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Not sure if this will ever be useful to anyone, but here is the French version of the current Regi distribution on Pokémon Bank.


  BlackShark said:
Distribution Title:
ボルケニオン プレゼント

Distribution Text:
ことしの えいがの しゅやくポケモン
ばくねつの ボルケニオンを プレゼント!
スチームバーストで ぶっとばせ!

Wondercard Text:
みにきてくれて ありがとう!
おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる
はいたついんから うけとってね!

Which is the difference between normal and full? thanks!

  freddy_rv said:
Which is the difference between normal and full? thanks!


  BlackShark said:
WC6 is what is actually stored in your save file after the download while WC6Full contains some additional data that is only stored in RAM during the download and gets lost afterwards.

This additional data is the distribution text that you can see during the download and flags that determine which game is allowed to receive the gift.

The WC6 inside a WC6Full also has the gender and date not set yet, these get set by the game after downloading.

  gimmeitams said:
Well thanks for the effort I was really hoping someone would have just uploaded shark's

The 2nd Volcanion is hacked? It has 6 IV, the maximum that an event can have is 3 IV right?

  Giovanni said:
The 2nd Volcanion is hacked? It has 6 IV, the maximum that an event can have is 3 IV right?

Not really the right place to ask or answer this i believe but the 3IV in this event is the minimum, not maximum. It can legally have all 6 IV values at 31.

  DHall243 said:

20th Anniversary Event Darkari


Please DO NOT contribute those WCs from Mystery Machine. They're considered illegal WCs by our standards.

  theSLAYER said:
Is this from serial code or elsewhere?

You can see the message "Receiving the code" in-game. Unless the OP gives us the proof of the code, I won't trust this.

  eonrocket said:
Please DO NOT contribute those WCs from Mystery Machine. They're considered illegal WCs by our standards.

You can see the message "Receiving the code" in-game. Unless the OP gives us the proof of the code, I won't trust this.


Serial code videos have to be longer now, probably starting from booting of device.

I've received a serial code in my inbox,

But can't use it yet.


Korea Distribution Event

1. Kor XY&Z Zygarde

지가르데 선물

「포켓몬스터 XY&Z」 의 TV방송을 기념해서

전설의 포켓몬이며 칼로스지방의

감시자 지가르데를 선물합니다!

2. Kor XY&Z Yveltal

이벨타르 선물

「포켓몬스터 XY&Z」 의 TV방송을 기념해서

색이 다른 전설의 포켓몬

이벨타르를 선물합니다!


I was going to submit those Lol. You beat to it haha. I guess Zygarde is just a re distrubtion of the one from South Korea, different SID but same everywhere else. Do you know what the public codes are? I'd like to redeem them myself but the public codes haven't been uploaded yet.


Here are the WC6Full for shiny Yveltal and Zygarde.

Also attached is the WC6 as well as WC6Full for a new Korean serialcode item. If you purchase a New 3DS XL bundled with either Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire, you'll also get a serialcode for 50 Quick Balls. Serialcodes are redeemable from April 21st 2016 to March 31st 2017.

Sources: http://www.nintendo.co.kr/PR/press_list.php?cPage1=1&cPage2=1&idx=245, https://story.kakao.com/ch/nintendokorea/ILVxc5jwn8A, https://www.facebook.com/daewongame/photos/a.633137256703999.1073741828.252081908142871/1203518199665899/?type=3&theater

Distribution Title:
포켓몬 OR・AS 패키지 구입 특별 선물

Distribution Text:
배틀이 시작되자마자
사용하면 포켓몬을 잡기 쉬워지는
퀵볼을 50개 선물!

Wondercard Text:
소포는 포켓몬센터에 있는
배달원에게 받으십시오!



Figured I would upload my Volcanion. Even though he has already been uploaded I included the video proof with namestamp. Still unsure EXACTLY which offset to use to rip the .wcfull with NTRdebugger but I'll figure it out eventually.

  Majickhat55 said:


Figured I would upload my Volcanion. Even though he has already been uploaded I included the video proof with namestamp. Still unsure EXACTLY which offset to use to rip the .wcfull with NTRdebugger but I'll figure it out eventually.

Use this comand.

data(0x080139FE, 0x310, filename='wondercard.wc6full', pid=0x20)

PID is the one from the boss process. It has always been 0x20 for me, but you should check with listprocess() first.

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