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Everything posted by bear831

  1. They stayed up all night taking a vote and sleep deprivation made the chose the other names, or we are more imaginative than them.
  2. The professor gave it to you and you received by connecting your phone to the game.
  3. So we can dream that it might be something different.
  4. Good then we all like the names better as elements. I wonder how Game Freak decides on the names?
  5. So then its settled the weak starters make the game more fun in the long run just more frustrating in the short run.
  6. Yah and who knows we might be right they will be the next game names.
  7. Yah me to they didn't do anything with it in the originals, maybe Arceus lives there? Kidding but still it could house some cool stuff.
  8. Sorry my mistake I am in a lot of pain right now so I have trouble Thinking of some things(I have been having health issues and I get a colinoscopy on Wednesday).
  9. I am agreeing with you they don't matter in battles but I chose it for the looks and it makes the game harder which is nice.
  10. We need to make up the names instead of Nintendo because they are losing there touch at the nameing stuff.
  11. Sure that makes since but what else do you think they will bring into the game event wise?
  12. Defiantly better than the official names but they might use those next gen.
  13. True but it and Feralligator defiantly look the best compared to Meganium.
  14. Yah that is true but they might go on to other things like stone version or steel version.
  15. Ah well that makes since I was a bit confused but they might do that any way to increase the sale of the system. Also I think the DSi will have the notched ear pichu on it because of the movie and also the games event.
  16. Think like for the remakes of RSE they could have Sky version. and the next gen. could be others like Periodic elements or the alchemy elements (earth,air,fire,water).
  17. Wow great attention to detail I see what you mean about it being time consuming.
  18. The game just might have DSi exclusive features like the camera function among other things and not a DSi exclusive event. How would they do that in a firmware update? I guess the firmware update would give you access to a new distribution method over WI-FI.
  19. I thought Japan already had it? And also we can take the originals as a rule of thumb when speculating how many will sell of each version as a ratio not exact numbers.
  20. That is interesting about the colors I noticed it but didn't make the connection. I really hope the event will hit the US and not just japan like last time.
  21. I didn't chose him because of his move pool I chose him because I liked him more.
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