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Other then the Red Gyardos in Silver my first Shiny was Lugia I been play 4 hrs when I got to lugia I took one look at it and thought my system was messing up a freind of my was watching me play if he had not stop me from turning the system off I would had lost it I used my Master Ball on it so fast


I have only encountered 2 shinys, in my journey throughout the Pokemon series, one is Skitty in Ruby, i kinda thought it looked strange, so i evolved it, so it technically means i had 3 shinys, anywho, my next one is Golbat from Diamond, like the others have stated, i didn't really notice it, i was actually searching for Cresselia.


The only real shiny pokemon I have is Xatu. I meet it on my Sapphire when it was a natu. I met it in the worst place possiable, the safari zone. I managed to catch it before it ran away. It even helped me win the Orre colosseum lv 50 double battle.


my first caught is shiny zigzagoon in my ruby.if not for the shiny sound i heard i would have ran.the colour diff if no very obvious especially under strong sunlight cos i encountered it in the afternoon and it was a hot day...>.<


My first shiny Pokemon was Zubat in Pokemon Ruby. I didn't really know anything about shiny Pokemon until I found it. After that I found a shiny Snorlax in FireRed (under Lavender Town) and a shiny Gastly in Old Chateau.

I only found three legit shinies, and none were in Johto....


when i found my shiny rattata, i thought it was some kind of special pokemon to the Tin Tower.... ( i was on my way to catch Ho-oh), so i attempted to find it again. I didn't.

Unfortunately, most shinies people find are crappy pokemon that could almost never be used in competitive fight. However, if i find one and catch it, i will put it on my team anyways and make it perfect :D

  Sir Xero said:

Unfortunately, most shinies people find are crappy pokemon that could almost never be used in competitive fight.

i also agree xD

shiny legal pokemon that i catch (wild shiny or even pokeradar shiny) are "super" crap , useless , it has low IV and it's hard to get a good nature for it >_<

well... maybe it's not my lucky day =_=


wow i feel so unlucky :( i have been playing the game since the beggining and i have never seen a shiny, damn there should be another way to find them besides using pokeradar

  dragoon034 said:
my first caught is shiny zigzagoon in my ruby.if not for the shiny sound i heard i would have ran.the colour diff if no very obvious especially under strong sunlight cos i encountered it in the afternoon and it was a hot day...>.<

Dont bother opening all the things there are so many and it really stretches the thing. All it says is hi~ at the end and it is somewhat annoying because you are not sure when it will end all those buttons. Ok all these shiny pokemon (besides the starters) that you guys have been talking about really are not that great besides the fact that they are shiny.


My first shiny was a Mawile in Ruby, then my starter charmander and an exeggcute in the safari zone in FireRed, then a Claydoll (WTF :confused:) and Ryquaza in emerald (I reset the game so many times....:eek:) Then a Crappy modest Geodude and Ralts in Diamond and finally a Togepi from an Egg in Platinum :D


My first shiny was a tentacool.... and I killed it ;[

Other than that, no shiny pokemon at all...

My sister found a shiny Makuhita though lol

  dragoon034 said:
my first caught is shiny zigzagoon in my ruby.if not for the shiny sound i heard i would have ran.the colour diff if no very obvious especially under strong sunlight cos i encountered it in the afternoon and it was a hot day...>.<
  gardemog said:
My first shiny was a Mawile in Ruby, then my starter charmander and an exeggcute in the safari zone in FireRed, then a Claydoll (WTF :confused:) and Ryquaza in emerald (I reset the game so many times....:eek:) Then a Crappy modest Geodude and Ralts in Diamond and finally a Togepi from an Egg in Platinum :D

So lucky! I have only seen shinies online! You have had a lot of shiny experiences!


My first shiny was a Lileep dating back to Sapphire. I didn't even know what shinies where, so I pondered why its Pokédex number was in gold text. After beating the League, I trained it. When I saw it evolve into a pink Cradily, I muttered, "How?" Eventually, I stumbled across the interwebs and discovered the shiny mechanic. I felt very lucky.

Today, that Cradily resides in my Platinum version. Although I've acquired a lot more shinies through chaining (and hacking, but I only hacked three Pokémon, one not even being shiny.), that Cradily will always be my favorite shiny. ^^

  pokemonfan said:
Dont bother opening all the things there are so many and it really stretches the thing. All it says is hi~ at the end and it is somewhat annoying because you are not sure when it will end all those buttons. Ok all these shiny pokemon (besides the starters) that you guys have been talking about really are not that great besides the fact that they are shiny.



Those pokemon are awesome (compared to Rattata and zubat)


First shiny i saw: krabby in gold, and like an idiot i hit the wrong button and ran instead of opening the bag....epic fail. the first one i caught was a pidgy in leaf green while catching abra (looking for twisted spoons). in diamond i got bronzong, stunky, and illumise in random encounters, then i learned to chain with the radar and got tons of beldum :)

  damio said:


Those pokemon are awesome (compared to Rattata and zubat)

Oops sorry, I guess my memory was on all those zigzagoon, rattatata and stuff like that. I'm appalled with myself that I forgot drifloon. Beldum rocks but its evolved forms rock harder.

:confused:If a shiny evolves does it keep its shiny status?:confused:

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