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Posts posted by Got_Eevees

  1. @BlackPyoVic

    Perfect!  Wow,that's pretty nice stuff there. :). Thank you. Right now,continue to follow the thread so that you may be caught up on the news on this.


    We HAVE capable people man.ok?

    It's not my fault that I try my best with limited and restricted programming knowledge

    and I don't even know yet how to code hexadecimal. I don't have time. Or the resources. But I'll try my best because that's what counts! :).

  2. Well?

    How about we make a Pokemon File Storage Database?

    We do what others cannot do ALL the time!

    Who's with me?

    For the people who think they have nothing left to live for,for those who are giving up on Pokemon,


    Do it.

    We are powerful.

    Together,all is possible, and we will TRIUMPH!

    p.s. pwease fix category sorting if I'm wrong

  3. @Vladcik

    Dropbox? It's free..

    Mediafire. Costs money but very reliable.


    I have the best idea ever!

    Still! Host the files here as a collection,or as separate collections if the overall file is too big!

    Maybe...send them to me?

    I take care of my files like living things.

    They are very important.

    I can just hold 'em for ya or keep 'em instead.

    Whatever you choose,you'll still be able to access those files whenever you want.

  4. @Vladcik

    Heyo buddy. :).

    Unfortunately, we don't have things like that yet,but you can post your game save file or the .pkm or .pk files here in the downloads section if you want.

    They will always be there. :)

    Since you have a lot,I would advise putting up the save file or save files.

    I hope I helped. :)

    • Like 1
  5. @lordoftartarus

    You said "Pkhex" which (I hope) implies that you have access to a hacked 3ds.

    If not, D: Sowwys forgive me.

    If so, Have you tried importing the Pokemon Wondercard from here?

    You can put this in-place of your other now-deleted WC which should trigger the delivery man to give you another Pikachu.

    Since the other caps aren't out yet,If you want them,you should wait until we have it on here or PkHex has it on it's own servers.

    Here is an English (not language but game region like America for ex.) Original Ash Hat Pikachu WC7FULL file.

    I hope I helped!

    Any further questions? Ask me!


    Quite against popular belief binary is super duper simple!

    I'll teach you now the only language that computers understand!

    So, Binary. There are 0's and 1's. 0 is off. 1 is on.

    Anyways, for numbers:

    32-bit computer: Up to 64 in binary

    64-bit computer: Up to 128 in binary

    Here's how it is: It starts at 1 then adds itself by itself increasing each time. (Ex. 1. 1+1=2 | 2+2=4 | 4+4=8 | 8+8=16 | 16+16=32 | 32+32=64 | 64+64=128) Each of these numbers correspond to a certain zero.

    128   64  32  16  8  4  2  1

    0         0    0    0   0  0  0  0

    If the zero is "on" it will be a one. If it's on, you count that number and any others you see "on".



    0000= 0

    1111=15 You're adding. The first one activates the one. You count that one. The second one activates the two,which you count and add to the one making three. And so on until you reach fifteen.

    You may also find numbers such as:


    Don't fret!

    This is easy!

    You turn each zero on making it into.


    Easy! Bye!


  7. I have a basic understanding of binary and hexadecimal.

    The thing is, I need some help understanding the key values of different hexadecimal strings or any scripts.

    In other words, I would love to be able to script events and such!

    But.. I'm still a bit lacking in Pokemon hexadecimal script material understanding.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, in order to more fully understand the hexadecimal values and such (not only for myself but also for any others searching for help)

    I am somewhat trying to revive the BW/B2W2 Awesome Scripted Events Thread Here.

    Post your scripted events or any help again,not only for me,but for others,that future programmers may use this as a resource for many years to come.

  8. On 9/20/2017 at 8:22 AM, theSLAYER said:

    I believe Got_Eevees is on 11.4

    I agree it is pretty uncertain, but I'm kinda sure that in this instance,
    "purchase" simply means buying it (physical code or digital code) and installing via eShop.

    Since everyone have to install it from eShop, the limiting factor here is the time period.

    Effectively, "install the game within this time period, check your receipt, and you'll get the relevant codes"



    Yep. The newest version. Screw Nintendo.

    On 9/21/2017 at 10:27 AM, Deoxyz said:


    Thanks! I still have Cubic Ninja for when I need to access homebrew on my non-CFW 3DS. Last time I messed with custom themes was several years ago and it was annoying/confusing, so I never bothered again. One of those apps you mentioned should hopefully be straightforward enough for me.

    They weren't on those sites you linked, but I found the official GS theme dumps on "that 3DS site", for anyone who's looking. 9_9


    Which site?! :D. PM me if needed.

  9. @Swadloon

    Nah. It's easy. You just need to believe in yourself. *Plays the 'I believe I can fly' song*

    All you do: get a ROM and stuff on a computer,get a save tool program,select the pokemon you want,get the file,upload. Problem Solved.(TM Staples,Fair use blah blah)

    :D If you need more insight PM me and I'll explain it all. ;). *Hugs*


  10. Facing Life Every Day

    Basic gist of it: Works similar to Metrenome except based on how much you've worked on/with that Pokemon.

    Type: Normal

    Learn: Depressed but hardworking Eevees (like me,except I'm a human... *sigh*In Pokemon no affection or frendship.Gets stronger with increasing friendship and affection levels.)

    Base Damage: 230 (Because,duh,you're facing life.every.single.day. *sigh*.....)

    Damage rises by 50 for every affection heart in Poke-Amie and 50 numbers raised in friendship.

    Description: When one faces life every day,working hard and trying their best,but still receives no affection or friendship (for me I have lots of affection. I only have no friendship except for you guys....) and unleashes it all out. When it finally recieves friendship and love it powers up like never before...

    Reference: Me. I face life every day. ;_;. No joke....

    I'm kinda depressed... I blame puberty since I basically feel like that all the time...it somehow still affects me after all this time later... *sigh*..


  11. 8 hours ago, wrathsoffire76 said:

    There is a site that can already do this and it is made by the moderators of r/pokemontrades. It's called Porybox

    @wrathsoffire76 I said that in my post. It's right there. Not edited. I said it. Right there. :/. You see,

    I signed up for it because you said  it was 'so awesome' and such. I found no such thing. Where is the search function? Where's anything? So store your own Pokes? *sigh* Fill me in if I'm missing something.

    6 hours ago, Britty said:

    I really wish Porybox had a legality analysis. I mostly used Pokecheck for the legality analysis, and the screenshot function of that. ((Though the Gen 4 -> Gen 5 transfer was super nice before I had a save manager, as it let me keep pokemon on both generations)) 

    PKHex is really nice because it can check legality super fast, but I really do miss the ease of sharing the analysis. 


    Yes, one's supposed to come soon. Though soon has been an awful lot of weeks... -_-. G aren't they so nice making us wait?

    (I know it takes tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime.)


    Glad to hear about that trading feature. It sounds sooo nice.

    *sparkly eyes* 


    If Porygon doesn't make a search function magically appear, would you like to make a thread like that one? You know..Swadly and Eevee's Amazing Global Trade Thread. Or only the Swadly if you wish...:(. *sigh* If so, rip-Eevee.....


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