in love with her work, after extensively reading through her posts, Tiktok and other stuff to make sure that she was the right person. She’s very interested in Pokémon preservation and was absolutely the best one to reach in this case. She had previous experience with preservation as part of her work to preserve the memory of the Pokémon Center New York City. toloveL was interested in helping to determine if the Mew was legit, and also put me in contact with other two archivists and active members of the community that could also help. Those were Gridelin and Sabresite. In no time a discord chat was set up, and we all started to do our best to verify the Mew in question. Akonn sent the save file to Gridelin, which started to work right away. Gridelin also asked Ajxpk, to help. With that, the team was assembled. (I am sure most of you know those community members very well, so I don't need to properly introduce them, right?) Firsthand, nothing on the cartridge seems suspect, or on Mew. The team agreed that hacked Pokémon on that save file would make the chances of the Mew being hacked very high. But they could not find any hacked monsters in that file. The data was also checking with what we had of info about the real ones. But in the end, we did not have another Mew from that event to compare to, so it was hard to tell. It was agreed that Ajxpk could help to verify the save, and possibly have some notion of any abnormality on it, and after it could be possible to bring all the evidence together, and at least try to say for sure what the team had been dealing with. Here the group also noted that Mew was played with. A lot. It was level 100 and had learned HM moves. It adds as interesting evidence, because that’s exactly what a kid would do with a Mew. The Licktung Arc Ok, so the >Licktung< part of the research is not exactly fully relevant for the Mew case. Anyways, it was such an interesting part of the case that it had to be put here. Enjoy: After looking up the save file, the only thing that seemed suspicious was a certain Lv 100 Licktung on the party. Gridelin’s software (he was using PkHex to analyze the Pokémon data) was not able to read Licktung’s OT name. Displaying in its place a ‘’*’’’. This could be a bad sign. The reason the team looked it up, as explained earlier is that any hacked or suspicious Pokémon in the save file would hurt the Mew chances to be legit. So it had to be done. The quick conclusion was that it could be a hacked Licktung, but in the end it seemed to be just PkHex acting up because of its Japanese name, since when looked at in-game, nothing seemed wrong. The group had ruled that out, believing instead that was PkHex not reading the Japanese characters on the OT’s name. That’s when things get weird… And this search goes to places none of us, never in our lives expected it to go. First, Licktung here is at Lv 100. This is unusual for this kind of save, because there are no real reasons to train a Licktung up to this level. (At least not from the team’s point of view, but nothing can be said for sure) toloveL then explained that Licktung was kind of a meme in Japan at the time, and it's for the same reasons it was a meme here. It's a weird Pokémon that licks things, and has a big tongue. You know. The thing that caught the group’s attention the most in this Pokémon, however, was its name. It was not Licktung’s Japanese name on it, but rather a nickname. It was: なめぞう when translated it goes as ‘’Namezou’’. When you google Namezou, you end up finding that… That’s the name of a hentai artist. And I say: This is important for the search, because after some dirty research, we just found that Namezou's earlier work uploaded on the western internet dated back from 2003. This don't exactly match up with the Mew's age, so that's something. At that point in time, the Mew Recovery Team was in standby mode. The group need to wait Ajxpk word on the matter, and they were absent at the time. So, me, toloveL, Akonn and Gridelin continued to investigate Licktung for the time being. Eventually however, toloveL found out on the Japanese web that it seems this name was pretty popular in Licktung for some reason. She found many videos, screenshots, of plenty of Licktung having this same nickname in many games. Then it hit the team: A YouTube video confirmed the origin of this Licktung: In Pokémon Green, this is the very Licktung a player can get via trade on route 18… This means, this Pokémon was given by an NPC. This also meant that Game Freak named an NPC Pokémon after a hentai artist, Japan memes it to this day and the west did not find out about it somehow. The team burst some laughs finding this out. Anyways, the fact that this Licktung was leveled up to max, still meant that our boy Namezou here was used, and a lot by its original owner. This would match with the Licktung meme in Japan, that very few westerns had known until now. This could be evidence in favor of the cartridge not being tempered with. Just played by some Japanese kid. It's absolutely possible the kid knew about the Licktung meme, and found it funny to have it on its party with a maxed level. For the team, that’s a pretty believable behavior from a kid playing with this cartridge, in the late 90s. We then waited Ajxpk word on the matter. But at the end of the Licktung investigation the team agreed that the Mew could very well be fake but still, lots of very small and specific things would be very hard to think of if you were to fake it. Also, there was still not a good reason the group could think on why someone would do that, and not take the chance to make easy cash, for example. In the end of the day, those were just conjecturing the team was throwing around, and investigating. Everyone agreed Ajxpk word was very much needed to continue the investigation. But in the meantime, Gridelin and Akonn talked about the origins of the cartridge, who sold it, where it was sold, etc… As stated earlier in the text, Akonn provided the information that it was bought in some kind of flea market, by a guy with a French accent, and it was located in Mercat de San Antoni in Barcelona, Spain. Akonn also said that as far as he knows, this seller bought the game from a Japanese couple he knew. I asked about the seller’s contact info, but Akonn said he did not have it, given the nature of this kind of flea market. At this point, the team was not 100% sure, but the evidence was leaning towards the Mew being legit. The group however, never excluded the idea it could be a clone, this is important to have in mind as well. The paper saga, Enter Ajxpk! Later that week, Ajxpk joined the team and began their own analysis of the Mew data and save file. But they already pointed out most of the