Hi, I've got a weird problem X romhacks and PK3DS :
Left is Vanilla, Right isn't
I'm playing the game in french, and every Trainer or Item Variables is printed with either "le" or "un" (male-single pronuns), when it should be other things like "les" ("les Rollers"), "la" ("la Rivale"),... Sorry this is french grammar and I'm not sure how to explain it in english :bidoof:
I checked corresponding lines in gametext/storytext.txt, and they are identical in both versions. I even packed a "romhack" using vanilla romfs and I still got this. I guess it may has something to do with how the variables used for pronouns in those lines are handled, but I'm clueless about how to fix it manually (can't find a line where choices for these variables are described). I'd be glad if someone had a clue for me =)
EDIT: did a bit of research here.
Pronuns-variables are called [VAR 1402(000X)] (X is 1-2), when other variables have a name (like TRNICK, GENDER,...). Maybe that's related ?
I tried taking a freshly-extracted RomFS folder (from pokemon X) and comparing SHA1 checksums before and after opening it with pk3ds. I didn't edit anything, just opened it then closed it (Get -> Set). I did that for every button in the "RomfS Tools" section, under EN language then under FR language. Following GARCs had different checksums :
0/7/4 (EN gametexts)
0/7/5 (FR gametexts)
0/8/2 (EN storytexts)
2/0/3,4,5,6 (Maison)
2/1/3 (eggmoves)
Is that normal that pk3DS alters some GARCs checksums ?