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Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald,LeafGreen & FireRed JIRACHI CHANNEL (ENG,FRE,ITA,GER & ESP) Normal & Shiny GEN 3 & GEN 8 (HOME Tracker Valid) GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba, Nintendo Switch. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge JIRACHI CHANNEL (ENG,FRE,ITA,GER & ESP) Normal & Shiny (HOME Tracker Valid) JIRACHI CHANNEL NORMAL TID: 40122 SID: 36919 IVs HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 *********************** JIRACHI CHANNEL SHINY TID: 40122 SID: 54611 IVs HP: 29 Atk: 30 Def: 29 SpA: 31 SpD: 28 Spe: 29 Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics Managing GBA Saves How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi By @Gridelin -
I only found this...but it's look like need something That looks like it needs something other than Pkhex? I only have the tools in the picture
- 21 replies
- Lilycove Department Store
- Emerald
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Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Ruby,Sapphire,Emerald,LeafGreen & FireRed (ENG,ESP & JPN) ALL UNOWN Alphabet Normal & Shiny (Shiny Square) GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge ALL UNOWN Alphabet Shiny (Shiny Square)(Pokémon Legends Arceus)(HOME Tracker Valid)(Only ENG) Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 11792 SID: 31550 IVs HP: 30 (+ or - 1) Atk: 30 (+ or - 1) Def: 30 (+ or - 1) SpA: 30 (+ or - 1) SpD: 30 (+ or - 1) Spe: 30 (+ or - 1) Box 1 Unown Normal Level:25 Total : 28 A-? Box 2 Unown Shiny Square Xor= 0 Level :25 Total : 28 A-? Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics Managing GBA Saves -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, LeafGreen & FireRed (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386 Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 31550 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou ** Entei *** Colosseum/XD Shiny Square Suicune * Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square -
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald (ENG)(ESP)(JPN) Instant Cloning ACE (Arbitrary Code Execution) Clone Pokémon & Items instantly from the trainer's PC. Name: ERNESTO/エルネスト TID: 00711 SID: 45496 Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics Managing GBA Saves Instruction 1: DO NOT MOVE THE EGG GLITCH FROM BOX 2. Instruction 2: How to delete Invisible Pokémon/Bad Egg Pokémon Esmerald - Instant Cloning Egg.mp4 How to delete Invisible PokémonBad Egg.mp4- 2 comments
- 2
- Arbitrary Code Execution
- Pokémon
- (and 7 more)
Version 1.0.0
Pokémon Emerald (ENG,ESP & JPN) 100% ALL Shiny All shiny, Level 100 from 1 to 386 GameBoy SP, GameBoy Advance, VisualBoyAdvance (VBA), My Boy! (Android), M-GameBoyAdvance (mGBA) & no$gba. Original & Copy (Reproductions & Bootleg) Cartridge Name Trainer: ERNESTO/エルネスト (ENG,ESP & JPN) TID: 00711 SID: 31550 HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 or 24 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Pokémon Gen 1 Articuno Shiny Square Zapdos Shiny Square Moltres Shiny Square Mewtwo Shiny Square Mew Shiny Square Pokémon Gen 2 All UNOWN Shiny Normal Raikou Shiny Square Entei Shiny Square Suicune Shiny Square Lugia Shiny Square Ho-oH Shiny Square Celebi/セレビィ Ageto/アゲト NO SHINY Ageto Celebi comes from the Bonus Disc for the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum. Nature:Quirky Level: 10 Ability: Natural Cure(1) HP: 31 Atk: 31 Def: 31 SpA: 31 SpD: 31 Spe: 31 Move 1: Confusion Move 2: Recover Move 3: Heal Bell Move 4: Safeguard Pokémon Gen 3 Regirock Shiny Square Regice Shiny Square Registeel Shiny Square Latias Shiny Square Latios Shiny Square Kyogre Shiny Square Groudon Shiny Square Rayquaza Shiny Square Jirachi Shiny Square Deoxys Shiny Square Roamer Latias Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN) Roamer Latios Shiny Square IVs: HP:31/ Atk:31 / Def:31 / SpA:31 / SpD:31 / Spe:31 (ENG,ESP & JPN) RegiDoll (ENG,ESP & JPN) PERFECT PokéBlock (ENG,ESP & JPN) Unlocked Islands (ENG,ESP & JPN) Mirage Island: Wobbuffet/ソーナンス Level: 40 (ENG,ESP & JPN) Southern Island Navel Rock Birth Island Faraway Island How to redeem any desired shiny / spread CHANNEL Jirachi Thanks to the creators of these tools/Gracias a los creadores de estas herramientas. Used tools: PKHeX By @Kaphotics PokeFinder By @theSLAYER WC3 Plugin & Mystery Gift Tool By @BlackShark @suloku @ReignOfComputer Mirage Island Tool Managing GBA Saves -
