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  1. 6th Generation Pokemon Link Map Overall structure Pokémon link data is stored at block ID 0x30 of the savegame, located at offset 0x1FE00 for X/Y and 0x20DFF for OR/AS (add 0x5400 if using the referenced offsets located at Pokémon X/Y Save Structure and ORAS Save Structure respectively). Offset Description 0x00-0x? Pokémon Transfer Flags? * 0x1FF-0xC45 Pokémon Link Data 0xC46-0xDFF Unused? * Pokémon Transfer flags: this value prevents receiving the same pokémon trough Pokémon Link Multiple times. If this value is cleared, the Pokémon can be received again. This has only been used for ORAS Demo Glalie/Steeliex, both of which set this value to 0x02. Pokémon Link Data Savegame Offsets Pokémon Link Data starts in the following offsets for decrypted savegame files and is 2631 bytes long: Pokémon X/Y: 0x1FFFF Pokémon OR/AS: 0x20FFF Modifying this data requires checksum #0x30 to be updated. Also, for ramsav users (ramsav method does not require to fix checksum): ramsav.bin offset Pokémon X/Y: 0x1CF9F ramsav.bin offset Pokémon OR/AS: 0x1E05B Pokémon Link Data Map Offset Description 0x00 Pokémon Link flag (0x00 disabled, 0x80 enabled) 0x01-0x6C Name of application that produce Pokémon Link Data 0x6D-0x6E NULL terminator? 0x6F-0x94 Unknown/Unused 0x95-0x98 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x99-0x9C Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x9D-0x13C Pokémon slot 1 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x13D-0x140 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x141-0x144 Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x145-0x1E4 Pokémon slot 2 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x1E5-0x1E8 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x1E9-0x1EC Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x1ED-0x28C Pokémon slot 3 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x28D-0x290 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x291-0x294 Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x295-0x334 Pokémon slot 4 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x335-0x338 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x339-0x33C Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x33D-0x3DC Pokémon slot 5 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x3DD-0x3E0 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x3E1-0x3E4 Pokémon transfer flags?1 (see notes) 0x3E5-0x484 Pokémon slot 6 (160 bytes 2 see notes) 0x485-0x488 Unknown/Unused (0x00000000) 0x489-0x48A Item 1 (3 see notes) 0x48B-0x48C Item 1 quantity 0x48D-0x48E Item 2 (3 see notes) 0x48F-0x490 Item 2 quantity 0x491-0x492 Item 3 (3 see notes) 0x493-0x494 Item 3 quantity 0x495-0x496 Item 4 (3 see notes) 0x497-0x498 Item 4 quantity 0x499-0x49A Item 5 (3 see notes) 0x49B-0x49C Item 5 quantity 0x49D-0x49E Item 6 (3 see notes) 0x49F-0x4A0 Item 6 quantity 0x4A1-0x4A2 Battle Points (max. value 9999) 0x4A3-0x4A4 Poké Miles 0x4A5-0xA44 Unknown/Unused (All 0x00) 0xA45-0xA46 CRC-16/CCITT checksum for 0x01-0xA44 data When no Pokémon Link Data is available, 0x01-0xA46 is set to 0x00. Pokémon slot structure Offset Description 0x00-0x01 TID 0x02-0x03 SID 0x04 Pokemon Origin Game (OT Game ID) 00 for Game Received in 0x05-0x07 Unknown/Unused (0x000000) 0x08-0x0B [Pokemon] Encryption Constant Unset = 00000000 0x0C Primary Ribbons Ribbon data available below. 0x0D Secondary Ribbons Ribbon data available below. 0x0E PokéBall 0x0F Unused/Unknown 0x10-0x11 Held Item 0x12-0x13 Move ID #1 0x14-0x15 Move ID #2 0x16-0x17 Move ID #3 0x18-0x19 Move ID #4 0x1A-0x1B PokéDex Number (4 see notes) 0x1C Form No. 0x1D Language 00 for Game Received In 0x1E-0x37 Pokémon Nickname Null terminator for last two bytes. If no nickname, all 00. 