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Lady Aquarii

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Everything posted by Lady Aquarii

  1. Cool :3c are you open to posting GBA codes?
  2. I've got a weird question, will AR code lists be permitted in the Wiki? I think it would be fine, buuuut... In your opinion?
  3. Exactly. Bulbapedia's anime section notes it quite well, though past the first season it gets quite sparse. It's mostly plot HOLES not plot changes. Other than that, most if not all of the jokes in the series are rewritten not for context but for the "Americanization" of the jokes, or so they say. It really just the 4kids scriptwriters amusing themselves by making a joke worse, or inserting a completely different off-context joke to amuse themselves. "Punching-up" as it's called in the dub industry is the process of making the the dialogue "more interesting". It's highly unliked in the anime community because most (as well as myself) would prefer the original context. We think there's no reason to "punch it up" as there was nothing wrong with the original and the basis of doing said "punching up" was based on the translators sole opinion, not the actual script of the film. Or even the flap count, which is use to keep the words in sync with the mouth flaps of the animation, and a necessity in dubbing. I don't care about your opinion of the script I would like the ACTUAL script, thanks. Appleseed EX Machina is a perfect example of this. The voices were well performed and made it worth watching, but they even admit to "punching it up" in the DVD extras. And god, the SUBTITLES where off. I have a HORRIBLE understanding of Japanese, and I got more out of actually translating the actual Japanese audio than the subtitles. Hell the replaced single words, ENGLISH words, with alternate words. To be honest I think they just used the English version's script for the subtitles instead of a translation. In the special features they admit to it. They even show a fansub clip of a scene they changed with the real translation. They TELL you the real translation. When you get to that scene in the actual film, their subs are different from said actual translation they admitted too and totally off. ;lasdfjlsdjflksjadfljlaksjd; Certain production houses, like Sunrise, AVG, and Manga do WONDERFUL jobs, but some people are so full of themselves... /subbie industry douchebaggary rant.
  4. There you go. Plain and simple. I go with answer 4.
  5. She's right, taking something of his will only piss him off and trigger his anger more. Don't do it. The best answer is to be as placid as possible. Act ignorant of the fact he has a hold over you. It worked with my parents, and always at one point they got so frustrated that they didn't get their way they'll ether knock down the deal/demands or try to negotiate. When that happens, STILL don't give in. Hold on to not caring as long as possible. At one point they WILL break down. If you're lucky they'll learn something about what they did, but only if you're lucky. If you get through that, and it happens again, or even if another indecent comes up, do the same. Indifference KILLS power-hungry people, and it'll drive him mad and make him think. And about picking the lock, I hope you re-locked the box and hid the Xbox. The longer you hide it the most likely you are to avoid trouble and keep up the ruse it's still there. Plus, keep it quiet. Him hearing you blows all of your cover. That, and you can build up a history of how long you've had it behind his back. Also, if you have the room, put the Xbox on it's side and put it under your bed. Don't put it in your closet. That's the FIRST place they look. Even better, if you have space, put it on the very top shelf of a bookcase. UP anywhere they rarely think to look. If you can, put it in a container, like a plastic storage bin with other things (clothes make it easier to cover, but parents constantly rummage through clothes for numerous reasons.), like toys. Magazines and any kind of paper stuffs is great. Just avoid school stuff because parents tend to look at it for random naogalista/hate reasons. Magazines are best, just make sure it's obviously not got any porn in it (they WILL check for it. I don't even have male siblings and I know) something like anime/TCG/whatever stuff is good to stash it in. Toy boxes are good too, but you have visibility problems, plus you can scratch it up. The best bet is any place that has stuff you NEVER use and NEVER open. I have a cabinet in my bookcase that has archived shit from eons ago. whenever I had to hide something I put it there. That or I put it under my bottom dresser drawer (I bet a 360 won't fit though ) Ether way, keep it hidden, keep it quiet. I'd also play things like your DS out of his sight. Keep an ear on the hall/whatever's outside your room for footsteps, and try to familiarize yourself which sound is which person. Knowing they're coming is the best way to hide it and win a battle. /ninja espionage skill FAQ Try to be as placid with your father as possible. Don't let him let on to anything your doing. Keep him as much in the dark as you can. If you have to, do the same with your mom and your sister. I survived my puberty by keeping pretty much all of my actual activities from my whole family. Keep at it and you'll get good at it. You'll finally gain some piece of mind :3
  6. Does it still start up and operate? If you go into the "Edit" dialogue and get to code edit it'll list the entire code If your willing to type out the whole thing you should be able to retrieve it :3
  7. Whoot~! Good job! Tell me how it goes :33
  8. It doesn't care It likes hanging out with you, cuttin' stuff down and catchin' other pokemans.
  9. It's still grounds for legal action. 18 or not you still have rights. And all of them stand no matter your age.
  10. It's because he wants it his way. Just for the satisfaction that you'll do as he says. That's all it is. It's his mental situation so that he has power over you. It's him boosting his self image. He's probably afraid of you over powering him and getting your way. It's child abuse, I'm dead serious. Hell get someone to pick the lock it's 100% legal. It's your property, you have all legal right to take it back.
