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Posts posted by Got_Eevees

  1. @SwagKey

    Nice swag. :D.

    And Welcome back! I'm new here. :). Great job on your new awesome Darkrai. The swag is real. #Deal with it (to everyone who's not SwagKey)P.S.I hate hashtags. It's a freakin' pound or number sign. I only did that because it sounded fit for the occasion.

  2. @theSLAYER

    YouTube! Fame!

    and I'm on 11.3.

    No Homebrew,Luma,Sky3ds, or anything else EVER done. (Except Powersaves,which only deals with the cart. And only because, "I weally wanted shiny Pokemons pwease.")

    This is my first time.

    I need help please. I'm NOT kidding. I've spent nights and days for over half a year trying to do this... ;-; halp me....

    Will NTRboot work? If so,could you please link a guide?(Again, I'm vanilla. Yes, laugh in my  face because you people are impeccable hackers. :/. Yeah,don't do that. xD *sigh* :3 be nice,be happy)

    Yesterday was my birthday!

    • Hahaha 1
  3. @ReignOfComputer

    Good point. I think what @Swadloon is getting at is a downloading and uploading site like Porybox. (You post the .pkm7 or .WC7 or .WC7Full files for ex.) Except where you can actually see  the files. That sounds so cool...

    Maybe I could make  a site like that with you?

    @ReignOfComputer , at least consider it please. It sounds so cool.

    Or ...

    REVIVE THE OLD THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, theSLAYER said:


    I wasn't referring to custom made luma theme.

    I was referring to downloading the actual theme without buying, and then installing it.

    (Also, when I expressed that, I was being tricky, Not authoritative. Thought you would enjoy some humour).


    The issue isn't that we hack data, but where is the source of the data we hacK.


    no idea about the 4chan thing you're referring to.

    I was also trying to be funny. And really? Hm. I don't get the "4chan" thing.


    Project Pokemon on YouTube.


    5 hours ago, theSLAYER said:


    I wasn't referring to custom made luma theme.

    I was referring to downloading the actual theme without buying, and then installing it.

    (Also, when I expressed that, I was being tricky, Not authoritative. Thought you would enjoy some humour).


    The issue isn't that we hack data, but where is the source of the data we hacK.


    no idea about the 4chan thing you're referring to.


    Oh. No doing that then. :/. I guess we "gotta support the creators".

    *sigh* I know. I was also trying to be humorous by doing the "I'm not bothered at all. (Sarcastically) and keep smiling :)." (I was only bothered a tad,no worries.)

    *sigh*....  anyways, has a new method been found yet to Homebrew a 3ds on the 11.4?


  5. On 9/4/2017 at 1:50 AM, wrathsoffire76 said:

    There is a way but I'm not too sure if it can be shared so here is a hint 
    Reddit ;)

    ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° No mention.So wow. No Lenny. Much Lie.

    On 9/4/2017 at 2:34 AM, theSLAYER said:

    Yup, piracy can't be mentioned here~

    Excuse me,Mister?

    You peoples are ALWAYS hacking the files out. But WE can't mention a custom Luma theme? l have a great idea for a link to express how I'm feeling. Starts with "G3ng4r's List" and ends with "um... certain words." Yes,certain. That's better. :D Nah, I'm not really mad at all or anything. Just a tad bothered by it. :) yes. keep smiling,now.

    @wrathsoffire76 @theSLAYER


    Some said I posted like 4 chan with all the spaces. What's that?

  6. 41 minutes ago, theSLAYER said:

    I totally preordered the Japan Silver (for my Japanese 2DS).

    hopefully, a celebi code comes together.

    imagine the horror, If the Celebi code is only for digital purchase 


    (Mew serial code was given to physical Pokemon 2DS purchase, and also purchase of VC on eshop, if I'm not mistaken)

    Ditto, 'cept for the preorder.

    Hopefully, I won't have to buy it. *tee hee*

    I'll hack it in... :D. So wows,like a Doge theSlayer. Like a Doge.

  7. @Kaphotics

    What about the fan servers?

    (Psst. @Swadloon )


    Also, @theSLAYER There are some French Gen. V Files on that page so I AM contributing. :D (I'm also being useful. Gee whiz, I feel like N now. N:An obedient,naive,unknowing,childlike,cute persona.)

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    I like what've they done with Ho-oh and Lugia themes! (The trainer one is kinda meh)

    My exact sentiments. :). Except...


    3 hours ago, wrathsoffire76 said:

    I mean, the colour scheme on these looks uugh, especially the bottom screen

    Well... The trainer one is uugh but the top screens of the first two are fine.

    There is too much going on in the theme,however.

    2 hours ago, Holla! said:

    In case anyone is unaware about this trick.

    If you guys wanna get a "discount" on these for NA, set your eShop Location as Alberta if you're in Canada or New Hampshire for the US. (Works for Switch as well!)

    Wow! Nice,thanks. :D.

    • Like 1
  9. Hey everyone.

    Unfortunately, due to ROM complications all the work I was hoarding disappeared...

    And I finally had something... like everything from Gen.1 to Gen.5 except for one FunFest Poke...

    D:. Even the Karpy Fish C-gear for daSlayer...

    I'm sorry to say that this is too much for me.

    I'm going to have to withdraw...

    I'm sorry.

  10. @Lum


    You two both seem to get this stuff pretty well.

    Any chance you could teach me? I'm in advanced math, I'm a really fast learner, and if it can be done on a Toshiba Laptop we're set to go.

