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from now on, anything posted in here that's not a direct contribution of some kind gets deleted and infracted.

Last night Xfr and I did some work on updating Pokécheck for gen 6. Along the way, we managed to dump and decrypt some of the new pokémon files and decide on the file type for the format.

What's new:

  • Box pkxs are now 232 bytes, as opposed to 136 previously.
  • Pkxs store the current owner + the original OT for a given pokemon.
  • The encryption on the pkx files works slightly differently.
  • Hatched eggs save the moves they hatched with separately for the move relearner.

This is the current PP Wiki page:


Here are some sample .pkx files dumped from my and Xfr's games:




And here's the solution for a small program I wrote last night that can decrypt the files:


The gible named "Wireshark" on the pp.org front page is an edited gen 6 pkx.

e: party pkx files are 260 bytes.

Edited by Bond697
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Excellent work both of you.

Out of interest: what method are you using to get to the data itself? Apologies if this is a silly question but I've not been keeping up with the 3DS hacking scene lately.


Hey Bond,

Since you were able to put your homemade Gible pkx file onto your game, do you think you could run some experiments to unveil new Pokemon and Megas?

If you could program the National Pokedex ID fields to 'h02CF, 'h02D0, 'h2D1, and 'h2D2, that would reveal new Pokemon. That last one might not exist but it's worth a try to see where we don't have new Pokemon anymore.


i'm not going to comment on how it was done or on doing experiments with stuff that might attract (even more) attention from nintendo, but obviously we're not just stopping now that we've gotten this far. we're going to keep checking stuff out and trying to figure out whatever in-game stuff we can given the ability to do what we can do now.


Wow, that is great news! I am rooting for all of you . I support hackers, so thank you for your hard work. Because of you , we are able to find out every secret hidden information : such as Pokemon , based stats, egg move list , encounter percentage , breeding mechanic , move priority , etc. .

The discoveries that makes people like you is what has made ​​it possible for this game what it is today. Making public knowledge hidden the mechanics of the game is what has led to improvements include the current item as Destiny Knot, for instance .

To breeders , be grateful Gamefreak That the Mighty Presence With Grace grants you and give you an awesome shiny tool Known as "Destiny Knot" , so You Could Be at Least equal foot with rngers and hackers . Whine acerca hacking is waste of time Because You aren't going to change someone's mind . The most important point is you get Destiny Knot and be glad that you are in Gen 6 , not in Gen 3-5 where breeding is nearly impossible for flawless .

That is all I have to say.


Thank you very much for your efforts.

If you want to help make some of the current unobtainble pokemon and trade them away, a lot of people keep asking for them. It will also create a bit of chaos in the GTS.

As a safeguard (or if you want to spread even more chaos) make some Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa and trade them without telling anyone.


Impressive to say the least. Looking forward to more progress, I really hope this can advance.

By the way, I downloaded the solution. Can anyone explain how to use it, please? I execute the xypkxcrypt.exe file but all I get is a "It stopped working" message


Are we to understand that the contest stats are gone? That would be a nail in the coffin for the idea of R/S/E remakes, unless they were to completely change Hoenn's contests or get rid of them entirely.

  Bond697 said:
gen 6 pokes would likely have zero-ed conntest stats. we wouldn't be able to tell where they are if they moved.

Duh. I hadn't thought of that.

One more question: are you at or near a point where you can confirm/deny the existence of extra pokemon after Zygarde?

  Sheepskin said:
Not really sure if this is possible, but I recently found this article posted somewhere http://www.gamnesia.com/news/rumor-rare-monochrome-pokemon-in-x-and-y#ad-image-0 and I was wondering if you can confirm or deny this based on the flags in the pkx file. This just seems really photoshopped to me, and I want to be 100% sure before I go out and waste time over this

Glitched/missing textures have occasionally been reported on pokemon in X/Y and I'd assume that's what these are. There's also no indicator on the summary screen like the red star that shiny pokemon have.

The other possibility is that yeah, they're shopped.



Did you find out if there are more Mega-Forms then those that are already known?

I'm sure that there are more hidden in the game which are only event exclusive like Blaziken.

  Sheepskin said:
Not really sure if this is possible, but I recently found this article posted somewhere http://www.gamnesia.com/news/rumor-rare-monochrome-pokemon-in-x-and-y#ad-image-0 and I was wondering if you can confirm or deny this based on the flags in the pkx file. This just seems really photoshopped to me, and I want to be 100% sure before I go out and waste time over this

Probably faked. Just take a screenshot and change the colors to black/white.

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