old events had a sticker that helped to identify it was part of an event. Akonn’s cartridge was missing. Right away, Ajxpk stated that it would be impossible to know for sure just with the data the team has. They needed more concrete evidence, so they started to ponder about the physical stuff that the event could have. The first thing was the sticker. Another piece of physical evidence that could help, would be an instruction paper. Ajxpk told the team that back in the day of those old events, participants would get instruction paperwork, containing messages and overall information that could be useful. The october 1997 event had a paper that surfaced on Twitter in 2021. Ajxpk showed the team, as a means to know what they should look for: Immediately I started to run through the pictures Akonn sent earlier, the box pictures, the packaging, the cartridge, and also questioned him about any suspicious piece of paper he could have missed. But the hopes were pretty dim at that time. Ajxpk even stated that he believed that could be the case of the Mew being traded over, and the physical evidence being lost. But still, it was not possible to verify its authenticity without the physical evidence for him. Akonn was not at his home at the time, and we needed him to go home and see if there was any suspicious paper in the packaging. But eventually, He remembered something. He said that actually, he remembered a piece of paper that came in the packaging with the game, one that had a small screenshot of a Pokémon party on it, and Japanese writing. At the time, he had ruled it as just a merchandising pamphlet. The next day Akonn sent a picture of the paper. Everyone was shocked, because at first glance, it matched exactly on what the team expected. It was pretty much degraded, but not yellowed which meant it was not exposed to sunlight, being all this time probably tucked inside the packaging. Thanks to toloveL's experience with preservation of old documents, and paperwork, the team could guide Akonn on how to properly handle the paper without daggering to destroy it. After all, it could very well be 26 years old! Akonn gave more details on how the paper was when he found it. According to him, it was inside the packaging, behind the booklet. In some cases, Andy put the paper inside the paper box, but that was not how it came with it. HE also reported a very small water damage on the booklet, but this did not affect the Mew paper in any way, according to him. Meanwhile, Ajxpk was scanning the image to text, so we could have total access to what was written on that paper. He noticed it was slightly different from the second letter. Me and toloveL were interested in knowing more about the differences between those two. That would be important do determine if the Mew paper could be a copy of the second one, or a mockery. Ajxpk was the first to bring up an incomplete sentence in the letter. It seems one of the instructions was missing a part, as if the person typing it just… forgot to continue it. The others also noticed the screenshot in Akonn’s paper was somewhat different from the other one. There was also an extra sentence in the second letter. The letter from October also continued the sentence our paper cut. Now, this could say anything. Probably the second letter would have a bit more work put into it, and maybe they decided to change something. Yet, some things seemed amiss. This made me decide to question Akonn again about the entirety of the paper’s timeline with him. But in the end, it was possible to verify Andy was not at home when Ajxpk brought the paper up, as stated earlier, and Andy spent the entirety of that night in a friend’s house at a party. Akonn had sent me a picture of him in the pool with his friends the night before. So... he did not temper with the paper, or at least he could not at that night. As far as I know, he was also very far away from home to be able to do that in one night. So, it was extremely unlikely Akonn had the time to fake something so specific during a party night. One could argue he could have faked it beforehand but given the second letter just emerged in early 2021, and he provided a receipt of the cartridge being bought in 2020, this was also extremely unlikely. The team also noticed wrinkles in the paper. This was first brought up by Sabersite. The wrinkles did not match with the paper being stored in a tiny box. toloveL said that by her work-related experience, those wrinkles could be the result of just movement. Taking the cartridge out of the box and putting it again on it could very well cause some wrinkles. There was at some point the idea of carbon dating the paper. But this tech is not easily accessible to normal, day-to-day civilian people. I tried to contact my fiancée, who is a chemistry student, and the labs from her university could have this tech accessible at their labs. Sadly, that was also not the case. It also could be that the paper was faked in 1996 or circa 1996, so the carbon dating would be futile. Sabresite asked a friend who speaks japanese to help with the text, there was a sentence that was cut, but the text seemed to be very natural. The differences with the second letter being the screenshot used in the August 96 paper, and the one used in the October, also the font seemed to be different and there was a space in a word, where it should not be. Then we thought to verify on how this paper could have been done. And this is another weird turn of events, but we ended up asking ourselves if this was typed in a typewriter. I ended up in a discord server of Typewriter enthusiasts. After some time, we ruled out the possibility of a typewriter. But it was indeed a very weird way to spend my late night Saturday, talking about typewriting for long hours. Shout outs to all the typewriters in the world. In a second analysis of the sentences in the paper, Ajxpk and toloveL made an astonishing discovery. There was a spelling error in the text, tha in their opinion was strong evidence of the paper not being written by GameFreak. The error was that they wrote セ instead of ゼ. For Ajxpk and toloveL this was very strong evidence of it not being real, since in their eyes it’s a typical error of someone not proficient in Japanese. And there comes the weirdness of it all: This could be very well a typo, and this also could indicate its legit, because the Mew event is well documented as a very rushed thing. But assuming it is fake: Why do typos if you are trying to fake something so specific? Why give yourself all this work for nothing, if this Mew never surfaced on the internet before, in sites such eBay? How would they fake the paper if they had nothing to go by, since the second letter just surfaced in 