    I have the basic understanding of binary 0=off 1=on and decimal to binary conversion 6= 110 and 76= 1001100

    I ask a lot of questions because I enjoy learning and have an advanced mindset so I apologize in advance.

    So are you willing to help out a friend/contributor/awesome person like you?

    I'm not trying to be presumptious or anything.

    I'm just smart and I REALLY enjoy basking in knowledge.

  11. 25 minutes ago, wraith89 said:


    I could probably get rid of your rant above, but I will look past it. You are overreacting, like many rancid people online (note: I did not call you one). I normally do not do that by the way. But really, I do not understand what I said that made you angry or go on an outburst. It does not make sense to me. I just gave my honest opinion on the matter, I did not attack you or anything. And I am taking into account I may be addressing a person well below my age, who may not think the same way I do in this case. You are not the only one I had to deal with on that matter, believe me.

    Nobody said anything about not making friends here? It is not hard making friends here, and as I see it you already have some friends. Just be yourself, and despite what idiosyncrasies (unique traits) one may have, we can always overlook it. Just don't say stupid things like whatever it was you did above on a forum post. It makes you look bad, and it is not proper etiquette. I am pretty approachable myself. I made a lot of posts here and got people interested in many things in battling and whatnot and helped on a couple of things (nothing in comparison to the actual developers/coders though), so surely you could find some people with common interests? I do not know what that has to do with seriousness. But you can talk however you like, but obviously there are rules to be kept in forum posting. You should know there are different ways of writing things vs speaking things, etc. That is a general rule in life.

    Again, I am sorry.

    Even the best people get to their breaking point when they cannot take anymore.

    "Unique traits" hm... You did notice the prefix idio- ?

    Etiquette? My friend (If we have been restored to that point),

    I have never had such an outburst in my life. ANYWHERE.

    There is simply too much happening with too many burdens....

    This topic was just a 'please be more friendly' call.

    Last sentence.. -_-. We get it. I am terribly sorry for any idiocies I may have vented upon you.

    We will chat further in PM.

    If you could,please close the topic from any further discussion.


  12. 20 hours ago, Ruby Genseki said:

    Wow, didn't really think my mania for keeping these old versions would be useful to someone else ._. well, glad it actualy worked for you!

    Lenny face. @Ruby Genseki

    And you thought those files couldn't possibly be of any use...

    15 hours ago, Sabresite said:

    I uploaded a legal set of gen 3 wish pcny pokes to the github.


    I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D. They're soooo awesome!!!! (P.S. I know because the first thing I check is the downloads section,my favorite section.)

    Great job on getting legal copies!


    I read your post and that's sad. Thankfully, You and Sabresite were the heroes of the day and each uploaded at least a file or two!



  13. 1 hour ago, jasenyoface said:

    No not at all! Lol. 

    Actually Sylveon’s evolution involves affection. Espeon and Umbreon was the inspiration. Psychic/Dark


    I know what you meant.

    So you were saying if friendship needs to be withheld,then how about affection/love?

    27 minutes ago, xorhash said:

    To me, Project Pokémon is, first and foremost, a community about researching Pokémon and collecting events. There's nothing to be gained from joking answers when someone asks a question about how some game mechanic works; it's annoying at best and causes actual confusion at worst. The tone of the forums matches the nature of the topics at hand.

    Additionally, I understand if you feel that staff are being a tad too professional, but excessive friendliness may also be very uncomfortable. That feeling of uncomfortableness may expand rapidly into the territory of feeling sexually harrassed as well; people can and will be easily offended or feel sexually harrassed. The less opportunities for that to happen, the better, I'd argue. I believe I speak for everybody if I say that avoiding insinuations of sexual harrassment, justified or not, should be a priority of all staff members. That aside, not choosing a serious tone carries the risk of the message not to reach the recipient because they think they needn't take the message seriously.

    I find the recent trend of corporations and other groups to be faux-friendly rather annoying. A prime example is Discord Inc., who seem to feel the need to add memes to everything. The latest corporate blog post was written by Nelly, "Chief Robot Hamster. Eater of cheeses. Maker of boops." I believe it's rather obvious that this trend becomes quite tiresome after some time.

    I am absolutely not just a bitter old man who's become so much of a cynic that people having fun around him annoys him already.


    1st paragraph: Exactly.

    2nd: wait.what?not too professional,but too serious.

    THE HECK?!

    Sexual harrassment?! D:.

    That's messed up,dude. I'm saying,be a little friendly. Not THAT friendly.

    But I agree w/the Discord thing.

    Fun, but so true.

  14. 9 hours ago, HaxAras said:

    I have no idea what you're talking about.

    I hate being serious. I'm only serious when I have to be.

    My goal here is to to be an asset where possible. Being a videogame collector puts me in a somewhat unique position. I have access to a ton of stuff most people don't care to own or can't track down. I like to be the guy who can get stuff nobody else can. Right now I'm working on beating Colosseum in German so I can get the un-released Colosseum Pikachu and Agate Celebi in German and the second set of German E-reader mons using official hardware. 


    I know. I hate being serious too.

    2nd line: So true.

    Also, you are a pretty cool guy. Believe me, I've seen everybody's work on here so I know what they do and how good they are at it.

    1 hour ago, jasenyoface said:

    Yes it’s possible. But remember, even an Eevee has a cap on friendship before it evolves. 


    I know. So are you really trying to insinuate that instead we should all love each other like family?

    I mean since it is a reference to Sylveon...



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