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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. A few days ago, along with MYTSRY, Negai Boshi and WISHMKR/Agetos, it was posted on the other thread about DOEL and SPACE C not being able to be shiny. I don't see that anymore

    Yeah, it's still the case. From the way it looks, no gen 3 event can be shiny.

    Based on WISHMKR generation via checksums, it appears as if Jirachi can occupy all of the 0-FFFF seeds, except the shiny ones!

  2. Hmmm, what kind of Bugs ?? Can you tell me ?? Where is the Bugs for this ??

    Btw is it the Pokeshifter that Kazo made ??

    yes, it's in the bw trash bytes thread. If you don't care about legality you'd be fine. The program has to be redone anyways.

  3. I got the similiar quetions on this, so i think i will just post some reply in this thread, instead of creating a new thread
    So, here's the situations :
    I have some Pokemon from my Gen4 Rom, since it is a Rom, i can't use the Poke Shifter to transfer the to B/W. 
    How do I Transfer them over ??  

    pokeshift.exe, it has some bugs though

    Really need help for this. 
    Is there any threads regarding the guide for it ??  


    And then, does the Generation 4's PID will be RE-Genareted when it is transfered to the Pokemon B/W Games ?? Or it will remain the same ??

    remains the same

  4. Haha, why? I haven't looked into it at all but I highly doubt it's that impractical.

    It'd be like creating and running a Private Server for those MMORPG games, it'd be super hard to get the internal files and keep up to date. It just wouldn't be worth it, considering we can inject any Pokemon we wish into the Entralink Forest.

  5. PID[D]: 1665863463

    PID[H]: 634B0F27

    PID: 1100011010010110000111100100111

    Ability 1.

    You gave it ability 0.

    Give it this PID: 1665797927

    It should then work with your wanted ability.


    For anyone else wanting to have correct abilities:

    Convert the PID to hex.

    Take the xxxXyyyy (Capital X)

    Convert to binary. The lowest bit will be the legal ability for that PID.

    This only applies for Pokemon that originated in gen 5, not in previous games.

  6. Narrow the rejected Pokemon down on your own by swapping them with legit ones to find the problem pokemon(s).

    I'm not sure if PokeGen has the 5th gen ability calculation in it, but if you create your pokemon correctly with the right ability you shouldn't get blocked.

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