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Everything posted by supercarotte

  1. I'd really like to know how to extract data from battle videos too, it could be really helpful =) Edit: this could help: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?37568-%28X-Y%29-KeyBV-Battle-Video-Data-Viewer
  2. Eshop and online functions are blocked if you don't have the latest firmware, but this is only possible because Nintendo servers only accept console on the latest firmware. To be able to do the same with 3DS's browser they would need it to proxify everything through Nintendo servers, which is very unlikely as it would be a huge privacy issue for the user. Nintendo made a huge flaw in the way their browser is designed, and maybe they will fix it (I'm not a dev or something, but I thought permissions management was not thought ahead in the first place). Or they will just focus on the new3ds system now...
  3. Nothing happens in PKHex, it's normal. Inject the modified save in your game to see the difference.
  4. Load a ramsav.bin then Trainer info > Get all accessories. Then inject the modified ramsav back.
  5. It is possible to inject mons holding ORAS megastones in XY, but the "item held" field then appears blank (instead of "(no item)"). Using this pokemon in battle/trading or trying to put it in daycare softlocks the game. Also, taking the item back to your bag corrupts your savefile. So basically no, XY doesn't support ORAS-exclusive items/moves (keep in mind that XY were not updated fo ROSA, it's like trying to trade your xerneas to a diamond version)
  6. We need to wait for someone who went to WHF to contribute a copy of their .wc6 card. If that's your case, you can export it using ram2sav: Open your ramsav.bin in PKHex > Click the "Wondercard" tab > Search for the WHF card in the upper-left box (Click on cards then click ">" to show it) > Click "Output .wc6" to create a copy of your card. That would be much appreciated =)
  7. I have no idea, it's totally up to him/her. He said he would try to keep up with PKHex updates, just give him/her time.
  8. Put all the files you want to import in a separate Folder, then: Tools > Load/Dump Boxes > Yes > Select that folder > Yes (erases all except for what you injected) / No (keeps what has not been overwritten by your pokemon files) Be carefull though, this fills every slot of every boxes starting from your current box, overwritting every pokemon present. Make sure you don't have anything you don't want erased.
  9. https://data.archive.moe/board/vp/image/1423/11/1423115635203.png (for girls) https://data.archive.moe/board/vp/image/1423/19/1423193635199.png (for boys) PS: you shouldn't save though, or at least make a screenshot of your valid parameters first, as messing with clothes is still pretty buggy. PS: I don't own credits for this, but I don't know who does...
  10. QRcode export/import has been enabled in today's PKHex release, so you will have to wait for our friend fm360 to port that version before being able to do it.
  11. you can't inject a ramsav.bin from another savefile than the one you're currently playing (because of different encryption constants). I'd suggest you play the game normally, as it's pretty hard to manage the different flags and events of the game in PKHex (like gainig ability to mega-evolve your mons for example). EDIT: Okay, it may be possible to do it with cybergadjet/savedatafilter
  12. Unless it has already been contributed, here is my french unused eon ticket from the latest serial code distribution : MEGA Link
  13. It actually comes with thunder wave, magnet rise is a translation mistake: Source You can actually go to this page and Ctrl+F for "でんじは" to check it. Also, that makes sense as tyrunt was distributed with no egg move, only thoses it normally learns at lvl 10. Which will be the case for amagara too if it comes with thunder wave
  14. 1) I didn't know Pokedit had its own injection server. As far as I know wc6 injection works the same way ekx injection does so it should be possible, but I don't know if anyone is actually trying to do it. 2)New3ds doesn't handle memory access the same way. Basically, it would be an entirely new exploit to run it on new3ds so it MIGHT happen sometime but nothing is sure.
  15. This is actually pretty good news for the few people without any SD card reader (and I know a srprising amount of them).