0x38 Nature FF - Unset 0x39 Pokémon Gender 00 - Male 01 - Female 02 - Genderless 03 - Random 0x3A Pokémon Ability 00 - Ability 1 01 - Ability 2 02 - Dream World Ability 03 - RND(Abil1, Abil2) 04 - RND(Abil1, Abil2, AbilDW) 0x3B PID Toggle 00 - Generate Specified PID (from 0x6C-0x6F) 01 - Generate Random PID (Can be shiny) 02 - Generate Shiny PID (Always shiny) 03 - Generate Random PID (Can't be shiny) 0x3C-0x3D Egg Met Location (5 see notes) 0x3E-0x3F Met Location of Pokémon (5 see notes) 0x40 Met Level 0x41-0x46 Contest Stats Last byte is Sheen 0x47-0x4C IVs FFs for unset IVs FE for priority 0x4D OT Gender 00 - Male 01 - Female 03 - Recipient's Gender 0x4E-0x67 OT Name Null terminator for last two bytes. If no set OT, all 00. 0x68 Current Level(random if set to 0) 0x69 Egg Flag 00 - Is Not Egg 01 - Is Egg 0x6A-0x6B 'Unknown' 0x6C-0x6F PID (used if PID toogle is 00) 0x70-0x71 Relearn Move 1 0x72-0x73 Relearn Move 2 0x74-0x75 Relearn Move 3 0x76-0x77 Relearn Move 4 0x78 OT Memory Intensity 0x79 OT Memory Line 0x7A-0x7B OT Memory TextVar 0x7C OT Memory Feeling 0x7D-0x9F Unknown/Unused/Reserved bytes Ribbon Set Flag Value 0x74 0x75 0x01 Battle Champ Ribbon World Champ Ribbon 0x02 Regional Champ Ribbon Birthday Ribbon 0x04 National Champ Ribbon Special Ribbon 0x08 Country Ribbon Souvenir Ribbon 0x10 National Ribbon Wishing Ribbon 0x20 Earth Ribbon Classic Ribbon 0x40 World Ribbon Premier Ribbon 0x80 Event Ribbon Empty Notes Pokémon transfer flags: for ORAS demo Glalie/Steelix this is set to 0x0001 0x0001; for Celebi and Johto starters 0x0000 0x0000. Somehow this sets a value in the XY/ORAS savegame that makes the game unable to receive the pokemon again, this is what makes Glalie/Steelix from ORAS Demo only be able to be received once per savegame. Removing that value from the savegame allows to import another Glalie/Steelix. Todo: add offset where that value is stored in XY and ORAS. The statement that pokemon data is 160 bytes long is made due to this data being essentially the same as in wondercard data, which is 160 bytes long from TID to end of file. If item is not valid, it won't be obtained. If pokemon species is not valid (i.e 0x0000), no pokemon will be generated. Pokemon link will set egg met location to "Pokemon Link" and met at location to "Pokemon Link" regardless of the value in the data.
  2. Thank you! I've just finished the Pokemon Link data page: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Pokemon_Link_Map#Savegame_Offsets I need to test a couple of things for wondercard as I think some extra data I found is also aplicable to wonder cards.
  3. To import you can only have the savegame files of the game you are importing in the svadedatabackup folder.
  4. Hi, I wanted to update the info here: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Wonder_Card_Map 0xA1 Pokémon Gender 00 - Male 01 - Female 02 - Genderless 03 - Random As you can see 02 was not actually random gender, but used in genderless pokemon. I've checked multiple wondercards from genderless pokemon and all of them have 02 value. I got the 03 value from the pokemon link johto starters data, which can actually have random gender, unlike wondercards, which for some reason get the gender for the wondercard randomly set when received. If pokemon is not genderless and 02 value is used, male gender will be the outcome. Either someone edit the page or add me to editor group, if you would be so kind. At some point I want to make a page for pokemon link data too.