  11. PM link plz? The subbed versions of the movies are FABULOUS compared to the dubs, fyi. @notthegoatseguy: WOW. Is that all you think the differences are? You've obviously never compared a dub to a sub episode. There's far more than "dirty" stuff for damn sure. I'll put it simply: 100% of the time the ENTIRE PLOT is different, down to the lines, down to the context, down to the continuity. "Dirty" stuff I couldn't give a shit less about. Logicality and continuity I care greatly about. 100% less STUPID is nice too. Usually when a dub rapes a series the put in worse jokes than an original. And let me tell you, 4kids is good a reip.
  12. It's mental abuse. That's exactly what it is. I've lived with it all my life and I can read it like a book. There is no life lesson, he just wants to see you tortured. He knows for a damn well fact you can't dig it up on your own and he knows how far down it goes. I bet he checked. He wants you to do it so that you'll do exactly as he says to get to the Xbox. He finds pleasure in your subservience and your pain. Don't do it. Don't dig up the tree, don't even ask about the tree. Pretend it doesn't exist. Just ignore the fact that you have an Xbox and it'll drive him insane. Not giving him what he wants will give him a taste of his own medicine. Truthfully sweetie, not only does this man seem to be a technophobe, but a domineering asshole. It also seems that your sister is his favorite. It happens with EVERY parent. He's probably torturing you because your a male like him so he's using you as an outlet of what he thinks he deserves or what punishment he got from your grandfather (just a theory, it's a generational thing). The fact that your mother is subservient to your father proves this. He's probably ether violent or mentally aggressive over her. Tell someone about it. This should not go on any longer. This is legally unallowed and punishable by court of law. I'm serious. Find a teacher or another adult you can trust wholly and get them to take action about this. Everything in this thread is solid grounds for legal action. Take it from someone who had her run-arounds in these kinds of cases, from myself to others.
  13. Dude, I forgot about Tropius D: Tropius is awesome Not really good in battle but an awesome field pokemon. Fly, sweet scent, cut, etc. It's great for just moving about the game, and especially for catching pokemon. Sits with Syther/Sizzor with it's False swipe ability for catching pokemon :3 Man, Sweet scent is a godsend in places like Lost Cave when you're looking for Misdreavus @___@ AND IT'S A BANANA PALM. YOU CAN'T BEAT THAT SHIT. @Enkidu: NO. IT IS EVIL. WHY DOES IT EXIST? WHYYYYYY~?
  14. I will point out that all arguments stated on this thread is why I watch subs and why you should too. Sadly, subs of pokemon are hard to come by @DeadPool: I have all of the movies on my computer. 4-11 are subbed, though, you ok with that?
  15. I actually didn't know an unlimited upload code existed do you still have it by chance for D/P? It's not on the official list
  16. I CONQUER. lulz. Uuuuuuh... I like, never use Grass. EVER. So.... *looks up list* Celebi, then Shaymin probably. Although I like Sunkern -> Sunflora sheerly for the lulz. It was the only pokemon in gen II that had like, no purpose. It STILL doesn't It's just THERE. I do like Sunflora of MD2 since she's insanely giddy and whatnot and the only female main character in the game Plus, she's as spastic as me I will tell the worst pokemon EVER: Ludicolo. See: example. NO. NONONONONONONO NO. EPIC FAIL. DO NOT WANT. IT IS A LIVING PINEAPPLE AND IT SHOULD NOT BE.
  17. UPDATE: I've now finally made working .savs of my flash carts! So, Anyone who has pokemon that needs to be traded for this project, I've got my backup systems running. My Diamond FC is 467-8658-9614. I'll be home and up far into the night today and tomorrow. PM and set a date for a trade. Try to do it soon. My semesters almost over, witch means exams and final grades, and I know Guested wants this done as soon as possible, so try to set a date with me, k? I'll bring pizza and wine ^_~*
  18. XDD Heh.
  19. I didn't say I was new, now did I? WELL, THAT WAS THE POINT 8|
  20. @Guardna: Heh, I have Diamond, can't afford Pearl! Heh, thanks :3 @Kaarosu: DOOOOOO EEEEEET. @Zengetsu: Indeed! Thanks guys :DDD
  21. 1. Tyranitar. 2. Umbreon 3. Darkrai Tyranitar is actually my 4th all-time favorite. Behind Mewtwo, Lugia, and Feraligatr I got my first Larvitar, Lubi, at the end of Gold and ran around like a little retard finishing the game until it was 100%. *sigh* 2ng Gen loyalist ^^;;
  22. Well technically there are give secret base items/goods codes for DPPt, so maybe it runs through that string of code ? Idk ^^;; It is a nice resource to add to pokesav/pokemod though. I guess Nintendo is trying to keep things refreshing? Not like I'm EVER in my secret base anyways, but still, it's nice to see them do something different :3
  23. Thirded. When My TTDS was a dud they confirmed a replacement and shipped it the next day. The replacement they sent has never failed me :DDD They even let me keep the old one, saying "I hope you find a use for it" :33~<3 The shipping was a bitch, but that's because it ships directly from China, straight from the manufacturer. Actually, the offer is still there if you want to look at it
  24. Heh. we discussed this on the old forums :3 And PS: Fenzo, did you possibly get more pokemon updated from the old list? I'm still working on getting My ROM backed up, but if you did, could you give me the updated list, I should be able to work on it :33 (I also have a legit Raioku running around like a mad chicken that I can add. If I can catch his ass >|)
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