2021? Yeah... Yet, the evidence against the authenticity was too much to be ignored. The typos, the cutted sentences, the weird spacing in words, etc… That’s a pretty much stalemate on the investigation. Well, there was only one way to know for sure: Asking GameFreak themselves. Asking GameFreak: Lickgunt Strikes Back We all agreed on our last resort: There was only one way to find out about this mew authenticity, and that was try and reach for its possible parents: GameFreak. They could very well refuse to tell us or could simply say it was none of our business if this 26-year-old paper was real. But it was our only option, and we chose Junichi Masuda, the man himself to approach. Because not only he was very old in the company, but he also is very active on twitter, interacting even with me on many occasions. We were waiting for the team to give their OK on the matter, so everyone would be in the same page. That's when toloveL noticed something weird on the Leichtung from before... Namezou, our Licktung boy, had a very weird HP bar in Akonn’s save data, which sadly went under the team’s radar all that time! Namezou, the Hentai Licktung, had only 10 Health Points. This is… Unusual, at best. ToloveL also gathered visual evidence that this was not a visual bug, and Namezou in fact had only 10 functional HP. Namezou, ironically, had concrete signs of being hacked. Or at least tempered with in some way. Sabresite theorized that it was a glitchmon. TLDR: You could glitch your game doing weird stuff to generate a specific Pokémon. Sabresite detailed that it happened because of memory checks or shared variables being absent from Gen 1 and 2 game codes. But, Glitchmon should have its HP fixed when stored in a box… And toloveL did just that, and just as the team suspected, it was fixed. Sabresite concluded that the Mew could only be hacked through a Glitchmon. The abnormalities in Mew’s data could be reminiscent of it. Sabresite also suspected this was a ‘’ACE hacking using Licktung’’, which explained why Licktung was acting weird. This could not explain the HP however. Licktung traded in route 18 should be at level 37, with 120 HP. The team was assuming the glitch leveled up Namezou to 100, but the hacker forgot to fix the HP as well, in result staying low. But it should be 120. Still, the Licktung was definitively messed up, this could not be ignored. Sabresite said he would look at the Licktung DVs once he had the time to do so, but he was also very determined that Licktung proved Mew was indeed fake. However, he did believe the letter was very hard to fake. The group theorizes that even if a picture of the letter did not exist, some kind of description of how it would look, could have made its way into the Japanese internet back in the day. It was almost impossible to verify at the moment, the language barrier is too much. But… Gridelin came back with a question: ‘’What if it was not Mew, but another glitched Pokémon the original trainer got from another player to complete the dex?’’. In Gridelin’s mind this could not be all the evidence needed to disprove Mew. It just did not made logistic sense in his mind. He also pointed out that the paper being fake was very weird. The person faking it should have known how it was supposed to look in the first place. Another good point is that, due to code problems, once you glitch your game, the hall of fame should have been disturbed. This did not happen in this save as well. Gridelin also stated that, there were no leftovers of previously tempered Pokémon in the save file. He could very well be wrong but stated that he refused to lose to the ‘’Licking hentai monster.’’ So, in his eyes… Mew still had a chance. The most compelling piece of evidence against it being faked, the team had, is the letter being so close to the twitter one from 2021, with people supposedly not having access to it before that. We then, made the tweet to Masuda. toloveL was the one chose to this task, since her profile was way more professional and Pokémon oriented than mine. At the time of writing, this tweet has gathered 815 likes, and 13 quote tweets. The japanese users seems to have the same exact opinion as us, and others seems to believe it. Masuda however, never replied to the tweet, nor any other way to contact him about the entire situation. We also had a very weird turn of events of a pornographic account tagging a Japanese account on our tweet. This other account seems to know something about the Mew, but when questioned by me, they said they could not help with the research. If i got a cent by every time pornography interfered with this research, id had 3 cents. Which is not much, but it's weird that it happened 3 times. The last evidence gathered by the team was a possible typo in a CoroCoro page from the July 1996 Issue. There, they wrongly referred to Mew was ‘’Miii’’. This was brought by a friend of mine, after he did his own digging on the matter. This could potentially be further evidence that a typo would not be so unheard of, especially in a private letter if it was in their own magazine. But given the investigation course, this came a bit too late. Still, worth mentioning. In conclusion: In the end, there’s no conclusive evidence gathered by the Mew Recovery Team (Aka Namezou Squad) to give a definitive answer on Mew’s legitimacy. There is compelling evidence to why it should be real: -The random and specific nature of it all. There’s never a good reason the Team could come up with on why someone would do all of this. Getting a Mew from other distributions, or the glitched one is just way more simpler. Also, why commit so much typos and errors if you are trying to fake something genuine? -The Mew never appearing in any auction site, excluding it was being faked for money -There’s no definitive answer on how the letter could be faked without having the second one to compare with, being that the second one only appeared online in earlier 2021, and the Mew was only discovered in 2022. -Aside from Licktung, the save data had no abnormalities. The hall of fame was intact, there were no leftovers of hacks, glitches or anything of that kind. -The typo in the CoroCoro magazine could prove that spelling errors could happen, and the letter was not immune to it. -lastly, the Mew’s data does not show any signs of being tempered with, asides from the oddly high IVs and the weird space in the OT name. -Every single expert that analyzed the save said there’s very few things that could imply the Mew is not legit. But there’s also very compelling evidence of it being fake: -The letter has a lot of errors. There's half of a sentence missing, there’s a spelling error, and a different font is used. -Even if Mew’s data is ok, one could