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Which Starter Are You Going To Choose?  

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  1. 1. Which Starter Are You Going To Choose?

    • Chikorita
    • Cyndaquil
    • Totodile

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All three are great, but I I chose Chikorita, it must be female. Honestly I don't think that the their Battle Status should make any difference at all, since they probably have crappy IV anyways.

I really like the idea how GF has made most of the starters cute in their 1st and 2nd evo, and made them BA in their final evo.

Example: All of 1st gen, all of 2nd gen cept Maganium, 4th gen. Honestly I dislike 3rd gen the most for some reason. None of the starters appealed to me.

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I think I will just trade to get all three, with my diamond. Then trade the lvl 5 Jirachi event and catch a sentret and mareep for my team. Just for fun, and to start with a semi-good team. Sentret and Mareep I just like how the look. Though Ampharos is a decent Special Sweeper. Or I may just use chikorita for a challenge. Played crystal and gold as a 7-8 year old, never could beat it with chikorita. So I will try now.


  Yangbo said:
All three are great, but I I chose Chikorita, it must be female. Honestly I don't think that the their Battle Status should make any difference at all, since they probably have crappy IV anyways.

I really like the idea how GF has made most of the starters cute in their 1st and 2nd evo, and made them BA in their final evo.

Example: All of 1st gen, all of 2nd gen cept Maganium, 4th gen. Honestly I dislike 3rd gen the most for some reason. None of the starters appealed to me.

But unlike the first 2 generations, Generation III actually had the most original starters. Don't get me started on why the Gen II starters were not so great. And the cute beginning stage and ugly final stage is the case for many Pokes, not just the starters. A Lass in Route 8 pointed that out too actually.

For people who are picking Chikorita: good luck, TMs aside you'll be stuck with Tackle, Razor Leaf and Magical Leaf as your only attacking moves until level 46 when Meganium learns Body Slam against a highly grass resistant game.


just bought heartgold, gamestop had a 50% off discount in my area, perfect timing. currently I only have to totodile, lvl 15.


I went with Chikorita (A female one, because a boy would simply be silly for a Meganium) because I wanted to force myself to catch and train other pokemon early in the game instead of having a powerhouse starter all the way up until I find some other pokemon to pique my interest. :)


I picked up both versions when they were released and I just started my soul silver and I noticed that the totodile that was up for grabs looked different so I checked the HGSS Pokedex here and sure enough it was SHINY!!!!!


I personally think I have three starters. I got the special Cyndaquil (on the way to getting it I got a messed up Ditto. It knows my Onixes moves.) My Tododile, and the Jirachi.


For the Soul Silver game, I've chosen Cyndaquil. I usually choose the water starters, and I will most likely choose Totodile when I get the Heart Gold game. But, I remember when I got the original Pokemon Silver and chose Cyndaquil. I really loved that Cyndaquil. I lost the game though when my Typhlosion was at level 98. :frown: Anyhow in honor of my old Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion, I chose Cyndaquil in my Soul Silver game. :) And in the Heart Gold, I'm going to choose Totodile, because I think water is the strongest starter. Also, I just wanted to say that I got my Soul Silver game two days before the release date. I was at Wal-mart and they had a display case of the new pokemon games. I talked to the guy back there, and he sold me one! I was sssoooo happy! :)


For EVERY Pokemon game that I've played, I've always chosen the water type starter.


Iono... Maybe it's because I was first introduced to Pokemon by a guy who gave me a Squirtle card...

By the way, Totodile was beast in the original game. He was the underdog of the starter Pokemon.

  Fake said:
For EVERY Pokemon game that I've played, I've always chosen the water type starter.


Iono... Maybe it's because I was first introduced to Pokemon by a guy who gave me a Squirtle card...

By the way, Totodile was beast in the original game. He was the underdog of the starter Pokemon.

The grass types were always the underdog IMO(except red blue really. Bulbasaur was a pretty strong starter.) Fire types were always the power houses with short fuses. But in D/P/Pt, piplup is the true winner of the three. He can be a major power house as Empoleon and has so many resistances its crazy. 11 resitances, 1 immunity, 2 normal, and 3 weaknesses. You can't beat that.

  • 2 months later...

Having got a little "handy" with an AR, I had a fresh start on HG and took the steps to enable me to have all three starters which hopefully will be useful later on (I am up to fighting the Elite 4 next... after some levelling). This will be by first time with Chikorota (the genuine stater in my game).

  • 1 month later...

I have 2 Soulsilver versions. I chose for them. Cyndaquil and for the other 1, I chose Totodile. I also have a Heartgold, where I chose Chikorita.

I have beaten the game with a cyndaquil, which is now a level 100 Typhlosion.

I will shortly, begin training one of the other 2, after I accomplish a few more things in that game.

Basically I have chosen all 3, but I concentrate on 1 game at a time to avoid confusion.

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