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Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Colosseum (ENG)(JPN)(ESP) 100% ALL Shiny 5 or 6 IVs [48 + 3 Purified & Shadow Pokémon] Trainer Info: Name:ERNESTO/エルネスト TID:44016 Ho-Oh Mt. Battle Celebi Ageto/アゲト Japanese bonus disc. Pikachu コロシアム Japanese bonus disc. Jirachi WISHMKR Japanese e-card: Togepi/トゲピー Mareep/メリープ Scizor/ハッサム Information Here:émon_Colosseum Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics PokeFinder By @theSLAYER Jirachi WISHMKR by @Gridelin -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Sun & Moon, UltraSun & UltraMoon (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 807 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 1285 SID: 071192 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 4 Uxie Shiny Square Mesprit Shiny Square Azelf Shiny Square Dialga Shiny Square Palkia Shiny Square Heatran Shiny Square Regigigas Shiny Square Giratina Shiny Square Cresselia Shiny Square Phione Shiny Square Manaphy Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger) Darkrai Shiny Square Shaymin Shiny Square (Land/Sky) (ENG,ESP & JPN) Arceus NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 5 Cobalion Shiny Square Terrakion Shiny Square Virizion Shiny Square Tornadus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Thundurus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Reshiram NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Zekrom NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Landorus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Kyurem Shiny Square Keldeo NO SHINY (Ordinary/Resolute)(Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Meloetta NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Genesect Shiny Square (Pokémon Movie 13)(Pokémon Center/P2ラボ) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 6 Greninja (Ash/サトシ)(Battle Bond) (ENG,ESP & JPN) Furfrou Shiny Square (Heart/Star/Diamond/Debutante/Matron/Dandy/La Reine/Kabuki/Pharaoh) (ENG) Xerneas Shiny Square (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Yveltal Shiny Square (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Zygarde (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Shiny Square (10%/10%-C)(50%/50%-C) (ENG) Diancie Shiny Square (a Pokémon Center) (JPN) Hoopa (Pokémon Movie 15) (Confined/Unbound) (JPN) Volcanion (Pokémon Movie 16) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 7 Tapu Koko Shiny Square (Melemele) (ENG) Tapu Lele Shiny Square (Akala) (ENG) Tapu Bulu Shiny Square (Ula-Ula) (ENG) Tapu Fini Shiny Square (Poni) (ENG) Cosmog Cosmoem Solgaleo Shiny Square (Eclipse) (ENG) Lunala Shiny Square (Eclipse) (ENG) Nihilego Shiny Square Buzzwole Shiny Square Pheromosa Shiny Square Xurkitree Shiny Square Celesteela Shiny Square Kartana Shiny Square Guzzlord Shiny Square Necrozma Shiny Square (a lovely place)(ひみつ) (JPN) Magearna (a lovely place) Marshadow (2017 Pokémon Movie)(テンセイざん) (JPN) Poipole Shiny Square (a lovely place)(Ultra) Naganadel Shiny Square (a lovely place)(Ultra) Stakataka Shiny Square Blacephalon Shiny Square Zeraora (2018 Pokémon Movie)(フウラシティ) (JPN) -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon X & Y, Alpha Sapphire & Omega Ruby (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 721 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 43360 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 4 Uxie Shiny Square Mesprit Shiny Square Azelf Shiny Square Dialga Shiny Square Palkia Shiny Square Heatran Shiny Square Regigigas Shiny Square Giratina Shiny Square Cresselia Shiny Square Phione Shiny Square Manaphy Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger) Darkrai Shiny Square Shaymin Shiny Square Arceus NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 5 Cobalion Shiny Square Terrakion Shiny Square Virizion Shiny Square Tornadus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Thundurus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Reshiram NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Zekrom NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Landorus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Kyurem Shiny Square Keldeo NO SHINY (Ordinary/Resolute)(Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Meloetta NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Genesect Shiny Square (Pokémon Movie 13)(Pokémon Center/P2ラボ) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 6 Xerneas Shiny Square (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Yveltal Shiny Square (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Zygarde (the Pokémon cartoon) (JPN) Diancie Shiny Square (a Pokémon Center) (JPN) Hoopa (Pokémon Movie 15) Volcanion (Pokémon Movie 16) -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Black 2, Black, White 2 & White (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 649 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 42481 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 4 Uxie Shiny Square Mesprit Shiny Square Azelf Shiny Square Dialga Shiny Square Palkia Shiny Square Heatran Shiny Square Regigigas Shiny Square Giratina Shiny Square Cresselia Shiny Square Phione Shiny Square Manaphy Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger) Darkrai Shiny Square Shaymin Shiny Square Arceus NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN) Pokémon Gen 5 Cobalion Shiny Square Terrakion Shiny Square Virizion Shiny Square Tornadus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Thundurus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Reshiram NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Zekrom NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 11) (JPN) Landorus Shiny Square (Incarnate/Therian) Kyurem Shiny Square Keldeo NO SHINY (Ordinary/Resolute)(Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Meloetta NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 12) (JPN) Genesect Shiny Square (Pokémon Movie 13)(Pokémon Center/P2ラボ) (JPN) -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Platinum, Diamond, Pearl, SoulSilver & HeartGold (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 493 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 38135 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 4 Uxie Shiny Square Mesprit Shiny Square Azelf Shiny Square Dialga Shiny Square Palkia Shiny Square Heatran Shiny Square Regigigas Shiny Square Giratina Shiny Square Cresselia Shiny Square Phione Shiny Square Manaphy Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger) Darkrai Shiny Square Shaymin Shiny Square Arceus NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN) -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, LeafGreen & FireRed (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 31550 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Platinum (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 493 Nintendo DS (Console)(.sav)(512 KB), Nintendo DS Lite (Console)(.sav)(512 KB), DeSmuME (Windows)(.dsv)(513 KB), melonDS (Android)(.sav), DraStic DS Emulator (Android), R4 DS Card, R4i Gold, R4 SDHC. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 38135 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Deoxys Atk Shiny Square Deoxys Def Shiny Square Deoxys Spe Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 4 Uxie Shiny Square Mesprit Shiny Square Azelf Shiny Square Dialga Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins) Palkia Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins) Heatran Shiny Square Regigigas Shiny Square (Lv.1 Snowpoint Temple) Giratina Shiny Square (Lv.1 Sinjoh Ruins) Cresselia Shiny Square Phione Shiny Square Manaphy Shiny Square (Pokémon Ranger) Darkrai Shiny Square (Newmoon Island) Shaymin Shiny Square (Flower Paradise) Arceus NO SHINY (Pokémon Movie 09) (JPN) Nature:Modest Level: 100 Ability: Multitype (1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Judgment Move 2: Roar of Time Move 3: Spacial Rend Move 4: Shadow Force Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics PokeFinder By @theSLAYER How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi Pokémon Ranger Mission Injector BY @King Impoleonémon-ranger-mission-injector/ Managing NDS Saves -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386 GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 31550 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou Shiny Square Entei Shiny Square Suicune Shiny Square Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Roamer Latias Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN) Roamer Latios Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN) RegiDoll (ENG,ESP & JPN) PERFECT PokéBlock (ENG,ESP & JPN) Unlocked Islands (ENG,ESP & JPN) Mirage Island: Wobbuffet/ソーナンス Level: 40 (ENG,ESP & JPN) Southern Island Navel Rock Birth Island Faraway Island How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics PokeFinder By @theSLAYER WC3 Plugin & Mystery Gift Tool By @BlackShark @suloku @ReignOfComputer Mirage Island Tool Managing GBA Saves