Hello! I have finished making my first pokemon rom. Its just a rom that changes the encounters of some pokemon and make the gym leaders WAY more difficult. Its supposed to be a little like pokemon emerald kaizo but for the people who want it ALOT easier but still a challenge. Let me know if there are any bugs or anything you want me to add. Heres the download: V1.1 is here! Just fixed a few bugs an put in a 100% not important house in ever grande city
WELCOME, to the absolutely CHAOTIC world of Pokémon Chaos Emerald! This hack is WILD! Get ready to battle in some of the strangest and most unique battles you've ever battled in a pokemon game before! This is in no way, shape, or form a normal difficulty hack! This is a funny little difficulty hack I've made that's full of things that pokemon fans love including some old beta pokemon that were scrapped long ago Lots of changes have been made to make the game better than ever! Including no need to teach field HMs, more engaging and surprising battles, fairy type, night time, some new moves and abilities, and most important of all, the removal of that stupid fish gyarados (I hate gyarados!) "Torchic!" The game also features almost all of the pokemon from gens 4-7 including chatot (duh), riolu, solosis, alolan raichu, MEGA EVOLUTONS and much more! There's also a gen 8 pokemon line sneaking around in the shadows, can you find them? This fanhack also adds some fun quality of life features! You can use your starter unevolved but with the stats of a fully evolved pokemon (level them up holding a regular potion at any evolution stage they'll turn into their X variants, which are basically the first stages of them but much more powerful (basically the first stages of them but with the stats of a fully evolved pokémon). You can switch back between the X forms and the fully evolved by having them level up holding a super potion). So now you can carry your cute little Torchic and Mudkip all the way to the Elite 4 without having to worry about them being too weak! You can even purchase rare candies! In some pokemarts such as the rustbaro mart and ever grande city you can buy rare candies for a low price to prevent having to grind too much, they'd also be really useful if you feel the game is getting too difficult too. I don't recommended going too high over the gym leaders however or else the game will be too easy haha I'm glad to announce that EV training is not required to finish the rom hack! I've beaten it twice with zero ev training whatsoever The hack is basically complete and 100% playable from start to finish! Pretty much all of the major battles are modified with fun including the first Gym Leader rematches and the Meteor Falls battle against Steven! So please have fun playing my silly rom hack! There's a lot of surprises waiting for you... Included in the download link below is the Version 2.4 MilkyWay UPS patch file (released 9/24/21) , documentation that you should read, a small text file that teaches you how to patch if you don't know how, and details on how to get those sweet sweet mega evolutions! WARNING: This hack doesn't support old VBA or mVBA, use a more accurate emulator like VBA-M 2.1.4! If you're playing on android I recommend John GBAC CREDITS POKEMON LIBERATE EMERALD ROMBASE BY LI YUN BOX ART BY ANONYMOUS NEW SPRITES BY ATECAINCORP. AND JAPEAL.COM NO HMS PATCH BY YATOOMA/DEARMAN4 OTHER SPRITES AND ICONS BY DYNAMIC POKEMON EXPANSION, MRDOLLSTEAK, THEDARKDRAGON11, POKEFARM ITEM SCRIPTS BY PHENOM2122 SOME VOICE LINES BY TED LEWIS AND VINESAUCE BATTLE ENGINE AND NIGHT CYCLES BY DIZZYEGG EV DISPLAY BY jiangzhengwenjz PLAYTESTED BY TOLLEYPLAYS ON TWITCH.TV AND ARKARDIAN if I'm missing any credits or if there's any crazy bugs let me know :} and most importantly, enjoy the show! P.S if you hear any weird screeching noises during your battles, its because they aliens are so intrigued by your battles that they have no choice but to come down and watch. They're a very interruptive and loud crowd indeed. FAQ Q: Umm... I think I clicked on the wrong thread, can you help me figure out where I need to go? A: Let's just consider this a happy accident and you accidently stumbled amount the strangest difficulty hack ever made, why don't you give it a