  16. Did you try one of those links (depending on your age): http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/pokemon/present/4019 (junior division) http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/pokemon/present/4020 (master division) Or can use one of the .wc6 posted here (ElseSomeone: unfortunately yes, it's a male, even if it better suits a gigantic T-REX to be male^^)
  17. Thanks a lot! I don't understand why it doesn't appear itself on PGL but it worked for me =) French event has already been uploaded but here is mine, just in case (you're lucky if yours is a female): MEGA link
  18. Nope, you can't inject a ramsav from a different savefile because of encryption constants being différent (I juste got that explained to me hère)
  19. Hello, I noticed that using the ' character (the one under numer 4 on AZERTY keyboard) in PKHEX's nickname/DO/Last trainer fields ALWAYS results in my pokemon not being accepted in wifi battles. PLEASE NOTE, that I use wifi battles as a way to test my pokemons, that I create for research/collection purposes only. I don't intend to use any of them online! I used PKHex to modify the nickname of legal pokemons to include this character, and suddenly they are unusable for wifi battles. However, 3DS is still able to read it as its nickname displays properly. Is this a know bug or did I screw something up? Is there any keyboard trick to get any ' equivalent that I could try? EDIT: Here is a sample file which does not work as is (MEGA link), but works if just renamed to "FlyingBanana". I also had a grumpig with HANA' as OT, changing it to HANA solved the problem (I don't have the file anymore though) Thanks for your help. (research for ' didn't get me anything but 'm not sure it worked well) PROBLEM SOLVED: Although 3DS systems recognize ' character, it cannot be selected via its "keyboard" that's why it isn't considered legit. Correct character corresponds to Alt+0146 combo on an AZERTY keyboard (or copy-paste this: ’ ). (Would it be possible to add it to the "special characters" box?)
  20. OT doesn't change based on cartridge, it will still be FEB2015. But if a event is made in France too, the wonder card will most likely have the same ID so you won't be able to redeem both (BTW, FEB2015 is FÉV2015 in French)
  21. Ram2Sav itself is pretty safe. It's what you do with it that can have you banned. I did not personnaly encounter any problem, but Nintendo has acces to your whole save through PGL so if you do some impossible edits it's likely they will end up finding a way to see you're cheating and banning you as they wish.
  22. Hello, I tried to import a friend's save file (we both own French versions of OR), but somehow I can't have it working. When I go back to my game after importing the save, I still am playing the old save file. However if I enter a building I get a black screen. I tried having both our characters saving in the same spot of the same zone but result is still the same. If I save the game and reload it, I get a black screen when trying to start playing on my save. I'm not asking for help or anything here (I didn't care about my old save file), but I'd like to understand where I screwed up. My save already was heavily hacked, so I don't know why using another game's save file is different. PS: We both lost our saves in the process (as we cannot launch a save file, we could not inject the backup). We tried again with each other's new save file, which was made just after we got the pokedex. Result still was the same. I don't have the save files right now in my computer but I can get them if necessary. PS2: when I get a black screen, no button works anymore except long pressing power button (hard reset). I cannot get to the 3ds menu. (I apologize for the long post)
  23. Hello, I restarted my game so I was able to redeem Unys starters miracle cards once again. Unfortunaletely shiny beldum's distribution is over so I couldn't retrieve its card. Here are unused FRE Serperior, Emboar and Samurott HA cards (I did not get any female though): MEGA link (sorry I couldn't upload it through the forum. "Manage attachments" button only opens a gray window for me)
  24. Just make sure you save your file as .ek6 in PKHex. File > Save as > select ".EKX files" in the "type" box > You get a file like that: "pokemonname - XXXXXX.ek6 > Rename it to " pokemon.ekx" and copy it to your SD card. If you got a .pk6 file with PKHex and try to change it to .ekx, it won't work.
  25. Hello there, I downloaded the latest .wc6 archive from this thread and noticed that french HA Emboar (FRE from France) was missing, so here it is (I extracted it using PKHex and my ramsav.bin file, I hope it's correct): MEGA link Please take this as thanks for your amazing work!
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