  5. @SciresM I've been looking at pokemon link data and I've mostly figured out how it works, it is very similar to that of wondercard data. I have two questions: 1.- While looking at the johto starters file, I've realized that they have the gender value set to 03. Any clue on what could be the meaning of this? Maybe it's a 50% random and 02 is a pokemon gender ratio random? I.e. for meganium that's 87.5% male, 12.5% female, but maybe 03 forces it to 50%? (I'll run some tests, but I don't know if this kind of data has been found elsewhere). EDIT: I tested 12 meganiums generated with 03 value and only 1 was female, so my theory was wrong. I don't know why they used 03 instead of 02... EDIT2: tested 12 cleafairies (75% female ratio) with 02 value and only got males. 01 gets all females (test with meganium). Gonna check what happens with 00. EDIT3: 00 seems to get them male too. EDIT4: tested with FF, random female/male ratio was used (the one from the pokemon). I don't know why they changed from 02 to 03, maybe they messed up when coding the game? EDIT5: just checked bank celebi, its geneder is set to 02, so I'll assume 02 is used for genderless pokemon. EDIT6: I've just checked a legit diancie wondercard, another genderless pokemon, and well, it's gender value was also 02. The same applies to beldum. I guess the info from http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Wonder_Card_Map is wrong. I think I've just solved the gender issue without actually looking into that, lol 2.- Would you be interested in further research of this pokemon link data? If not, is WC6 editor source available? EDIT7: More research on pokemon link, I've found the following: Can hold up to 6 pokemon. Each pokemon seems to be 168 bytes, need to locate the exact start of the data. Full OT information can be set, I need to map it with trial and error, like 3ds region, etc, but all this data is by defaul 00 (which means the data from the receiver cartridge will be used). Seems like notOT information can also be there for some reason. Probably these OT information are in the 0xE0-0x107 Reserved bytes for the wondercard. But all this pokemon data only takes up half the pokemon link data. Battle points and pokemiles only take up 4 bytes, so there's a lot of unused bytes which may or may not do something. I unsuccessfully tried to make items appear as a pokemon link gift, but as I was writing this I remembered ORAS demo can transfer items trough pokemon link, so I'll check later where are those stored. EDIT8: yup, found item data, up to 6 items can be transfered trough pokemon link at once. EDIT9: maped all pokemon link data, at least to the point were an editor can be made. Actually it's so similar to wondercards that it would be great if wc6 editor was open source. EDIT10: just made a wiki page for pokemon link data http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Pokemon_Link_Map#Savegame_Offsets
  6. Hi, I've been researching how pokemon data is handled/modified when they are transfered to pokemon bank and then they are either returned to the same cartridge or transfered to a different one. I'm talkin about this data: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Pokemon_X/Y_3DS_Structure#Block_C_.280x78-0xAF.29 PKHex currently copy-pastes the pokemon data without modifying it, and this can be a potential legitimacy check when the pokemon is copied over. Example: If I transfer a pokemon caught in game A to game B via pkHex, the pokemon is treated as if being under another trainer due to TID/SID/NAME/GENDER discordance, but in fact the pokemon data says it is under its original trainer, and that friendship value is used, so if it ever returns to OT via console trade, friendship would have been modified. Example 2: If pokemon caught in game A is traded (via console trade) to game B, then transfered to game C via pkHex; handler is set to notOT, but the memory data is still that of trainer from game B (including notOT name). I've been researching how pokemon bank deals with this and after much testing I can say I know how to replicate it: pokemon bank efectively simulates a trade when it transfers from bank to cartridge. I've also researched how egg pk6 data is modified when trading. Also, I checked and this kind of data is already taken care of when importing gen III/IV/V pokemon (just saying it for the record). So, is this an interesting addition to pkHex? I think the fact that this is a potential legality check (i.e.: trainer is not OT, but handler is OT) is enough to justify it. The idea is to replicate a pokemon bank transfer when importing .pk6 files. I would do a pull request but C# isn't my forte. ps: Kaphotics, I saw you post at PHbank thread in another forum, so maybe you are already aware of all this.