try? Q: Why did my treecko learn water gun? A: That's a good question... moving on Q: Why does remoraid look like that??? A: Don't blame me Q: Maxie sent out a what? A: A what is a pretty good pokemon, in fact it learns outrage at level 1, isn't that wild? Q: Help I'm stuck underwater! What do I do? A: Simply press the B button on your device and you'll be back up in no time! Q: This game isn't real, and I'm just having a really weird dream A: Pinch yourself, you might actually wake up Q: I hate you... A: That's mean Discord Community! (created on 9/20/21) EDIT: I'd love to hear any feedback about the rom hack! Edit (9/24/21): Version 2.4 MilkyWay has been released! Adds in a new Mega Evolution, more backsprites for new additions, and improves more movesets! 2.4 will most likely be the last version update unless theres any bugs I need to fix. The game is basically 100% complete at this point, I hope you all enjoy it! I had a lot of fun making this hack, and I hope it puts a smile on your face! HOW TO UPDATE: You need to use a clean unpatched emerald rom to patch the rom, then rename your .sav file to the new patched rom and it should work fine! Save the old patched rom using the in-game save option and rename the .sav file to the new patched rom, and now you can load the save file on the new patched rom! Make sure the .sav and the new patched rom are in the same folder or else it won't work! Also make backups just in case there's an error! You can use the program ADVANCE MAP 1.95 from LUHO to view the wild encounters and GEN 3 TOOLS by KURAPIKA to view all the stats and ability changes. Extreme caution however as they contain major spoilers! ENJOY!
Hey, so after a year of on and off tinkering with my savefile I figured out what my issue was. Simply put, a lot of the events I checked while changing my RTC are timestamp-based. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what points in virtual time I saved at and when those events will tick over and become active again. Has anybody ever figured out even what the hex editor values for stuff like the lottery or Swarms are? Or am I truly in the shit? Cheers!
Please can someone tell me how can i get all the people in the Fan Club in Lilycove City to like me . I hate to be told that my father (NORMAN) the gym leader is stronger than me .
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- Pokemon Emerald
- Emerald
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Hello projectpokemon. I've tried the following programs; PokeFinder, RNG Reporter, and Windows Calculator to generate a legal shiny 6IV Adamant natured Rayquaza in Emerald version. However, I never ever get Adamant nature in the search results. Can you guys write a program that is capable of generating valid shiny 6IV PIDs of any specified nature? Should PKHeX also have a more sophisticated PID generator that allows users to specify the gender, nature, IVs, shininess, ability, and encounter slot for generation 3 and 4 Pokemon games? This would make it significantly easier for users to generate legal generation 3 and 4 Pokemon. Thank you and best wishes projectpokemon!
Hello, good people. I wish to pick people's brains here for a potential solution to a problem I've had for several weeks now. A friend of mine gave me his Emerald cartridge to replace the internal battery. When I did, everything worked fine, even the berries he had planted while the previous battery was dead even started growing, except one. A Cheri berry at the berry master's house on route 123 never grew. At this point I don't care about the crop, I just want the berry gone. I've tried everything I can think of from forcing the RTC forward with that "furlocks-forest" RTC reader program to using PKhex to reset the RTC and nothing works. I had even tried rewriting a script in an Emerald rom to try and get rid of it, then to remember I have to idea how to work a program like that. When I went digging on the internet to see if anyone else had run into this problem, while instances were sparce, I found 1 other person who encountered the same thing. Really spooky was that it was the same berry on the exact same tile as my friend's save file. Is anyone else familiar with this issue? Is it possible to somehow use PKhex to delete this berry or some other program someone knows about? I'm all open to suggestions that don't involve deleting the save.