argue this simply does not raise any relevant evidence to prove it’s legitimacy as well. -The space in the OT could very well be an error of a faker -The glitched Licktung is too much to ignore, even if the rest of the save is intact -Even after hours have passed, and the tweet has blown up, Masuda did not reply to it. His silence speaks tons of it. -The cartridge could very well be tempered with, since the battery survived for so long and no one could give a good explanation to that. -We can never know for sure if the previous, western owner tempered with that paper and or the cartridge. -Every single expert and Japanese proficient person that looked at the paper noted the weirdness of it pointing to it being written by a non-Japanese proficient person. -Every single expert that analyzed the save file concluded that there's nothing in it that speaks for it being legit. This is not all evidence the team gathered, nor it concludes the thoughts on the matter. But it makes a good point on how drawed the entire investigation is at the moment. The team went so far as to theorize that this could be a work of an ill intended kid. This Japanese kid from back in the day could have glitched this Mew, and wanted to use it to trade with other kids for their rare Pokémon. Going as far as to fake the letter for it having an authentic look. This does not explain how the kid got the letter’s information in the first place, nor how the glitched work. It's known that, if that’s the case, it involved a Hentai-named Licktung. If the team could replicate the method, this could be strong evidence. But this theory is just that, a theory, and it’s the best one the group could reach right now. The other, less detailed theory is that it was faked in the west by the previous owner and there’s no good explanation on why he would do that, nor how. That said, the team reached a consensus on letting it cold for now. Wait to see if anyone comes to the group with some answers, if Masuda notices the tweet. It’s simply not good to risk the work falling in the wrong hands to rush this. The early conclusion is that: No evidence we have now can prove anything, it's just speculation and conjectures. Every team member has their own hypothesis and thoughts, and they all agree that this is absolutely the weirdest Pokémon search ever done. If you, read all the way through and got here, thank you! If you could help us, please offer your thoughts! If this Mew is real, it's a very important piece of history! This text was in part, edited by toloveL. Thank you! ... I also want to thank from the bottom of my heart, every single soul involved in this case. We spent countless hours on this, and it was not easy! Thank you! I wish I could send you all a Gracidea flower bouquet to show how thankful I am. My sincere thank you to The Legendary Offer Mew Recovery Team: -toloveL -Gridelin -Sabresite -Akonn -Ajxpk
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  16. Have any issues with my plugins? Or any question? Please let me know! Before reporting an issue make sure that the plugin was made by me PKHeX and the plugin are both up to date the plugin was unblocked you have checked the FAQ When reporting an issue give a detailed description of what is happening always provide the error message My plugins: Any other PKHeX plugins are not supported by me, please ask their respective developers! WC3 Plugin Feebas Locator Mirage Island Tool FAQ How can I unblock a plugin and why do I have to do that? Win 10 might block DLL files downloaded from the internet. In that case right click the plugin file, go to properties and check "unblock" (as seen here). If the checkbox is not there, everything should be fine. Example of how to unblock: Your WC3 Plugin is not working on the latest version of PKHeX! Update your plugin or PKHeX.
    2 points
  17. Hello! I'd like to showcase my first ever ROM hack - A slight difficulty and quality of life hack for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky. My main goal with this hack is to introduce quality of life changes, new dungeon variety, new Pokémon spawn lists all while making the original game harder! (But not Kaizo hard) I am also trying to steer away from unnecessary dialogue additions and anything that could take away from a player's experience or ruin immersion. While not directly influenced by Drayano or his hacks, this ROM hack shares similarities in the way Drayano approaches hacks, keeping the original game vanilla and building onto it's gameplay systems all while slightly increasing difficulty. Exact specifications of what has and will be changed will be included with every version I release with previous changes always archived in each and every changelog as there already is way to much for me to include as is without keeping this post short and simple. The hack is fully completed in terms of revamping every dungeon and improving the base game, but additional features are to be added in the future. Trailers: Special features include: - Arceus is now in the game! Recruit the Alpha Pokemon at the top of Destiny Tower! - Exp. Points are now distributed to the entire team -- including off-roster team members! (Like in Gates to Infinity and Super!) - You can now select whatever starter you want if you don't like your Personality Quiz result! (Like in Super!) - Complete Team Control, You can manually control your partner and team members turns in dungeon! - New postgame events! -- Revisit the Future after recruiting Dialga, Explore a new Ruin dungeon after defeating Regigigas, visit new unique Far Away dungeons after recruiting Palkia or explore the Magnagate after collecting all Seven Treasures! - New moves! Unused moves like Spin Slash and Excavate are back in the game! - Fairy Type moves with custom move animations: - Sweet Kiss, Charm, Moonlight, Dazzling Gleam, Disarming Voice, Fairy Wind, Play Rough, Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Crafty Shield, Baby-Doll Eyes and more! - Moves from future generations too: - Petal Blizzard, Bulldoze, High Horsepower and more! - Fairy Type, with Fairy Type gummis in game too! - Sylveon! - Custom Frames! - Revisitable Future -- with recruitable shiny Celebi! - The weather trio now have their exclusive moves, Precipice Blades, Dragon Ascent and Origin Pulse! - The Luxio Tribe is back from Time/Darkness, fully replacing the Manectric gang. (Complete with a Luxray Clear Mark icon.) - New dungeons! Explore the all new Metal Crag, Magic Alcove, Avian Terrene, Drake Fjord, Poison Bog and Battle Hill! - All starter evolutions now have overworld sleeping sprites for the postgame (Including gender differences!). - All new spawnlists, revamped difficulty, and a whole new way to play the game! - Some