  7. I'm asking some friends, the possibility is remote though. Was that even distributed in Spain? I quit playing pokemon at genIII, I recall TV ads about them being held, but don't remember if something for aurora ticket was made. At least it isn't an event pokemon, morpheo's AR codes generate a fully working wondercard for that ticket, and probably any other region wondercard would work too, so it is not that bad... were other region wondercards be able to be received in different region carts?
  8. Oh, sorry for the trouble, I should have checked new commits since latest release.
  9. If friendship for current handler is changed in the memories/amie menu, it won't be saved when the pokemon is "set". To change that value it has to be done in the main tab. Proposed fix: either solve the issue or disable the friendship box for current handler so it can only be edited in the Main tab.
  10. Impressive work, keep it up! It would be great if saves with real wondercards could be obtained, not that they can't be re-created with your tool though...
  11. Thank you very much for this update!
  12. Offset for XY with save_manager/svdt (2.1 *hax exploit) is 0x1FFFF I'll check oras later or tomorrow, can't do right now. I have learned a little C#, so I may code a windows app to inject the files. Also, I may add option to inject pokemiles or battle points trough pokemon link, just for fun. UPDATE: ORAS offset: 0x20FFF UPDATE2: to successfully inject pokemon link data using this method, checksum 30 from savefile has to be updated --> load save with pkhex, then export .sav and pkhex will fix the checksum for you. UPDATE 3: I finally got the time to look more into how the pokemon link data works, need to propperly document it. UPDATE 4: pokemon link map will be on wiki shortly. UPDATE 5: Here's the wiki page http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/6th_Generation_Pokemon_Link_Map#Savegame_Offsets Also, here's the info I gathered (essentially the same as wiki page, but I'm leaving it here too) Assuming this mimics the pokemon data in wondercard (all known values match) 0x00-0x01 TID 0x02-0x03 SID 0x04 OT Game ID (00 game received in) 0x05-0x07 Unknown/Unused (0x000000) 0x08-0x0B Encryption constant Unset = 00000000 0x0C Primary Ribbons 0x0D Secondary Ribbons 0x0E Pokeball 0x0F Unknown 0x10-0x11 held item 0x12-0x13 Move ID #1 0x14-0x15 Move ID #2 0x16-0x17 Move ID #3 0x18-0x19 Move ID #4 0x1A-0x1B PokéDex Number 0x1C Form No. 0x0D Language (00 game received in) 0x0E-0x37 Pokemon nickname. Null terminator for last two bytes. If no nickname, all 00 0x38 Nature FF - Unset 0x39 Pokemon Gender 00 - Male 01 - Female 02 - Genderless 03 - Random 0x3A Pokémon Ability (mirar de wondercard valores) 0x3B PID toogle 0x3C-0x3D Egg Met Location (ignored if egg flag is 00, gets overwritten with pokemon link location) 0x3E-0x3F Met at Location --> gets overwritten with pokemon link location 0x40 Met level 0x41-0x46 Contest stats Last byte is Sheen 0x47-0x4C IVs (FFs for unset, FE for priority) 0x4D OT Gender (00 male, 01 female, 03 recipient's) 0x4E-0x67 OT Name. Null terminator for last two bytes. If no OT, all 00 0x68 Current Level 0x69 Egg flag 0x6A-0x6B Unknown/Unused 0x6C-0x6F PID (used if PID toogle is 00) 0x70-0x71 Relearn Move 1 0x72-0x73 Relearn Move 2 0x74-0x75 Relearn Move 3 0x76-0x77 Relearn Move 4 0x78 OT Memory Intensity 0x79 OT Memory Line 0x7A-0x7B OT Memory TextVar 0x7C OT Memory Feeling 0x7D-0x9F Unknown/Unused/Reserved Pokemon Link data map note: the statement that pokemon data is 160 bytes long is made due to this data being the same as in wondercard data, which is 160 bytes long from TID to end of file. 0x00 Pokemon link flag (00 disabled, 80 enabled) 0x01-0x6C App name that exported the link data. 0x6D-0x6E NULL terminator?? 