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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. Well, is bobo a slang/slur in any language? PKHeX uses the 3DS' word filter, and is flagging things that would cause issues online.
  2. Seek a sysbot to trade you the files. Also, not having a hacked switch and saying you played LGPE on an emulator...
  3. Probably illegal as per the other values like Height & Weight.
  4. For Gen1/2 games, Japanese games cannot trade with International games (English, German, etc). The data formats are not compatible, hence the error message.
  5. As mentioned in the guide: > A full up to date list is available by reading the source code (BatchEditor.cs, ProcessPKM method). You can search for what each property is and how it is used in context of other properties. Searching the code for the property also works.
  6. Thanks, fixed in latest commits: https://github.com/kwsch/PKHeX/commit/dd4c2a349c0f1a0d8002f2c7f8973dd30227f59f
  7. Shininess is derived from PID, TID, and SID. If you change one of the 3, it may no longer be shiny depending on how the calculation xor changes. As theSLAYER already told you, you can change things so that the TID and SID keep it shiny, but the TID and SID have to have the same xor as the previous shiny TID / SID. I suggest that you educate yourself on what determines shininess so that you can make the edits you want. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Personality_value#Shininess
  8. If only there was a batch editor that can set the DprFlagInvalid value to false for everything...
  9. No, you suck at faking data. Re-read what theSLAYER told you that a Shiny Dynamax Adventures Moltres must have. Legality is complicated, and you can't just make things shiny arbitrarily and expect them to be legal. There are restrictions to what kind of shiny it may be. Search around for dynamax adventure shinies; your question is not new.
  10. 1. Exporting a backup is not the same as exporting your modified save data. Export your save via the "File" menu at the top left. 2. You moved the file from where you originally loaded it from, so it was not able to copy the data from the path it loaded from. 3. Not using the latest release
  11. PKHeX was updated >12 hours ago with BDSP v1.2 support.
  12. BDSP just updated with a new patch 24 hours ago. The 2022/02/14 version of PKHeX does not support the revised save file format, because how can it predict future savedata formats? Wait until support is added.
  13. 22.02.04 is not the latest release; this has already been fixed and is available in the latest release. Please download 22.02.14, should be fine with that version of the program.
  14. Please upload the save file. This is likely due to it not being a complete save file (enough progress?) -- can't tell without trying to debug it on my end.
  15. Load your save file. How do you expect to edit your save file if the program has not opened your save file to edit? It's telling you at the top it's "Blank Save File", which isn't your trainer data.
  16. PKHeX does not know if you're playing a ROM hack that altered base stats. Volt White is a ROM hack. Just edit them and place them into your box, and let the game calculate the corresponding stats for you.
  17. Many species are not available in-game without the DLC. Just like you dumped your ROM, dump the latest patch. Don't play on an unpatched game and expect patch content to be present.
  18. So is it impossible to search for a IV spread yourself using the above referenced tool ? Enter in your desired IV criteria on the left.
  19. Read the changelog. Latest update now calculates the Height & Weight perfectly, so it's more strict on edited values. Anything modified in the PKM Editor pane could have had its Height & Weight altered. Fixed on latest commit (after the 2/14 release..)
  20. Can turn off the "update dex" setting in the SlotWrite tab. It normally updates the pokedex/etc in the event you change species via a batch command.
  21. By opening the Pokedex editor in the list of available SAV editor buttons? It's accessible in 2 clicks.
  22. Try it and see. The source code is also public, and should be linked in the Batch Editor guide somewhere.
  23. It's another $suggestAll/$suggestNone/$suggest custom property like the others that have "suggest" enabled.
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