dungeons now have certain gimmicks, EX: Drenched Bluff has a dangerous 6th floor, Waterfall Cave is always rainy and max darkness, there's no food in the Northern Desert, etc. - Alolan Vulpix has replaced normal Vulpix as a starter/partner - A quick tunnel from Sharpedo Bluff to Crossroads - Espurr is now a partner Pokemon! - Chikorita isn't useless now! - Completely reworked Marowak Dojo system! - All Starters and Partners have reworked level up movepools, and will always have access to a powerful STAB move at level 50. Some starters/partners have had ability reworks like Eevee having Anticipation instead of Run Away, Skitty having Scrappy instead of Normalize, and Riolu having Own Tempo instead of Inner Focus! - Quality of Life improvements. Tired of all those tips trying to help you out? Say no more, they're all disabled thanks to DisableTips. Want to hold the L button and use one of your four moves without opening the move menu? Move Shortcuts has got you covered! Ever wanted to have a partner that matches your type? SameType Partner allows you to do just that! Tired of watching and suffering through Spinda's Café animation every time you want to make a drink? I removed it! Tired of Far-Off Pals taking too long to play out? It's quicker now! Kangaskhan Rocks in the Marowak Dojo Hub and Spinda Cafe! - Revamped Item values - Vitamins, Joy Seeds and Ginsengs now rarely appear in the Kecleon Shop - Revamped Rank-Up rewards! - All Evolution Items now have an equal chance to spawn in the Kecleon Wares Shop - Xatu now unboxes faster! -Optional dungeons are automatically unlocked after graduating! - Seven Treasure dungeons are unlocked after Dark Crater! - Aegis Cave is no longer full of unnecessary unowns! - Mt. Blaze and Mt. Thunder are back in the game! Along with Zapdos and Moltres boss fights! - Region Variants! (Note that these new varients DO NOT replace the original games Pokémon, normal Vulpix/Ninetales are still in the game, just no longer a starter/partner.) - Zero Isles now have rare evolution items at the end of the dungeon to reward players for exploring them! - Destiny Tower now allows recruiting, has had it's grudge traps removed, and has had wonder tiles added into upper floors. - All dungeons have been revamped! Special Thanks: *** Thank you to End45 for creating the Move Shortcuts, DisableTips, and SameType Partner patches. *** Thank you to Irdkwia for creating the ChangeMoveStatDisplay, ChangeEvoSystem, ExpandPokeList, Exp. Share, Fairy Type, and Choose Starter patches. Thank you for also working on Move Shortcuts. *** Thank you to Cipnit for creating the Complete Team Control patch. *** Thank you to NeroIntruder for creating Espurr, Meowstic (Male and Female), and Alolan Ninetails portraits/sprites. *** Thank you to DunkinDo for creating Arceus sprites, Galar Corsola sprites, Cursola sprites and my commissioned Regidrago/Regieleki sprites. *** Thank you to CamusZekeSirius for creating Regidrago and Regieleki sprites. *** Thank you to Davilos for creating Arceus portraits. *** Thank you to Emmuffin for creating Sylveon and galarian Corsola portraits. *** Thank you to EZERART for creating Cursola's portrait. *** Thank you to MonochromeKirby for creating Victini's sprites and portraits. *** Thank you to whoever created Sylveon's sprites, I'm unable to find whoever originally submitted it. *** Thank you tofor creating art and a menu background featuring Silveon, Espurr and Alolan Ninetales! Massive thank you to my Discord community for feeding me ideas, suggestions, advice and inspiration to keep working this hard! Thank you to the reader for reading all of this and mayhaps even playing my take on the game! Here's a hyperlink to my Discord where you can report any issues, suggestions, or problems with the game and talk directly to me. We also have a channel with instructions on how to patch and what you will need (We do NOT distribute ROMS): v v v v v v v >>>>>> My Discord <<<<<< ^^^^^^^^ PLEASE DO NOT USE SAVE STATES, IF YOU USE SAVE STATES THOSE SAVES WILL NOT BE COMPATIBLE WITH ANY FUTURE RELEASES/PATCHES. SAVE WITH THE IN-GAME SYSTEM IF YOUR EMULATOR SUPPORTS IT. Downloads: Version 1.17.1 (12/11/2021) Explorers of Skies Patch (V1.17.1).xdelta Changelogs contain ALL changes made, and documents the newest changes as well. Version 1.17 Changelog ChangelogV1.17.txt There are multiple versions of Explorers of Sky, this Hack uses a specific one, you can read more below. Instructions on how to patch Patching Skies for Dummies.txt (You can also get help through my Discord with the link above) Known Issues: Dungeons that reset the player to Level 1 don't restore when being defeated -- This can be fixed by using Chimecho's Assembly. Screenshots/Pictures: New Dungeons:
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  18. No losing penalty for Exclusive sounds fair, I'm gonna add it ! Thanks for the idea ! Drastic seems to be 100% compatible in the next version so there's that. Max Elixirs are Beach Cave floor 3 and have a 45% chance to spawn out of 3 to 6 items, which is enough I feel like. The resource is fairly accessible. The Porygon bug is fixed in my version. Waterfall Cave's even floors have a high density of orbs and you can use them floor 9. The Apple Woods floor however wasn't perfectly designed in the public version so I came up with a new design emphasing what I wanted people to do in the room along with a Pitfall Trap allowing to do to the previous floor in order to scout for the resource needed. The full version has additions but most likely this won't affect your immediate experience pre-Aegis Cave. That's a fairly odd bug that was fixed in my version, however it's not addressed in the public one... Sorry about that... Level Scaling directly manipulates the entity level in the spawn list. That means the movesets are altered as a result. Some entities however have hardcoded movesets, for that it's case by case. As someone mentioned there's a public version that adresses the Job Bulletin Board issue. Thanks for the kind words, however it's not just me haha! Without my testers and all the help I got from other modders, this project wouldn't exist! Teamwork makes the dream work! Finally, I'll have you know that 2.0 is proceeding nicely. I tackled one of the biggest issues of Alpha and now that I'm done with it I'm clearing some stuff in my todolist yet again, though life prevents me from working faster, development is going well so far!
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  19. The latest release works fine, the development build is not ready/tested for public consumption. We hadn't yet double checked that form for correct behavior, but I've found the missing code and re-added the loading of that checkbox.
