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Everything posted by Zengetsu

  1. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  2. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  3. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen I also make my sigs good to see I have another graphic artist
  4. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen I also do alot with computers such as fixing them, I make websites and so on...
  5. Zengetsu

    Q and A

    ya but there are some things that people do that are just plain ignorant
  6. Zengetsu

    Q and A

    dude everyone is in it or the money greed gets the best of people and they just keep WANTING more and more and thats how the US's economy is in bad shape bug CEOs waste money on things that arent important
  7. best console of all time would of course be the newest ones cause they have more features and so on so I think the Wii is it allows you to download pics and download older video games like applications for 5-10 bucks! but game titles wise I would have to say the SNES
  8. I dont think I'm gonna get one maybe later on especially when the price goes down, but one thing I hate about them though is the have no GBA slot to play your GBA games or migrate pokemon! besides that from what I've herd the features on it work great and everything
  9. nosepass
  10. Zengetsu


    hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen I also like most of the video games you suggested Zelda FTW!
  11. dude L Lumineon
  12. Kecleon
  13. yes but everyone can get better all of us were like that at some point in time
  14. this is AWESOME! I love it nice look
  15. illumise
  16. well ya its possible I've battled a hack Darkrai before so I think it proves to be inaccurate in some points but I wasnt aware of the hack checker being that thorough
  17. ya I would definately post your team and we will try to help because thats not right at all you should be able to OWN with 1-2 pokes unless like wraith said your using the wrong moves @eighty4-thats a little harsh....you dont got to be like that offer to help out or just dont post
  18. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  19. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  20. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  21. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  22. Aipom
  23. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  24. Hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
  25. hello welcome to the forums I'm Zen
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