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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Alter the Bits

    8 7 x x 4 3 x x

    The x's determine something else, so you can't really tamper with them. The way the calc works is that the values are somewhat linearly scaling.

     0-10 -- 0
    11-20 -- 1
    21-30 -- 2
    31-40 -- 3
    41-51 -- 4
    52-61 -- 5
    62-71 -- 6
    72-81 -- 7
    82-92 -- 8
    93-102 -- 9
    103-112 -- 10
    113-122 -- 11
    123-133 -- 12
    134-143 -- 13
    144-153 -- 14
    154-163 -- 15
    164-174 -- 16
    175-184 -- 17
    185-194 -- 18
    195-204 -- 19
    205-214 -- 20
    216-225 -- 21
    226-235 -- 22
    236-245 -- 23
    246-255 -- 24

    2^4 is 16, but you also have the doublet (11) female (and male 00?) gender, so there should be enough variance to get every combo possible for each nature.

  2. Also, setting it to 255 makes all IV's 31. (Just tested)

    On the middle values, you might have it misplaced. I did difficulty value 151, which gave me 18 IV's. So, 151 is 1001011. 18 is 10010. It would appear that the IV number is only the first five.

    151's implication contradicts 250's result.

    250 would then yield the same as 255, so it's a wee bit more complex than I initially thought :)

    255 = 31/31/31/31/31/31 -- [u]11111[/u]111 or 1[u]11111[/u]11
    250 = 30/30/30/30/30/30 -- 1[u]11110[/u]10
    151 = 18/18/18/18/18/18 -- [u]10010[/u]111
     0 =  0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 -- 0[u]00000[/u]00 -- Assuming this is the case.
    5 bits for IVs
    31 -- 11111
    30 -- 11110
    18 -- 10010
    0 -- 00000

    The first bit could be a pad? If 0 use 76543, if 1 use 87654. Idk lol it's the only explanation I currently have.


    So bits 3 and 4 help define nature... but there's only 4 possible combos with just them! Must be more to it, gonna try to make this work... 7 and 8 probably help as well.

    0 = Hardy

    1 = Lonely

    2 = Brave

    3 = Adamant

    4 = Naughty

    5 = Bold

    6 = Docile -- 00110

    7 = Relaxed

    8 = Impish

    9 = Lax

    10 = Timid -- 01010

    11 = Hasty

    12 = Serious

    13 = Jolly

    14 = Naive

    15 = Modest

    16 = Mild

    17 = Quiet

    18 = Bashful

    19 = Rash

    20 = Calm

    21 = Gentle

    22 = Sassy

    23 = Careful

    24 = Quirky

    What I'm thinking:

    62*25 = 1550 = [0011000001110]

    0011000001110 >> (8 bits) = 00110 = 6 (Docile).

    This is a calc used in this gen's RNG for a wild Pokemon's nature. It returns a 0-24 value (nature!)

    Might be the calc?

  3. Just tested. Set a Whirlipede to 250 difficulty and has 30 in all IV's.

    Yeah, it definitely controls IVs. Looks like it can't define each one individually. (You'd need 5 bits per IV lol, which is 30 and we have 8!)

    255 = 31/31/31/31/31/31 -- 1[u]11111[/u]11
    250 = 30/30/30/30/30/30 -- 1[u]11110[/u]10
     0 =  0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/ 0 -- 0[u]00000[/u]00 -- Assuming this is the case.
    5 bits for IVs (76543)
    31 -- 11111
    30 -- 11110
    0 -- 00000

    Just trying to do some pattern recognition!

  4. Not sure about EV's, but IV's are definitely set by the "Difficulty" value IIRC.

    250 is really close to 255 (FF, screaming bitflags again!), if someone can catch the trainer's mons and report the IVs (if they stick).

    250 = 11111010

    For a slow Cofagrigus, it'd have a max everything except speed.

    Uppermost bits might be the IV max/min toggle, HP/A/D/SA/SD/Sp. Sp being untoggled, zero! No clue what those lowest 2 are for (smarts?) Just theorizing.

    Seeing a Chandelure with the same 250, it might not be in that exact order after all.

  5. Looking at these unknowns, it screams bit flags. How so?

    5th and 6th bits - Ability
    16 - Ability 1 -- 010000
    32 - Ability 2 -- 100000
    48 - Ability 3 -- 110000  (Dream World)
    Both being 0 would result in an unset (random???) ability. Untested!

    1st and 2nd bits - Gender
    1 -   Male - 01
    2 - Female - 10
    Both being 0/1 would result in an unset (random???) gender. 
    87 (11) is female. Is 00 male?

    Combining these...

    34 - 100010 -- Ability 2 and Female
    Cursed body female Jellicent as reported by Abacus
    87 - 1010111 -- Ability 1, Female. It has a 7th bit, no clue what that does!

    1,2,5,6 bits explained. I haven't fiddled with this thing at all (just observing from afar) -- So I ask you all this:

    Would IVs and EVs be set by these different bits? Max or Zero, or Max, 20, 0 or random??


  6. how about the check sum ?? is it really buggy for the checksum ??

    i can't compare any pokemon (the official transfer and program transfer) since i don't have any access to official transfer :)

    btw is the checksum bugs only messes with the hatched pokes ?? or also the events and caught checksum ??

    Ohh, another thing

    About the Egg Met Bugs in Pokegen, i only need to retransfer the Egg Hatched Pokemon only right ??

    Then there's no problem with Events and Caught Pokemon right ??

    For those reading, this has been fixed in the latest version.

    It's been fixed in PokeGen.

  7. :S is not a reliable source? :S in my opinion if i got an original Pokemon from any event in a trade and i am sure of there originally and it is a realiable person...ummm why not?

    no everybody can get a magazine to get 1 of those events and we only wait for a decent contributor to get one!

    if you tell me you have it all but you want to keep it to yourself fine but dont deleted the others contributions!:\

    People who say they are reliable without any proof have the chance of being unreliable with hacks. We'd just prefer if someone received them directly from their dream world.

    A lot of those magazine ones you find in trades are hacks, because there are so few to go around (outside of Japanese players)

  8. Enter the address sendpkm.py gives you as the Primary and Secondary DNS. You won't connect to Nintendo, you'd only attempt to connect to yourself. If you can't connect to the GTS, it's a problem on your end :D

  9. But I got something to ask... Like when you make a (Pokétransfer) Pokémon..... Should the PID follow the rules of the previous Gen (nature included)? :/ Cuz since it was "transferred" shouldn't it keep the 4th Gen PID?

    PID doesn't change, the nature gets stored in 0x41 upon transferring.

    Basically the game stops looking at the PID to calculate nature, it's stored in a simpler location.

  10. Those hex guides were for Codr so that he could implement them in PokeGen so you don't have to worry about them.

    IIRC, when you make a Dream World ability Pokemon, the 0x42 is set for you so you don't have to modify it.

    Again, it's just documentation and is handled by PokeGen.

  11. well, i like the pokecgear program but where do you find the C-gear skins at, i have looked through google twice now, and hell i had to recover my password here to just login and ask the community >__>

    cant insert them in pokestock, it's bugged.

    C-Gear skin exchange thread.

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