    2 points
  20. THE COMMANDS AND VALUES FOUND HERE ARE FOR SWSH AND BELOW. IT IS CURRENTLY NOT UPDATED TO WORK FOR NEWER GAMES. SOME COMMANDS/VALUES MAY WORK FOR NEWER GAMES. IT MAY TAKE A WHILE TO UPDATE THIS TUTORIAL FOR THE NEWEST GAMES. In this tutorial you will learn how to properly use the Batch Editor in PKHeX. The batch editor, when utilized fully and correctly, can be an extremely useful tool for fixing, and editing Pokemon. Please Note: The Batch Editor does NOT have an undo option and therefore all actions taken with the Batch Editor are FINAL unless you quit PKHeX without saving. As a result. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUPS OF YOUR SAVE BEFORE YOU EDIT IT WITH THE BATCH EDITOR. Section 1: Basic Fundamentals and operation of the Batch Editor The Batch editor works on the simple premise that all possible characteristics pertaining to a Pokemon, boil down to a set of numbers which correspond to certain values in the Pokemon games themselves. Because of this, changing, and editing Pokemon using the Batch Editor is like a mathematical statement, with if then, and true/false statements. The basic operators of the Batch Editor are: "." = Sets the desired value Equal to the value you input "=" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which have the same value as your input value "!" = Narrows the editing of Pokemon down to the Pokemon which do not have the same value as your input value. As an example of how these operators are used, Once you select a variable you would like to change (OT Name, Pokemon Species, Pokemon Level, etc...) and the correct operator, click "Add". This will add your desired variable with your desired operator in the correct format. The next step is to create the formula in which the Batch Editor will run. As an example of a possible combination for use in the Batch Editor, the following formula will change the OT trainer name on Pokemon with a specific OT to a specified OT trainer name, as well as give every Pokemon with that filter, a Master Ball to hold. =OT_Name=PKHeX This line instructs the Batch Editor to narrow it's scope down to every Pokemon with the OT Trainer Name "PKHeX" .OT_Name=TEST This lines instructs the Batch Editor to set the OT Trainer Name for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to "TEST" .HeldItem=1 This line instructs the Batch Editor to set the Held Item for all of the previously filtered Pokemon to a Master Ball. Some Special Tricks to use in the Batch Editor, Courtesy of @Kaphotics (Creator of PKHeX) The Batch Editor window references the PKM that is currently viewed in the editing tabs. If you select a property name, the Batch Editor will indicate whether or not the tabs PKM has that property. If the tabs PKM has that property, the Batch Editor will display the property's current value as well as the data type (number, text, etc). To Randomize a PID, use ".PID=$rand". To Randomize EncryptionConstant, use ".EncryptionConstant=$rand" To Randomize a value within a range, use ".Nature=$x,y" for an inclusive range of [x,y]. To make a Pokémon Shiny: use ".PID=$shiny". To copy the Encryption Constant to the PID, use ".EC=PID" To delete a Pokémon, use ".Species=0" To set a date (Met / EggMet), use yyyyMMdd for the string. Example: ".MetDate=20160409" will set the Met Date to April 9th, 2016. Suggestions can be automatically applied for Moves, RelearnMoves, and Met_Location. Example: "Moves=$suggest" will retrieve and apply suggested moves from the legality interpreter, same as if you clicked on the Moves groupbox in the tabs editor. Legality can be used as a filter. Use "=Legal=false" to only modify illegal Pokémon. A full up to date list is available by reading the source code (BatchEditor.cs, ProcessPKM method). Section 2: ID Numbers for Use with the Batch Editor This section will focus on the input values you can use in conjunction with the Batch Editor. The Batch Editor uses the in-game index values to set the desired properties to Pokemon. Because of this you will need to use said index numbers instead of relying on the standard text based input present in PKHeX. As an example, to set the species of a Pokemon using the Batch Editor, you must use the equation .Species=150 Not .Species=Mewtwo Below are many of the common variables you may want to use, along with the possible values to use with those variables. Please Note: Some variables (like location, items etc...) have different ID numbers for different generations. Please ensure that you are using the correct ID numbers that correspond to the generation of the game you are editing. Ability: AbilityNumber: AltForm: Ball: Box: CanGigantamax ConsoleRegion: Country: CurrentFriendship: CurrentLevel: DynamaxLevel: Egg_Location: EggMetDate: EV_ATK,DEF, HP, SPA, SPD, SPE: FatefulEncounter: Gender: HeldItem: HPType: IsEgg: IsNicknamed: IV_ATK,DEF, HP, SPA, SPD, SPE: Language: Legal: MarkCircle, Diamond, Heart, Square, Star, Triangle: Met_Level: Met_Location: MetDate: Move1, 2, 3, 4: Move1_PPUps, 2, 3, 4: Nature: Nickname: OT_Gender: OT_Name: PID: RelearnMoves1, 2, 3, 4: Ribbons ShinyLeaf (Gen 4 HG/SS Only) SID or TrainerSID7: Slot: Species: Stat_ATK,DEF, HP, SPA, SPD, SPE: TID: Version: JUST IN CASE ANY OF THE VALUES ABOVE ARE NOT UPDATED: You can use Batch Editor to also view the particular values you want. Special Thanks to @theSLAYER for help with making and researching this guide with me View full tutorial
    2 points
  21. How to Edit EZ-Flash Save (.esv to .sav) Step 1: Download the ZIP Step 2: Install (windowsdesktop-runtime-3.1.32-win-x64 or x86)(depends on your operating system) Step 3: Follow the VideoTutorial Any questions I will be on the lookout Sorry, my English is not very good. EZ-Flash editar sav.mp4 Goomba Save Manager.zip
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  22. The E-Flash has an option to change the save type
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  23. Pokémon Aurora Sappphire is now in development! This game is inspired by Emerald Kaizo, Ancestral X and Drayano Hacks all in all! I'm aiming to make this the most difficult Gen 6 ROM Hack till now. Stay tuned! I will not release a Demo Version of this Game, it will release the time it's finished! Content: Every Trainer has a fully handcrafted Team AI has been improved Every Pokémon till Generation 6 can be caught (Total of 721) Some Pokémon got buffed and every fully evolved Pokémon has a BST of 450+ Some Pokémon Types have been updated Some Moves from later Generations have been added to the Game Some Moves have been updated A bit of story has been modified and much more!
