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Nice job Kazo :D

Andibad, I am pretty sure those lines don't matter at all, that NPC does not walk anywhere so there are technically all 4 sprites there if you flip the leftfacing one right via symmetry.

That NPC doesn't move, so it doesn't have those sprites :)

BWOE - a/0/4/9

BWSE - a/0/7/2

BWTE - a/0/9/2 and a/0/9/3

BWME - a/1/8/0



It works! Thanks so much, Kazo! I've been waiting for this for months!

Editing the trainer battle sprites is gonna be such a chore since you can't scroll through them.


You've got to be kidding me. If Gen 4 editing EVER got this good, why... I... You know, all I can say is thank you. I'm shocked - and delighted - that you were willing to do this! :D

  kaphotics said:
Nice job Kazo :D

Andibad, I am pretty sure those lines don't matter at all, that NPC does not walk anywhere so there are technically all 4 sprites there if you flip the leftfacing one right via symmetry.

That NPC doesn't move, so it doesn't have those sprites :)

BWOE - a/0/4/9

BWSE - a/0/7/2

BWTE - a/0/9/2 and a/0/9/3

BWME - a/1/8/0

Wokeh :), but zekrom/reshiram, NPC are same.... yeah is just flip and rotate :/

anyway this sprite used rotate in the game, so i no have idea to rip into gif files........



is too fast xD sorry is just for fun



I'm probally just stupid, but how do you work that compressor program?

I successflly edited Burgh's OW but I need to replace him and a few other Trainers with these


A better, less flamboyant Burgh, a better Roughneck (because BW's scrwany ones fail), a better face clown, DPtHGSS trainers whose sprites look better than their BW counterparts, a flipped Cynthia, and a Striato GL triple Battle Team based on which one you would face, each 16 colors!



I cant seem to be able to use you mugshot editor.

I get the file a/1/8/0 form the rom using NitroExplorer,

Then i load it on the editor.exe, extract all 44 file and LZ BATCH DECOMPRESS Them (the 000 - 0021 file).

Then i load the Mugshot editor and when i load the folder with the file, i get an error

Can you please post a tutorial how to use your tools, thanks.



Before decompress i have 45 file on the folder (the a/1/8/0 file + 44 files from editor.exe)

After decompress i have 112 file on the folder (the a/1/8/0 file + 111 files from editor.exe)

  Siam said:
Does these tools help with the title screen?
BWME edits trainer mugshot sprites.

BWOE edits trainer overworld sprites.

BWSE edit front trainer battle sprites.

BWTE edits trainers and their Pokemon.

Does it even mention title screen in the first post?


KazoWar, i need permission for create tutorial in POIN(Indonesia pokemon community) for editing sprite and trainer editor :)

you tool make more easy, speed than before and also i always write a credit in my article.

Anyway these tools can viewer/replace another btx/narc file?

I was found pokemon sprite (animated), kazowar, can enable minimaze, big window for you tools? Because sprite is too small to view. Thank you kazo, your tools no have bug for me.

Oh kazowar, you can give me a source code for these tools to me via PM? (is just for study how to edit sprite, also i translate to indonesia)


- 0x10 for lz77 type 10

- 0x11 for lzSS type 11

- another can view in their website

type 10, you can found in title, logo screen, ect. Some mugshot sprite. (tools: kiwi.ds, crystal tile, codec Lzss ds)

Type 11, is in Trainer sprite, btx, and another sprite (tools: crystal tile but just uncompressed, codec lzss ds)


Thank you kazo.

Yeah kazotools + hex editor + crystaltile2 + photoshop + PTXT + 3D viewer and editor (3D Max + blender), and converter tools + my complete list file ROM= is my tools to hack game Pokemon BW.

Your tools are make me more easy editing than before :)

  • Amazed 1

Don't suppose anyone has a handy folder with OTHER mugshots available. I.e. Red, Steven etc? I could try editing, but I dunno how good I would be. Suppose I should try. Edit, found them on Spriter's Resource. The R/S/E sprites are gonna be the hard ones but it will be fun. Don't think you mentioned it in readme, but it would be helpful for me to know that for the mugshot editor, the image needs to be 128x64 pixels. For example, I replaced Hilbert with Gold.


For the mugshot, I have been using Shauntal as a test subject, switching her with Lance. However, when I go to fight her, it freezes up. How do I remedy this? I believe I have done everything correctly

  RobbieNewton said:
Hmm, cheers. Also, Andi, you've been using this. Is there any quick way to decompress the BWSE files? I would rather not go through all of them just to look for Shauntal.

used batch tools, you can found in gbatemp, but is just support 0x10 and 0x11.....

I listing like this :

  Reveal hidden contents

don't uncompressed rlcn file!

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