0x6F-0x94 UNKNOWN/UNUSED 0x95-0x98 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x99-0x9C Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x9D-0x13C Pokemon slot 1 (160 bytes) 0x13D-0x140 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x141-0x144 Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x145-0x1E4 Pokemon slot 2 (160 bytes) 0x1E5-0x1E8 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x1E9-0x1EC Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x1ED-0x28C Pokemon slot 3 (160 bytes) 0x28D-0x290 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x291-0x294 Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x295-0x334 Pokemon slot 4 (160 bytes) 0x335-0x338 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x339-0x33C Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x33D-0x3DC Pokemon slot 5 (160 bytes) 0x3DD-0x3E0 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x3E1-0x3E4 Unknown2* (Glalie/Steelix 0x0001 0x0001, celebi and johto starters 0x0000 0x0000) 0x3E5-0x484 Pokemon slot 6 (160 bytes) 0x485-0x488 Unknown/Unused (00000000) 0x489-0x48A Item 1 0x48B-0x48C Item 1 quantity 0x48D-0x48E Item 2 0x48F-0x490 Item 2 quantity 0x491-0x492 Item 3 0x493-0x494 Item 3 quantity 0x495-0x496 Item 4 0x497-0x498 Item 4 quantity 0x499-0x49A Item 5 0x49B-0x49C Item 5 quantity 0x49D-0x49E Item 6 0x49F-0x4A0 Item 6 quantity 0x4A1-0x4A2 Battle points (pokemon links caps it to 9999 even if set to 0xFFFF) 0x4A3-0x4A4 PokéMiles (Max 0xFFFF) 0x4A5-0xA44 Unknown/Unused (All 0x00) 0xA45-0xA46 CRC-16/CCITT checksum for 0x01-0xA44 data Notes: If pokemon species is not valid (i.e 0x0000), no pokemon will be generated. If item is not valid, it won't be obtained. * Unknown2: seems to somehow control how many pokemon slots will be imported from pokemon link, but can't figure out how this works. Pokemon ORAS Demo seems to use it to only allow 1 pokemon to be read from pokemon link data; bank Celebi and bank Johto starters use placeholder data with 0x0000 pokédex number (thus making that data not being imported). Having all data set to 00 works too, and these values don't seem to have any impact in the generated pokémon. Also, I think I know where the flags for Glalie/Steelix might be, gotta run a couple of tests, but I think the "transfer flags" (wiki page name) is what makes glalie only able to be received once. EDIT: @theSLAYER finally made the tool http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?47509-XY-ORAS-Pok%E9mon-Link-tool-0-1&p=209127#post209127
  13. No, thanks to you!
  14. Can it really be? If the date is got from 3ds date and the received date isn't set from nintendo's servers, but from 3ds internal clock, it can't be used to check, since any legit wondercard can have any date. I myself haven't recovered any pokmeon from wonder card, even if I received the wondercard on 2014, if I went and received the pokemon now the pokemon date would be that of today. If my ds clock said toda is any date in 2009, the pokemon would appear as received on 2009, but it is something nintendo can't really control. Am I right? To sum up, date only matters if you have it correctly set and want to know since when you have a pokemon, otherwise it is irrelevant.
  15. I was editing my post while you replied, I've attached the box to my previous post. About boxes, I was more referring to exporting all pokemon in pk6 while keeping them in folders as an option, but that's what export as boxdata.bin does, so no real need for that. EDIT: about the 232 and 260 bytes, I'll respond myself: "Pokémon in the games Pokémon X and Y are stored in a new 232 byte structure (for the box data only). Party Pokémon hold 28 bytes of additional data for overworld and battle values. We recommend using the pk6 extension for decrypted 232-byte box data and 260-byte party data structures." I guess there's a reason for "Save as.." to add the battle data, can't see why though. Oh well, won't take my sleep.
