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Everything posted by EmperorDragon

  1. While You Were Gone - Blaze Bayley
  2. Serpent Hearted Man - Blaze Bayley
  3. I bloody love old school rock and metal. I find bands formed in the last 20 years generally suck (MCR = faecal matter) but there are a few exceptions (DragonForce, Disturbed). Don't like alternative, emo, metalcore, etc. Do like: Iron Maiden Helloween Judas Priest Iced Earth Black Sabbath Motorhead Saxon You get the idea.
  4. The Wit'ch series by James Clemens - I love fantasy fiction. The Odyssey by Homer - classic Greek epic. Recently started reading Terry Pratchett's Discworld series (something I've been meaning to do for ages but never got round to). Starting with The Light Fantastic, only a few pages in but I'm really enjoying it so far.
  5. Awesome, thanks. I appreciate the help.
  6. I've used it before so I've done all that. Its just today it kept freezing and I wanted to order the game today if I could run it but nevermind. Its late now, I'lll try it again tomorrow. Thanks
  7. I already tried that, it kept freezing. I can give it another go I suppose. EDIT Still no luck, it froze again.
  8. I've checked all the specs and I meet all the minimum requirements but I don't understand the video cards. The minimum specs say I need NVIDIA® Geforce™ 6600 or better or ATI® Radeon® 9800Pro or better. I have an ATI Radeon HD 3670. So will it work? Thanks.
  9. This being the speculation thread people are going to realise that everything said here is just speculation not fact and so should not really get confused. I never had a GBA so don't know how they did things in FRLG but I think Klaatu has a good theory.
  10. First ever was Mewtwo on Red. Don't currently have any that aren't hacked.
  11. Mine was a Golbat on either Gold or Crystal. Can't remember what happened but I think I killed it. Currently on Plat I have a shiny Ditto, Golem and Torchic.
  12. Magmortar, Electrivire and Rhyperior among others. Magmar, Electabuzz and Rhydon are very cool pokemon but their new evolutions just look fat and stupid to me.
  13. Dragonite. One of my all time fave pokemon.
  14. Probably Totodile for two reasons. I picked Cyndaquil in the original Gold and Chikorita in Crystal, never had Silver so never picked Totodile. Also I used to like Chikorita more than the others but my preference has since changed to Totodile.
  15. Hey, been using this site for a while but never looked at the forums before.
  16. I find it highly unlikely these are new pokemon. We're too far off the next generation of games. I think it more likely new pokemon would be released during the film/anime series that immediately precedes a new generation, in this case the HGSS film(s)/anime if they get made. This pattern goes back to Lugia in the 2nd movie (last movie before release of generation II), Latias and Latios in the 5th movie (last movie before geneartion III), and Lucario and Manaphy in the last two movies of generation III. I like the idea of different Arceus formes. Discovering a room in the game where Arceus can change forme could be the story behind the screenshots of the player with Arceus and Cynthia. Also, since Giratina has two formes it could be probable that Palkia and Dialga also have another forme each.
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