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Everything posted by FLOOTENKERP

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>Wow, thanks. Is that even against the rules?</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. <p><p><p><p><p>Wow, thanks. Is that even against the rules?</p></p></p></p></p>

  3. Hmm, well I was thinking maybe Dragon Dance, Roost, Outrage and Earthquake. Looks like a good moveset, don't you think?
  4. Unfortunately you need a flash cart to do this. But with Pokesav you can make your own Pokémon in it, make it legal and then make an ar code using Pokesav .39. But if you want to take a Pokémon out of your game, then you need a flash cart.
  5. I beat them really easily. Maybe if you could improve their movesets?
  6. <p><p><p><p><p>How did you do that? You made me think you were off line. In other news, I got a five point infraction for posting more than once a day in the what are you listening too thread.</p></p></p></p></p>

  7. <p><p><p><p><p>How did you do that? You made me think you were off line. In other news, I got a five point infraction for posting more than once a day in the what are you listening too thread.</p></p></p></p></p>

  8. Eh, I do but this is just for saying what would be a better challenge. It's not like we are affecting what is going to be in the game. Don't you think another Gyarados would add just nicely to the team?
  9. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey Wraith are you on?</p></p></p></p></p>

  10. <p><p><p><p><p>Hey Wraith are you on?</p></p></p></p></p>

  11. He has 3, doesn't he? Another Gyarados would be just fine.
  12. Thanks. Lucky me, I finally got my first shiny. If only I could go back to the day where I encountered my first one though...
  13. Okay Wraith. Maybe Lance could have another Gyarados and lose a Dragonite. How does that sound?
  14. They are points in a card that you buy. You can use it to buy apps and classic games at the Wii store.
  15. Here ye, here ye, I have encountered a legitimate shiny. I have encountered a shiny Raticate. Just trying to catch some Raticate with endeavor to breed a Ratatta with the egg move, and he pops out. I caught him with an Ultra Ball, and did not nickname him. I didn't even chain! I'll get a screen shot later.
  16. Hmm, yeah that sounds good, maybe give Clair a dragon dancing Gyarados.
  17. I'm going to get an import for HG, and buy them both when they come out in North America.
  18. No, it's going to be released in Japan first. I'm sure it will come out in other countries. This thing looks awesome!
  19. True, but were all of them available? I believe a few of them were missing. I was never abl to complete the Pokédex, and I believe it was because of the Johto Pokémon not being available.
  20. Hopefully one day a GBA pokesav will be made. It would be pretty amazing.
  21. But still, minor updates are still good updates. It's going to be better, no doubt about it. I can't wait for the game.
  22. I'm sure Canada will get a Shaymin soon. Shaymin are popping up all over the place! I hope the Oak's Letter event comes to North America soon.
  23. WHOA. I only had a Meganium when I made it to Goldenrod.
  24. <p><p><p><p><p>Thanks but to be honest, I'm still experimenting. I'm still trying to get an even better avatar! I'll probably sketch it.</p></p></p></p></p>

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