  16. Thank you very much, I'll take a look at pk2pk.cs. I guess this allows us to use pkhex as an alternative to pokemon bank, and also making generation transfers much less time consuming. Do you have a donation page? I'd rather donate my next's years pokemon bank suscription than paying for a service I think should only be payed once and have offline functionality, moreover, I've only used it for Y<->OR transfers rather than actually storing pokemon... EDIT: I've been looking at the sources, and I wonder why hasn't the improvements made in pkhex regarding geneartion conversion been commited to pk2pk standalone program? I think a tool to convert between gents 100% as the official way is very interesting, not only to import to gen VI, but also between the other generations. Instead of keeping two apps, maybe puting a "Time Capsule" menu entry in pkhex that acts like pk2pk would be great. I think it is a pitty a 100% accurate converter is only used for gen VI. I think that I can pull it off myself even if I only know very little C#, since both pk2pk and pkhex are open source. Unless you are going to do it yourself expect a pull request with that (if I manage, I don't think it will be too difficult since the function calls are the same ones, updates only affect the funcitons inner works so...)
  17. @ArmoredGuns Why don't you post the files? There's a flag searcher in pkhex, and other people could help locate where the flags are; I only have OR, so I can't test this. Flags should be next to one another probably. You should post 4 files: - Save wihtout any song - Save with lugia song - save with ho-ho song - save with both songs
  18. Thank you very much, I didn't actually notice pokedex entries are set when importing individual pokemon files or importing folder to box. I was copying a full pokedex and 719+formes to another savefile, and drag and drop those many files would be tiring. You may nbe thinking, why not use the Load/Dump boxes feature? Becuase that feature for some reason fails on my latias. Then it failed on my unown box (but didn't fail on the unown I have in my sorted pokedex boxes, which should be the same as the other unown), then it fails with some vivillion... I'm trying to locate all the pokemon from my save that trigger the problem. This is the exception error: Consulte el final de este mensaje para obtener más detalles sobre cómo invocar a la depuración Just-In-Time (JIT) en lugar de a este cuadro de diálogo. ************** Texto de la excepción ************** System.ArgumentException: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso. en System.IO.Path.CheckInvalidPathChars(String path, Boolean checkAdditional) en System.IO.Path.Combine(String path1, String path2) en PKHeX.Form1.mainMenuBoxDumpLoad(Object sender, EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.RaiseEvent(Object key, EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem.OnClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleClick(EventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.HandleMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEventInteractive(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem.FireEvent(EventArgs e, ToolStripItemEventType met) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mea) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStrip.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripDropDown.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) en System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) ************** Ensamblados cargados ************** mscorlib Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/mscorlib.dll ---------------------------------------- PKHeX Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: Código base: file:///C:/Users/sergi/Dropbox/Personal/Savegames/3ds/Pok%EF%BF%A9mon%20X%20-%20Diego/PKHeX.exe ---------------------------------------- System.Core Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Core/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Core.dll ---------------------------------------- System Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Drawing Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Drawing.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Configuration Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Configuration/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a/System.Configuration.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Xml Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Xml/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Xml.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Windows.Forms.resources Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: 4.0.30319.34209 built by: FX452RTMGDR Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_es_b77a5c561934e089/System.Windows.Forms.resources.