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10 Good

About June

  • Birthday 01/01/1989
  1. Can you post some screenshots?
  2. Ugh, I really dislike the official English logos. The one in Kazowar's translation is amazing, though. I wish the official logo looked like that.
  3. I would love a hack like this. I would even make the surfing/bike-riding sprites if someone was serious about a Silver mod like this.
  4. I'm going to laugh so hard at Nintendo when you release a finished patch before they do with their team that consists of far more people. Keep at this, it's looking great and your progress is amazing! GO GO GO.
  5. I'd be interested in a patch like this too. No offense, but I really don't like Lucas in DPP. Seconding this request. ♥
  6. Can you read Japanese?
  7. Sorry if this is a bit of an odd request... if hack requests are not allowed, my apologies! You see, I've been enjoying Platinum, but ever since I got Soul Silver, I've been totally in love with the new sprites, and I was wondering... Is it possible to replace Lucas's sprites (Overworld, Battle Sprite, and Back Frames) with Silver's from HG/SS, Dawn's sprite with Kotone's (Girl from HG/SS), and Pearl's sprite with Hibiki's sprite (Boy from HG/SS)? I know it seems totally backwards, right? Why swap out Lucas with Silver-- you would think I would have it be Lucas -> Hibiki. Honestly, I just like Silver a lot, it's one of those, "Play as the villain!" kind of things. Plus, Pearl -> Hibiki makes me smile. Could this sprite-swap be done with Platinum? I've also considered that Lucas/Dawn's overworld sprites do have certain poses which HGSS Silver's does not (riding bike/lapras/etc.) so I've been working on making some for him. Same with Kotone and Hibiki's. So if someone can actually swap out these sprites, I can provide the replacement sprites in PNG. ^__^ (I'll be sure not to add any new colors to the sprites either, just in case that makes the palette tinkering any harder.) It would mean a lot to me, and in return I can draw three pictures for you or your Pokemon project, if you like (one for swapping each character). Would anyone be up to this request? Thank you kindly!
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