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  24. Hey- I don't really know much about all this, I just made an account after googling around for info. But I remember years ago people wanted to catalogue the original event Mews on Reddit. I knew I had one, but apparently I have two. (Also yeah, it took me years to finally go through all my stuff and find the cart.) From what I can remember they were both collected at a Toys R Us in Paramus, NJ. Both are YOSHIRB and on the same Pokemon Yellow cart. I vaguely recall the lady at the register calling someone to bring out the distribution console, and somehow I was able to convince her to give me two. (Or was there some other requirement to get them? It's all pretty foggy at this point. We're old.) Anyhow, I don't know if this is even important these days, I'd imagine it isn't. But I'll attach pictures since it's still pretty cool. From what I can tell I never actually played the game - I only have 3 Pokemon. That's it. The Pokedex only shows 2 or 3 more, which I'm assuming had to be used for the trade, since they're not on my character and the boxes are completely empty. It's just these 3 guys. My Pokemon Red cart was pretty empty too. I guess I only actually played Blue! I have 35926 and 35927 for what it's worth.
    2 points
  25. Apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but there is now an answer to this! I wish I could take credit, but I just did a random search for it recently & found this - https://github.com/zaksabeast/XY-All-Friend-Safaris-Patch. This project essentially fakes out a bunch of FS entries that, if added as a patch, would give someone every possible Pokemon. This project also includes some Javascript that shows how the FS is actually determined. GF certainly went to a lot of trouble to obfuscate this, especially given how relatively insignificant the FS is. The main thing is that it doesn't actually use the 12-digit friend code, but instead uses a hidden local friend code. I actually found that this local friend code is stored in the Pokemon X & Y save file, and since I have a backup of my save file on my computer I grabbed a few friend codes to test it out. I then went into the Friend Safari in-game & confirmed that the entries matched up with the results of the code. Anyway, I realize it's a very small thing, but it's something that's been kind of bugging me off & on for years, so I'm glad I got some closure. And if someone else looks this up & stumbles upon this post, perhaps they'll find it interesting as well.
    2 points
  26. New game updates change the save size/format. So PKHeX needs to be updated to handle the new format. There is no ETA. Just be patient and try to enjoy the game without PKHeX until then.
    2 points
  27. Hey when will the new updates will be out for pkhex because it is saying input file is too large every time I go to run it on my computer? let me know thank you.
    2 points
  28. Hey I'm having the same issue, I'm sure it'll be a day or two before the new PKHex comes out.
    2 points
  29. v5.6.0 Download: https://github.com/MewTracker/sv-research/releases/
    2 points
  30. There are no Hadou Regis in the save file provided. The Mew looks valid, since it's the more common Mew variant for Japanese gen 3 games most of them wouldn't really be hacked anyway. Looking through the rest of the save, other than the Eon Ticket there isn't really anything else special on it. Seems like someone's save file from when they were a kid and they don't want the game anymore.
    2 points
  31. Hi Prejie. The problem is that uniforms, unlike other clothing options, have different internal IDs according to your character's gender. Using clothing cheats in recent PkHex should add the missing uniforms for the updated gender, but wouldn't remove the wrong ones, so, according to the swap you made, you should edit the block named KFashionUnlockedClothing and remove the values for the wrong gender and add the correct ones. The following are female ids: Base uniforms: 581B, 591B, 5A1B, 5B1B Preorder uniforms: 601B, 611B, 621B, 631B Kitakami kimonos: 691B, 6B1B, 6D1B, 6F1B Unreleased tracksuit: 711B These are for males: Base uniforms: 5C1B, 5D1B, 5E1B, 5F1B Preorder uniforms: 641B, 651B, 661B, 671B Kitakami kimonos: 681B, 6A1B, 6C1B, 6E1B Unreleased tracksuit: 701B Keep in mind that, while this fix seems to be working (for what I observed), it's always dangerous in recent games to edit sensitive things like player gender, because there could still be a number of undocumented flags in the save structure depending on fundamental and manipulated data. Good luck!
    2 points
  32. HOLY CRAP I JUST FIGURED IT OUT!!! On PKSM the PID is put in backwards!! I put in the PID in reverse and now it's Legal!!! Hallelujah!!!!!
    2 points
  33. Sure, but I'm so busy at the moment I didn't even play the DLC yet This will take some time but I will add DLC support as soon as possible.
    2 points
  34. Keep your comments constructive, thanks. So, we're missing: 1. 0x4329A0 (4401568) 2. 0x4329B2 (4401586) 3. 0x432EBB (4402875) Please wait for a hotfix/update to PKHeX.
    2 points
  35. For More Details refer to this blog. What's new: 1. Main bug fixs 2. Bettter user experience At least, we can happily use the editor edit and saving pokemon stats, moves and texts for gen4 ! I reversion it as PPRE2 v0.2 Download: from github release [both linux and windows] or from attachment [only windows]ppre2.zip
    2 points
  36. I just tested Mystery Gifts on Japanese version. The RNG function and the 4 consecutives check (< 36, < 72, < 72 < 77) are the same. I confirm that the Tentacool Doll and Pikachu Bed decorations can't be obtained on Japanese Pokémon Stadium either.
    2 points
  37. By using hacks, it is possible to receive Pikachu Bed, Unown Doll, and Tentacool Doll. In Pokemon Stadium 2 USA 1.0, place a breakpoint at command 0x801454F8 and alter the register V0 to 0x22 for Pikachu Bed, 0x23 for Unown Doll, or 0x24 for Tentacool Doll. Note that the Unown Doll is displayed as "DECORATION".