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Data Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_32/System.Data/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Data.dll ---------------------------------------- mscorlib.resources Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: 4.0.30319.34209 built by: FX452RTMGDR Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/mscorlib.resources/v4.0_4.0.0.0_es_b77a5c561934e089/mscorlib.resources.dll ---------------------------------------- System.Numerics Versión del ensamblado: Versión Win32: built by: NETFXREL2 Código base: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.Net/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Numerics/v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089/System.Numerics.dll ---------------------------------------- ************** Depuración JIT ************** Para habilitar la depuración Just In Time (JIT), el archivo de configuración de esta aplicación o equipo (machine.config) debe tener el valor jitDebugging establecido en la sección system.windows.forms. La aplicación también se debe compilar con la depuración habilitada Por ejemplo: <configuration> <system.windows.forms jitDebugging="true" /> </configuration> Cuando esté habilitada la depuración JIT, cualquier excepción no controlada se enviará al depurador JIT registrado en el equipo en lugar de controlarlo mediante el cuadro de diálogo. System.ArgumentException: Caracteres no válidos en la ruta de acceso. --> Invalid characters in access path I can send you my save file if you want to try yourself. I'm gonna try pinpoint the problematic pokemon, see if they have something in common. Also, why are pk6 files exported with load/dump boxes (or drag and drop to a folder) 232 bytes while manually "saving as" a pk6 file outputs 260 bytes? May I know the reasoning behind that? Since you said it is a personal feel, it makes me think there's no actual difference from importing a full box and adding 30 pkm files manually? The only reason I can think of is that a box bin file has more data than just the 30 pkm entries it stores, but maybe it is just that importing a box overwrites everything there is inside the current box? EDIT: just checked, a boxdata.bin is only a concatenation of 232bytes pk6 files. Which leds me to another (simple) suggestion: could the export box feature prompt if we want to export the files in separate folders when not exporting to pkhex database? Each folder would be a box (Box-XX-TID for example, or without TID), This only makes sense if a box bin file holds more data than the concatenated pk6 files, but it may be useful for managing big amount of pokemon. UPDATE: I have found the 4 pokemon that made load/dump boxes crash, I'm attaching a box bin file with the 4 of them. Latias and both vivillion I got them from GTS, but the Celebi is a 100% legit celebi I myself got from pokemon colosseum bonus disk and transfered the official way trough retail cartridges and finally to gen VI with poke transfer and pokemon bank. Only think I see they have in common is that they have nicknames (should the japanesse celebi be marked as having a nickname? I guess since gen VI region for it is mine, instead of keeping it a japanesse one. bugged.zip
  19. Pokedex entries are not updated when importing pokemon, and the only way to do it in game is trough daycare or with pokemon bank. What I'm asking for is a button at the pokedex editor that would itterate trough every pokemon in the boxes, team, daycare, gts, old man and fused and add that specific pokemon's entry to pokedex (forme, gender, shinyness, kalos or non kalos...) to the corresponding encounter, owned and language fields. I don't really need this feature myself, but I think it is a not very hard to code feature that would be very cool for pkhex to have.
  20. I was wondering, is this tool's conversion process 1:1 of what one would get from doing it with pal park, poke-transfer etc? Also, I've for for curiosity, but I can't seem to find information on what exactly the official conversion process does, anyone has a link? Anyways, thanks for your great tools!
  21. I've just noticed that the file in the first post doesn't have the pokemon bank Johto starters distribution pokemon link file: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?44652-Pokemon-Bank-Celebi-and-other-Pokemon-Link-Injection!-(using-pkhex)&p=199849&viewfull=1#post199849 Good question, I've made that myself in the past. Any region for a given country is valid?
  22. This is great, thank you! In particular the change save language option is very interesting.
  23. I've got an unused spanish shiny charizard code. Is the wondercard different if received on different games (i.e. it carries X stone if received on Y or something like that)? If it is the case I can contribute either Y or rubi wondercards.
  24. If anyone wants to research, here's my rubi savegame before capturing Latios and an unretrieved street pass eon ticket. I can't use ram2sav right now anymore, but I haven't retrieved the eon ticket yet on my current savegame (I catched everything but latias). If I access another 3ds and can backup my save I can upload it too. https://www.dropbox.com/s/p91cewm8e3kpz1f/ORAS_ramsav_6marz2015_latios.bin?dl=0 note: the save was dumped without any firmware updates (1.0) installed (the fw update was already out when I dumped and couldn't download it) , Spanish console and cartridge.
  25. What about the 3rd safari unlocking? Is that data also stored outside the savegame?
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