ShinyFloom Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 Mine was the Red Gyrados on Pokemon Gold... Which is actually rather sad. I ended up cloning it like 10 times. ^^
ReD_RoToM Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 hahaha red gyrados. i got a random shiny encounter with one while EV training. i was half asleep and woke up when i heard the shiny music kick in. half in a daze i threw some random ball at it and now it resides in the PC, just sitting looking pretty and red and stuff
benngy Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 im not sure if red garados would count since everyone could get him in g/s/c games my first shiny was a purple ryhorn in gold version
Xenesis Posted April 13, 2009 Posted April 13, 2009 The sum total of shiny pokemon I have met. Pokemon Silver/Crystal: Red Gyarados - Everyone meets this one Pokemon Crystal: Shiny Rhyhorn in Victory Road Pokemon Sapphire: Shiny Wurmple an hour into the game, route 202 or something? Got killed by a critical hit from Lotad. I was sad. On the other hand, I got the pokerus a half-hour later and have kept it incubated ever since Pokemon Fire Red: Shiny Pidgey, Route 1 just after I cleared the E4. And that's it.
Okami Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 I want to say it was in Gen I...but it could have been Gen II, a shiny Tangela. Just under Pallet. Man, my brother and I tried forever to catch that thing, it eventually fled.
Turtlekid2 Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 My first shiny was a Geodude just west of Veilstone. Since then, I've gotten a shiny Gastly, a shiny Unown, and a shiny Primeape (I still have that one).
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Well, if you cheated to make sure that they are all shiny does that count? Yeah, i used a code to make all the pokemon that I encountered shiny I was doing it to get a shiny drifloon and I'm so happy I have one now!
Turtlekid2 Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Sir Xero said: WITHOUT THE USE of Pokesav or other cheating device? Ahem.
pokemonfan Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Darn so all my shinies dont count here. Well at least I still have my shiny drifloon!
Plasma Posted April 15, 2009 Posted April 15, 2009 Red Gyrados. Other than him, I never have. Sniff. Aside from other trainers, of course. I'm fighting a shiny Tyranitar in PBR right now.
pennypenny123 Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 My first that I remember was earlier in Pearl. I was in that cave west of Hearthome (I forgot the name, the cave is really small until you go upward to catch Palkia/Dialga.) I was there and a battle started. I wasn't paying attention, but I remember hearing this strange sound. Then when I looked at my screen I saw a Meditite! I forgot what color it was cause I traded it to my friend because I'm not a fan of that pokemon. I don't remember if I had any earlier encounters but I think I might've had probably one earlier than Pearl. Maybe. ---------- Post added at 08:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:36 PM ---------- Plasma said: Red Gyrados.Other than him, I never have. Sniff. Aside from other trainers, of course. I'm fighting a shiny Tyranitar in PBR right now. Are you talking about the one in G/S/C? At the lake of rage there was a red gyrados that (I think at least) you could capture. If so or not, red is a cool color for a gyrados. Cool that you are/were fighting a shiny Tyranitar. What does PBR stand for?
ReD_RoToM Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 sorry for this being in the wrong place and well its not my first shiny, but while soft reseting for a good natured giratina in my copy of plat like 2 min ago i just got a legit shiny giratina. and i nearly wet my pants. the IV's and the nature (quiet) are kinda on the crappy side, but its shiny so i don't really care. sry again for the impropper posting location
Greencat Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 That's pretty lucky Red_Rotom. Now, is this Platinum?
ReD_RoToM Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 yeah its plat. im gonna leave it UT for a while. yeah i only reset like 6 times and out he poped in all his blue and gold beauty
coolbho3000 Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 My first and only shiny Pokémon was a Yanma in the Great Marsh. I had just failed to capture. normal Yanma before, so you can imagine the tension. Threw some bait, two rocks, and caught it with the first ball.
Greencat Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 That's scary, knowing it can run away. Do you still have it?
Vlad Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 I found a shiny Metapod in pokemon crystal, but I was farming so I killed it with -this was several years ago now but I still remember it as it was a rare event. I met it also in the forest where you can (in JP version) catch Celebi.
orbwhisper Posted April 16, 2009 Posted April 16, 2009 It was after me and my girlfriend had "relations" I was randomly running to Pastoria City and bam a Shiny Psyduck appeard... CAUGHT! I did encounter a Shiny Purugly but i missed the shiny animation...caught it and went WHAT THE SHIT ITS SHINY WOOOOOOOOOT!
sheepgoesmeep Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 The first i saw was a tentacool next to Pacifidlog town in Ruby. I accidently KO'd it trying to weaken it The first i caught was a weepinbell above the resort area in Diamond
wraith89 Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 Red Gyarados... On a serious note, I was in Bug Catching Contest once and I caught a Scyther... and I walked through the grass and found this level 18 Pink Metapod. First I thought it was a glitch, but it was real. Unfortunately, I had to give up Scyther for it and I got 2nd place in the contest. Then I trained her to evolve it... but the problem with those wild caught cocoon Pokemon is that... they'll be stuck with Harden. Even if they evolve, they WON'T learn anything other than TMs (anyone know why?). However, I ended up teaching her stuff like Psychic and all, so it wasn't much of a problem.
Akaria Posted April 20, 2009 Posted April 20, 2009 First was a Red Gyarados, which I think does count to some extent. After that, nothing until Diamond last year where I came across a Shiny Chimecho in Sendoff Spring, tension was high, seeing as I only a few Great Balls and a ton of Dusk Balls, during the day. I was tempted to use the Master Ball as a worst case scenario after I eventually knocked it down enough that it would go into the Dusk Ball. The next one was more recently when chaining Bidoof's (I have a thing for obliterating those bastards into oblivion, what can I say?) and the chain broke with a Shiny Shinx in it's place, not like I was complaining or anything, so the Luxury Ball was thrown and hey-presto, I now have two shinies. I'm still contemplating on if I should start levelling them up for competitive use or keep them in the box will the rest of my Pokemon... hm.
bear831 Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 The shiny Gyarados from GSC. And also my torchic from Sapphire, no soft-reseting what so ever.
DarkStar Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Only two for me ever. shiny golden altaria in sapphire, in sky pillar heading for rayquaza. i was biking over the cracked areas, and missed a turn, falling down a floor. i was mad, but i was heading back up when i encountered a golbat and then this shiny! =D shiny drowzee (ew) in leaf green, looking for a good lv. 15 drowzee east of vermilion, then i get this one. it was lv. 13, and male, but it was a shiny. why couldn't this have been used on a nicer shiny?
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