    2 points
  38. The only way to tell that a Pokémon is 100% hacked is to find a trait that is 100% impossible. If you do not have access to the data and can only view in-game summary screens, that will limit your ability to see impossible traits. Even with access to PKHeX, there are some traits that are highly improbable but still legal. As others have said before, knowing what is an impossible trait or an improbable trait requires knowledge about the game and encounter. That kind of information could fill textbooks. An impossible trait might be easily visible, such as an impossible Poké Ball or a shiny-locked Pokémon that is shiny. Likewise, an impossible trait may require you to have the data, such as calculating the RNG correlation for SWSH Pokemon which requires hidden values such as PID and EC. Many users use common streamer OTs as a sign that a Pokémon is very likely to be hacked, even if the Pokémon is fully legal. The chance of a random wild Pokémon in SV with no fixed IVs to be shiny and 6 IV is at best 1 in (512 x 32^6) and it's very common for people to use these kind of odds as reason to find a mon suspicious. You're looking for something like this page, but there isn't a resource with every tell possible for every game. That requires the user to do the research. I believe that page is also not completely up-to-date, so some of the information on there has since changed due to new mechanics.
    2 points
  39. Break it down into smaller questions. 1. Is the encounter the Pokémon originated from subject to any RNG correlation or pattern? 2. Did the encounter get generated with the correct pattern straight from the database? 3. Is the correlation possible to calculate in near-realtime? 4. Is the correlation calculation implemented in the program? Good luck answering all for every encounter available in the games.
    2 points
  40. PKHeX does not simulate HOME trackers. HOME trackers are one of the indicators of moving to different games. Lacking the indicators causes other values to be recognized as invalid.
    2 points
  41. This is how HOME behaves when there is no original SV data for it to fetch the tera data for. I can add some "rejuvenation" for the conversion logic to detect what the legal values would have originally been. edit: added https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/b212ef42b508e86ea988771d159fbb619b88d6ac
    2 points
  42. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is likely illegal. At first glance, the name looks legal: However if you go into the trash bytes of the name (trash bytes -> bytes in data after the name is terminated. After the 0x00, in this case the 0x00 is from $08 to $09): there's extra characters at the end, after the Korean name! If you convert all the hex to UTF16 string: You see te from Omanyte. It is normal for Pokemon to have trash bytes in their nickname. However, IIRC, it isn't normal for Korean unevolved Pokémon to have English trash bytes in their name, especially from the English species name. In this case, I reckon someone hatched/genned a English Omanyte, then changed the language in PKHeX, not realizing the trash bytes would remain. And to preempt the 'why PKHeX doesn't validate trash bytes?', I think it tried but what happens is that there are many many scenarios that trash bytes can exist. And they vary from game to game. And some transfers removed trash bytes. I remember PKHeX used to validate basic trash bytes for a while but no idea what happened to it. In any case I don't think Switch games check them for trades, but HOME clearly does.
    2 points
  43. This does not sound like a problem caused by PKHeX. It's either your ROM that got corrupted or some faulty emulator settings. Things you can try: if you have cheats active, remove or disable all of them delete your emulator settings (should be desmume.ini, or something like that) delete and redownload the latest version of the emulator and all of its files redump your game try melonDS instead https://github.com/melonDS-emu/melonDS/releases/latest
    2 points
  44. No reports about that a save from Emunand causing issues in Sysnand and HOME.
    2 points
  45. If it originates from Gens 3 through 7 (SM/USUM) and Virtual Console, it's easiest to generate them in Gen 7, and then send through Bank and HOME to ensure HOME has the correct data. If it originates in GO, and is LGPE compatible, generate it in LGPE, then send to HOME. (If it isn't LGPE compatible, there's no game you can generate it in where HOME will have 100% correct data for it, and you cannot inject directly into HOME or GO, as both are server-side games that cannot be manipulated.) If it originates from SWSH, generate it in SWSH, then send to HOME. If it originates from BDSP, generate it in BDSP, then send to HOME. If it originates from Legends: Arceus, generate it in Legends: Arceus, then send to HOME. If it originates from Scarlet or Violet, generate it in Scarlet or Violet, then send to HOME. If it's a HOME gift you directly redeem in HOME, there's no way to generate these where they appear 100% legal in HOME, since HOME itself is doing the generation. TLDR, if you want HOME to have the correct data to ensure it appears 100% legal, it has to enter HOME from the "game HOME expects it to enter from for the first time".
    2 points
  46. Thanks for the Feebas Locator. Bought this game on release but this is the 1st feebas I ever caught.
    2 points
  47. You should only use the above plugin if you wish to sort by Regional Pokédex order for a given game. Otherwise, PKHeX already has a number of built-in sorting options. Right-click the "Box" tab to bring this menu up, and remember that a full list of shortcuts is available via Options -> About PKHeX
    2 points
  48. UPDATE 2 IDs 3000 and 4000 seem to not correspond to anything, all the others unlock a clickable option to remove that specific kind of clothing (e.g. no hat, no glasses etc...), which can be done normally by pressing X. The interesting fact is that ID 3001 corresponds to 'no bag', which technically can't be removed by pressing X, but that's probably the hidden way the game lets you move around in the prologue, before Clavel tells you to get dressed for the academy.
    2 points
  49. So, I found the thread via google since I had the same question. For those who will do the same, here is how MarkValue works: MarkValue is a bit-field, which means that each mark has its own bit. The marks in binary are as follows: ● 0000.0000.0001 (1) ● 0000.0000.0010 (2) ▲ 0000.0000.0100 (4) ▲ 0000.0000.1000 (8) ■ 0000.0001.0000 (16) ■ 0000.0010.0000 (32) ♥ 0000.0100.0000 (64) ♥ 0000.1000.0000 (128) ★ 0001.0000.0000 (256) ★ 0010.0000.0000 (512) ✦ 0100.0000.0000 (1024) ✦ 1000.0000.0000 (2048) You can combine multiple markings by combining the bits, i.e.: ●▲■♥★✦ = 1010.1001.0110 (2710) Obviously the red and blue mark with the same symbol are mutually exclusive, aka you should not set them at the same time. In the batch editor you will have to use the decimal value, which I included in parentheses. Example: Mark all shiny pokemon with ★: =IsShiny=true .MarkValue=512 You can use a binary to decimal converter to get the decimal value of combined marks.
    2 points
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