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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Right, so I don't have to bother hatching them "just to be sure" then? If it isn't ticked shiny, it isn't going to be when it hatches?

    Speaking of PokeGen, can I open a .sav file with it, or does it only take .pkms? I've never used it so I wouldn't know.

    PokeGen can open save files, open PKM files, and can create pkm files without having a sav loaded.

    You don't have to hatch it just to be sure, if it says shiny it's going to be shiny unless you trade it to a different ID/SID game.

  2. Not currently.

    For now you should take a look at the threads around here (like this one) to make sure you have the right ability set. I don't know of a resource that lists them out properly (this might be right, but jp).

    It'll be added in the next version of PokeGen.

    There is no relation between PID, IVs, and Nature. Modifying existing Pokemon with the correct ability is your best bet.

  3. Take the PID you gave him (which is in decimal). Convert it to hex. Look at the 4th halfbyte.


    Convert to binary. Lowest bit is the ability. Change it to the opposite binary, then piece back together your PID.


    Decimal PID: 3735927486


    4th halfbyte: D

    In binary: 1101

    What I want: 1100 © or 1110 (E)

    Corrected PID hex: DEACBABE

    Corrected PID dec: 3735861950

    This will be corrected in the next version of PokeGen. PokeSav will never have it corrected :)

    Sites usually list the abilities of the Pokemon as the 0 ability and 1 ability (1st and 2nd ability). With that you can pick which bit you want!

  4. 0x42 = 01

    Then if you have the valid DW ability, it will be legal.

    Don't generate 4th gen PIDs. There is no PID/IV/Nature correlation, all you will be changing is the PID-Ability correlation.

    Intimidate and Sand Rush.

    0 and 1.

    Your 4th gen PID was: 3E4B57A4... (B) = 1011, so it must have Ability 1 (Sand Rush). Not what you want.

    Your Correct 5th gen PID would be: 3E4C57A4..... aka 1045190564.

  5. Would anyone please check out my Palkia. It is coming up as hacked/unkknown in legality checker, but I caught this pokemon


    Thank you for your time.

    You didn't catch it legally, that's for sure. It doesn't have an IVPID correlation, so you tampered with the pkm/game at some point. Use PokeGen's first PID method.

  6. Hey kaphotics, I believe you can convert BW files, right? If so, can you convert a handful for me? Things like female Drought vulpix, female regeneration tangela, and adaptability corphish, as well as others. Also, can you convert some of the cobalion/terrakion/virizion files for me? And Landorus? I know it's a lot to ask for, but I can't find anyone else to do it for me, and the DW pokes may be worth it.

    Don't know where you got that from ;)


  7. Hi, I'm trying to get my head around legality, and I was wondering if someone could check this Garchomp? I'm a little confused about the Hometown bit of the Pokesav. Do you set it to the game the species is native to? I also don't really understand the IDs. If you click INPUT OWN ID and INPUT OWN OT will that then be safe?

    I'm using the v0.06 Pokesav for B/W by the way.

    Incorrect Party PKM size. It's 220B instead of 236B. PokeSav won't be fixed, so you'll have incorrect PKMs to begin with :P

    If you shifted it, it'll crash legal because it's not a 4th gen pkm!

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