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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks but to be honest, I'm still experimenting. I'm still trying to get an even better avatar! I'll probably sketch it.</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. Cool, thanks for the effort though. I really appreciate it.
  3. Hmm, this Pokémon is a water Pokémon force evolved causing it to keep it's previous form's color.
  4. VBA would be a good one.
  5. It wouldn't. I love Magikarp, and fake stories should be treated as if they like they were trying to be, which means, would anyone in the Pokémon world kill a Pokémon? Of course not. I think another cure would be better. Like water from a lake, or a plant from an island.
  6. True, if there was no Johto Pokémon, then how would we be able to complete the Pokédex? Fire Red and Leaf Green were great and all, but they could have added more Pokémon. So I'm really on debate to whether I like it or not.
  7. I think I'll add a Suicune to my team for competitive battles.
  8. Hmm, I find the emulator to feel pretty choppy, even when it's at good speed, but I'm gonna have to stick with the natural feel of a DS Lite.
  9. Trust me when I say no body in the game will use a Mewtwo... Maybe they will just have higher level Pokémon, and thagt would be just fine. I'm just saying, maybe spice it up with at least a different moveset. But another Miltank in Whitney's team would be awesome.
  10. Maybe they could make Red's team much better! Like give it better movesets or different Pokémon. Maybe add a Pidgeot.
  11. My team in Emerald is just a bunch of legends. Mewtwo, Mew, Ho-oh, Lugia, Regirock, Registeel all level 100.
  12. I kinda doubt they will even change one. But I hope they at least make the levels higher. Like one of Lance's Dragonite could be level 70 or up.
  13. Hmm, maybe Whitney could have a second Miltank. That thing was so annoying, but it was challenging.
  14. Thanks, but telos PM'd me with one that looked awesome with thunder in the background and it using psychic. I hope that's okay.
  15. Cool! That happy meal looks cool. And before June 9th huh? Wow a lot of events lately. Great to have a translator here.
  16. It is really. Hopefully it will be much better then Dark and Time. Maybe there will be twists to the storyline.
  17. You're not getting me. There is no data fr Crystal in a sav structure for DPPT, and there has not been a third game for the Red and Green remakes Fire Red and Leaf Green. And you screwed up the pattern. It goes like Red Blue (Green in Japan) Yellow, Gold Silver Crystal, Ruby Sapphire Emerald, Fire Red Leaf Green, Diamond Pearl Platinum. And what I don't get is why they decided to go with these names. Heart has nothing to do with gold and soul has nothing to do with silver. What is up with that?
  18. Fire Red and Leaf Green had no third. If that is not enough proof, there is no data for Crystal in a save file of DPPT. I don't think the names are cheesy at all. They sound fine, they just could be better.
  19. Cool, I love the amount of events coming out. Another Shaymin, hooray!
  20. There isn't going to be a Crystal remake. But I don't see what is wrong with these names. They seem fine.
  21. His info says he lives in France, so I think he just disliked it. Anyways, I can't wait for its release!
  22. No problem, as long as it gets finished. I'll try to blow up an image for you. Edit* How's this? URL for the image. http://i44.tinypic.com/2ibnf9f.jpg Is it too big?
  23. Is there any way you guys could blow up the image with some program of some sort? That doesn't ruin the quality. Sorry if this request is a little difficult. Make sure you spell my name right, it's FLOOTENKERP. Just saying, I think you might have misread my name.
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